Walk to Stop Mountain Top Removal
peacehq | 14.01.2009 14:58 | Ecology | World
On February 14th at 6:30pm at the Friends Meeting House Lexington KY there will be a pot luck dinner and a program "Why we walk".
A "Walk to Stop Mountain Top Removal" will take place on February 14th 15th 16th and 17th 2009.
On February 14th at 6:30pm at the Friends Meeting House Lexington KY there will be a pot luck dinner and a program "Why we walk". We will start walking on the morning of February 15th starting at Triangle Park 9:00am in Lexington Kentucky.
On day 1, February 15th, the walk will start at Triangle Park Lexington Kentucky and end at Versailles Kentucky.
On day 2, February 16th, the walk will leave Versailles Kentucky and end at Frankfort Kentucky.
On day 3, February, 17th from a spot not yet decided in Frankfort we will walk to the Capitol Building. This will be a short walk of a matter of blocks.
All are invited to participate in this event.
For more information or if you have any questions please contact either Todd Kelly -
kellynursery@mindspring.com or Jim T -
This event will be the first of its kind for FootPrints For Peace. We hope that all you around the world that have an interest in trying to stop mountain top removal will join us either on the walk or perhaps you could plan your own action in solidarity with us. If you choose to do this please contact us so we can include you in our plans and maybe together we can make a difference!
FootPrints For Peace:
On February 14th at 6:30pm at the Friends Meeting House Lexington KY there will be a pot luck dinner and a program "Why we walk". We will start walking on the morning of February 15th starting at Triangle Park 9:00am in Lexington Kentucky.
On day 1, February 15th, the walk will start at Triangle Park Lexington Kentucky and end at Versailles Kentucky.
On day 2, February 16th, the walk will leave Versailles Kentucky and end at Frankfort Kentucky.
On day 3, February, 17th from a spot not yet decided in Frankfort we will walk to the Capitol Building. This will be a short walk of a matter of blocks.
All are invited to participate in this event.
For more information or if you have any questions please contact either Todd Kelly -

This event will be the first of its kind for FootPrints For Peace. We hope that all you around the world that have an interest in trying to stop mountain top removal will join us either on the walk or perhaps you could plan your own action in solidarity with us. If you choose to do this please contact us so we can include you in our plans and maybe together we can make a difference!
FootPrints For Peace:

