UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Earth First! Winter Moot 2008 - February 22nd – 24th 2008 - Nottingham
15-01-2008 22:49
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Sea Shepherd volunteers 'detained' by Japanese whalers
15-01-2008 16:27
Two Sea Shepherd volunteers have been 'detained' by Japanese whalers. People are being encouraged to contact the Japanese embassy (and copy the Foreign Office into any correspondence) to demand the immediate release of these two activists.URGENT - protestors held hostage by Japanese wailing ship
15-01-2008 15:51
Whilst boarding the Japanese wailing ship to deliver a letter, two protesters from the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irving were kidnapped and held hostage. Benjamin Potts 28, an Australian citizen and Giles Lane, 35, a citizen of Great Britain are being held hostage on board the whaling vessel. Both men were assaulted and then tied to the railings of the whaler. They were then moved and tied to the radar mast by the whalers.WWF : Buy Yourself A New Corporate Image
15-01-2008 14:34

Lydd airport-planning dec deferred.
15-01-2008 13:14
Lydd Airport on remote Romney Marsh, Kent' s expansion plans were further delayed when the CEO of Shepway District Council deferred the planning applications full council meeting (due Jan 30) to a later date....Demo's planned for the 30th are now on hold.
Bonn Square evicted; fight against Westgate continues; Radley Lakes setback
15-01-2008 12:53
Yesterday the Bonn Square tree protest was evicted and the tree cut down. Several protesters were arrested.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
British Sea Shepherd activist held hostage on Japanese whaler
15-01-2008 12:28

Japanese whalers take Sea Shepherds hostage.
15-01-2008 12:09
In what has been an unpredictably dramatic day for the campaign against whaling in Antarctica, the crew of a Japanese harpoon gunboat have seized Australian and British crew mebers of the Sea Shepherd vessel, Steve Irwin.Nuclear power more than doubles child leukaemia risk
15-01-2008 01:47
'The Telegraph' reports that children living within three miles of nuclear power stations are over twice as likely to develop leukaemia than those living further away. The report cites a large study commissioned by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BFS), which found leukaemia clusters among under-fives living near 16 nuclear power stations.Secret nuclear power talks held at Downing Street
15-01-2008 00:43
The Independent reports: "Ministers kept no record – and tried to hide details – of Brown adviser's meetings with energy chiefs. Brown's special adviser met energy chiefs off the record, before new power plants were announced."Clean up of Sellafield nuclear site will cost over £30bn, will take over 100yrs
15-01-2008 00:16
As reported in 'The Independent':"British taxpayers will have to fork out more than £30bn to clean up Sellafield, unpublicised official documents reveal. It is so contaminated that the process will take well over a century and, even then, the site will have to stay under "indefinite institutional control"."
UK Trade Union Climate Change Conference
14-01-2008 19:40
University of London Union, Malet Street, Central London
Photos: Last Bonn Square tree is felled
14-01-2008 19:30

More arrests today at Bonn Square Oxford
14-01-2008 18:47
After Gabriel was arrested earlier today when he came down from his home. When the court case concerning Bonn Square had finished; council workers with chainsaws came to destroy the last remaining tree. Two activists were arrested for aggravated trespass when one climbed onto the wood shredder and the other attempted to free him from the security personnel.International peace walk - London to Geneva through France
14-01-2008 13:56
The nuclear industry threatens us all. Today there is an urgent call for global action to break the cycle of mass destruction.Wealthy Protest Against Siena Airport Expansion
14-01-2008 11:28

Pictures are copyright (C) Peter Marshall, 2008
Activist arrested while trying to give tree protester water
13-01-2008 15:51
An activist is arrested for "on suspicion of littering" while trying to throw Gabriel, the Bonn Square tree protester, some water.Sea Shepherd is Moving In On the Japanese Whaling Fleet
12-01-2008 18:57

Oxford Tree Protest Brings Fences Down
12-01-2008 18:34

March of the penguins: Plane Stupid reclaim the ice
12-01-2008 13:17
10.30am - Around 30 penguins today 'reclaimed the ice' at the Natural History Museum's ice rink in protest at British Airways sponsorship of the museum's annual winter festivities.