UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Who owns the sky?
13-05-2006 16:03
Meeting - Thursday 18th May, International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road, at 7.30pm. The idea of trading in rights to emit greenhouse gases is now rapidly gaining hold as the main response of governments to global climate change. Yet most people don't understand what is often loosely called "carbon trading" - or are not aware that it is taking place at all ......if you are one of these people then come along to this meetingNo Widening M1 - Public Meeting
13-05-2006 11:34

meeting on Thursday 18th May, 7.15, Central United Reformed Street. Norfolk Street, Sheffield.
DU Weapons Special Tonight - Listen Live
12-05-2006 21:52
Tonight, Friday, May 12 200611 PM - 12 AM - EASTERN -
DU Special In Review and World Wide Reaction -
Oxford Campaign Against Climate Change Meeting
12-05-2006 16:30
Oxford Campaign Against Climate Change Open Organising MeetingClimate Change Speaker Series event
11-05-2006 16:03
COIN's Speaker Series returns with an event on climate justice - 'will climate change destroy any hope of equality for the worlds poorest people?'. Andrew Simms of NEF and Maria Adebowale of Capacity Global speak at Ruskin College, Thursday 18th May, 7-9 pm. Entry £3/£2.Against the Greenscare @ the Common Place
11-05-2006 14:29
Sat 10th June 7pm till late... Benefit dinner, bands, DJ'sBenefit dinner will be served at 7pm, followed by a short film about Jeff ‘Free’ Luers, then bands including ‘The Unpleasants’ and ‘7 hertz’ (tbc) and DJ’s till late. There will be books and info availble throughout the night.
Motor vehicle firms choke up for new anti-gassing campaign
11-05-2006 08:28

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Halliburton solves global warming
10-05-2006 20:53
Press release from Halliburton Contracts.SurvivaBalls save managers from abrupt climate change
Uranium Weapons Exposed - The X Zone - Listen Live Tonight - a MUST HEAR
10-05-2006 15:08
"The American Revolution on Uranium Weapons willBring Down this obscene Government. They all have
to go. Are you ready?" - Bob Nichols
monthly Climate Camp organising meeting this weekend in Bristol
10-05-2006 14:30

Clever Pranksters attack transport giant and bus fare hikes
10-05-2006 11:26

Climate Camp Planning Meeting
10-05-2006 10:30
Tuesday 16th May, at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham. For directions see
Sharp Hill Woods: Response to RBC’s rejection of the inspectors recommendation.
09-05-2006 01:47

Protesters want moor car park plan inquiry
08-05-2006 19:12
Today's Yokshire Evening Post has a story about Leeds City Council's latest 'con-sultation' fraud - this time on the totally bonkers idea of building a car park on Woodhouse Moor using a 'Parks Renaissance fund'.Climate Camp - London info/planning night @ the Square
07-05-2006 22:56
*From the London area and thinking of going to the Climate Camp this summer?* London Rising Tide is hosting an open meeting at 7.30 PM on May 23rd for people who want to find out more about the camp, and discuss the idea of a London neighbourhood or barrio.Sharp Hill Wood musical protest, Market Sq :: The pictures
07-05-2006 21:56