UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Probe into 'bullying' of GM panel scientists
26-08-2003 18:56
Some of Britain's most senior scientists are being investigated in an inquiry to discover whether opponents of genetically modified food have been bullied to soften their stance.London Critical Mass! This Friday August 29th!
26-08-2003 18:33
This Friday 6:60pm London South Bank, skate, bike, pogo stick around the capital!!! GOOOOO ON!Asbestos in Oxford Council Flats
26-08-2003 15:39
Oxford Council tenants have been exposed to potentially deadly asbestos. And it's not the first time...Queer Rights - Animal Rights
24-08-2003 23:52

Bilston Glen Anti Bypass Film
24-08-2003 18:01
Since the 12th of June 2002 Bilston Glen has been occupied & fortified by an ever expanding group of environmental activists.FAIRFORD ACTIVISTS IN YOUR COURT
22-08-2003 18:25
Two of the activists carrying disarmament tools arrested by armed Ghurkas inside USAF Fairford during the war, will appear in Cheltenham Court this week.Environmentalists Angry at Daily Post and Echo’s ‘Fight for a Flight’ Campaign.
21-08-2003 20:45

Coulport-News, 15.08.2003
19-08-2003 12:36

Benefit this Thursday
19-08-2003 09:37
Benefit this Thursday, Spitz, Commercial Rd nr Liverpool St - Paradox's prose poetry is especially recommended.Help Big Oil! Join Anti-Smoking Crusade.
19-08-2003 00:23
By ignoring Big Oil's tobacco pesticide residues in typical cigarettes...the plant (tobacco) is allowed to take the fall. Other corporate criminals benefit as well. AND...Big Cig, the ostensible target, gets off easy. If you like cannabis prohibition, you'll love the tobacco version.The Big green gathering
18-08-2003 13:31
Ive been waiting to see some news on the the Big green gathering, so i though i might write some...Support Direct Action against GM
14-08-2003 01:33
www.greengloves.orgAfter five years of massive public opposition to GM and a nationwide public debate, Tony Blair will decide in October whether to allow commercial growing of GM crops.
Coulport News 11.08.2003
12-08-2003 10:58

GM & Bio-weapons in the post-Genomics Era
11-08-2003 22:59
this is it... the shit is IN the fan...Rising Tide Hits London
11-08-2003 14:44
Rising Tide and London Rising Tide took to the streets and offices of London today in protest at the continuing climate crimes perpetrated by large corporations in their lust for fossil fuel profits. A specific target was the World bank whose involvement with the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan piepline (through the IFC) is just the lastest environmental crime from which it hopes to profit.Archaeology and Olympics 2004
11-08-2003 14:28

Article by dr. Dorothy King at the archaeological magazine Minerva and related stories.
TV news features climate change denier
11-08-2003 13:59
TV news on all channels in the last couple of days has featured interviews with Weather Action, the work of one man who thinks that global warming is natural.Sahara soaks while Europe Sizzles...
10-08-2003 21:18