UK Ecology Newswire Archive
SHAC sentencing and festering hypocrisy
16-01-2009 11:59
It is one thing to condemn direct action which may be illegal. It is quite another to cherry pick certain causes, condone direct action whilst condemning others or using the same tactics.Full article | 5 additions | 11 comments
Climate Activists smash windows at The Department for Transport
16-01-2009 07:49

Transport early this morning in protest against the government's
decision to expand Heathrow.
Renewables Grants monopolised by British Gas
15-01-2009 14:01
Shocked to find that the renewable energy 'green' grants for charities, public and non-profit sectors are being monopolised by British Gas and E.ON. Most schools and charities have not even heard about the scheme - and these companies have an interest in keeping it quiet...E-on Nottingham 'Fossil Fools' protest: prosecution offers no evidence
15-01-2009 13:04

Clay Plaster workshop at Ecoworks Community Garden
14-01-2009 22:04

Direct Action; Canada, Italy, Mexico, USA & Peru
14-01-2009 19:56
Walk to Stop Mountain Top Removal
14-01-2009 14:58
On February 14th at 6:30pm at the Friends Meeting House Lexington KY there will be a pot luck dinner and a program "Why we walk".Prince Andrew promoting nuclear power
14-01-2009 13:29
As if it isn't bad enough that Gordon Brown's brother Andrew is the UK media chief for 85% French state-owned energy giant EDF (Energy), it seems the royal connection is now needed to convince us that we need more toxic nuclear white elephants.Greenpeace giving away land at Heathrow - get yours while it's hot!
14-01-2009 11:27
Greenpeace have bought a chunk of land in the middle of the proposed third runway site at Heathrow. Now they're giving it away, bit by bit.Protests against beginning Airport extension in Frankfurt/Germany
13-01-2009 21:22
+++The Owner of the Frankfurt Airport, Fraport, started today the extension of the airport to build a new runway+++woodcamp still exists+++more than a hundred people on a spontaneous demonstration in the woodEx-oil exec's luxury home burned down by molotovs
13-01-2009 18:22

Plans for the new Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre
13-01-2009 17:45
The public consultation for the new visitor centre has begun and ends 23rd Jan. This is a fantastic chance to make the new visitor centre a showcase for low impact sustainable design.Please get involved and make sure your ideas get heard.

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Northern Climate Rush at Manchester Airport
13-01-2009 14:12
While 500 protesters occupied the domestic departure lounge at Heathrow airport at 7pm on Monday 12th Jan, others tried a simultaneous occupation at Manchester airport....Climate Rush Heathrow images, 12.01.09
13-01-2009 02:24

The protesters, many of them students, dressed in period Edwardian costume, reminiscent of the Sufragettes. 'Climate Rush' are demanding that the UK government sticks to its promises on climate change - an issue that will affect us all - before it is too late.
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Christians join climate protest at Heathrow airport
12-01-2009 18:12
Christians, including Christian Ecology Link, will be amongst those taking part in a 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow airport today. Climate Rush is inspired by the actions of the Suffragettes 100 years ago, who showed that peaceful civil disobedience could inspire positive change. It aims to raise awareness and challenge the Government over climate change.ARTPORT to redefine domestic departures lounge
12-01-2009 17:27
ARTPORT is working in collaboration with the Climate Rush for a Dinner at Domestic Departures, Heathrow, at 7pm on the 12th January 2009A project set up to harness the power of art and imagination to help stabilise the climate.
We are looking to find individuals and artists who are passionate about producing ideas and actions focused on and directed at treating the enormous challenges of climate change.
22 Of The Ways The Wars Against Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan Harm Animals
12-01-2009 14:20
The Israeli regime has bulldozed a zoo in Gaza, crushing the animals, has shot donkeys and dogs at checkpoints, allowed thousands of animals aboard embargoed ships to die of thirst, has bombed oil facilitiescausing oil pollution which suffocated untold numbers of marine mammals, sea birds, and fishes,
has burned animals with bombs and missiles
Climate Rush targets Heathrow and Manchester airport on the 12 January 2009
12-01-2009 09:53
This week the government is expected to give the go ahead for the third runway at Heathrow. The pressure group 'Climate Rush' have announced a sit-down 'dinner' at the Departures Gate of Terminal One in Heathrow Airport on Monday 12th. The Climate Rush dinner will begin at 7pm and is expected to last several hours. At the same time Manchester airports Domestic Departures (Terminal 3) will also be targeted. BAA has been preparing for the protests by sending threatening letters to people who've said they'll attend.'The Climate Rush' held their first protest last October (13th October). Taking their inspiration from the Suffragettes they mounted a 'rush' on Parliament. Over 800 women, men and children, some in Edwardian costume, all with red climate sashes, rushed the Houses of Parliament. The doors were slammed shut, Parliament was forced to close for an hour and the shouts of 'Deeds not Words' was heard throughout the Palaces of Westminster.
Related Links: Climate Rush Heathrow | Northern Climate Rush | Directions to Heathrow | FAQs | Artport |
Related articles: Climate Rush Media coverage | Parliament Rushed | Suffragettes interrupt the Energy Minister in preparation for the Climate Rush | Parliament statues get sashed | invitation to Ed Miliband | Klimax members storm a municipal city council | Third Runway Article, Telegraph | Party at Heathrow, Guardian | Heathrow Blockade, Times | Protesters Plot, Evening Standard | Caroline Lucas, Guardian | Protesters to close Heathrow |
Video and photos: Parliament Rush Photos | Climate Rush Photos | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Caroline Lucas speech | Rush Invite
|Rockwool factory destroying beautiful area in Croatia
11-01-2009 12:22

Earth First! Winter Moot - updates on agenda & more - 6-8th February 2009
10-01-2009 02:29
The Earth First! Winter moot is an opportunity for people who feel affiliation with the ideas behind Earth First! to network, discuss and reflect on the ecological direct action movement and to plan for the future. In contrast with the yearly EF! Summer Gathering, which is held outside for around five days, the winter moot is a shorter weekend meeting, inside, less aimed at skill sharing and more at looking where we are at as movement and where we want to be going.