UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Bristol vegan fayre '08!
19-01-2008 13:48
The dates have been confirmed for the World’s largest Vegan Event! Sat May 31st and Sunday June 1st are booked for this massive vegan extravaganza in the heart of Bristol by the waterside in the Amphitheatre!Target E-On
19-01-2008 11:51
Protest against E-on, the company behind the Kingsnorth coal fired power station3pm, outside E-On London offices, 100 Pall Mall, nr Trafalgar Square. Protest organised by Revolution, LSE student Greens, supported by Campaign Against Climate Change and Rising. E-on have recently got planning permission from Medway council for a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent and the application is now sitting on Gordon Brown's desk awaiting his approval. The Kingsnorth plant threatens to be the first in a new wave of coal-fired power stations – madness in the light of the escalating climate crisis.
GM Trees Chopped Down in New Zealand
19-01-2008 01:43

DC Protest For Sea Shepherd Hostages Video
18-01-2008 22:10
Yesturday, activists from NYC banded together with activists from Washington D.C. to protest the kidnapping and hostage taking of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society members Giles Lane (UK) and Benjamin Potts (Australia). At the end of yesterday's protest activists received the call: The Sea Shepherd heroes had just been released.L'esercito contro i ribelli di Napoli. Camorra di Stato
18-01-2008 21:10
"Sarà una scelta dolorosa ma inevitabile riaprire la discarica di Pianura se vogliamo togliere i rifiuti nell'interesse dei cittadini di Napoli e di Pianura stessa" (Antonio Bassolino, PD, presidente Regione Campania, ADN Kronos, 11 gennaio)"Ho parlato col Prefetto e lui è dell'idea di riaprire la discarica di Pianura… poi bisognerà trovare altre discariche" (Tommaso Sodano, PRC, presidente commissione ambiente del Senato, Liberazione, 2 gennaio)
Sea Shepherd Hostages Return Back to Steve Irwin
18-01-2008 19:32

Super Heroes!
17-01-2008 20:55

NYC Protest for Sea Shepherd Hostages
17-01-2008 20:38
Activists braved the cold of New York City today to protest yesterday's kidnapping of Giles Lane and Benjamin Potts by an illegal Japanese whaling ship. They were released earlier today to the Ocean Viking (Australia's ship).Whalers Hands Activists Over To Australia's Ship
17-01-2008 19:00
The activists -- Australian Benjamin Potts, 28, and Briton Giles Lane, 35 -- were detained Tuesday after boarding the harpoon ship to protest Japan's whaling programme. They were handed over to Austrialia's 'Ocean Viking' earlier launched within days of Brown’s nuclear announcement
17-01-2008 18:25
Within days of last week's announcement by Gordon Brown in favour of building new nuclear power stations, P.A.W.B (People Against Wylfa-B). have launched a website
Sea Shepherd demo, Barcelona
17-01-2008 17:23

Antarctic Whale Hunt Shut Down + Embassy Demo
17-01-2008 16:34
"All whaling activities have come to a halt," said Captain Paul Watson from onboard the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship Steve Irwin. No whales have been killed since January 11th.Australia to intercede in Safe Return of Sea Shepherd activists
17-01-2008 14:18
After two days being held hostage on the Yushin Maru No 2, two Sea Shepherd anti-whaling activists may be returned within the next day to the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin by the authorisation of the Australian Government to use the Customs and Fisheries patrol vessel Oceanic Viking as an intermediary.Whalers threaten to take activists to Japan
16-01-2008 23:34
"Using hostages to make demands is the hallmark of terrorism and Sea Shepherd has no interest in negotiating with terrorist groups," said Captain Paul Watson. "The hostages must be released unconditionally."Sea Shepherd Solidarity Protest at Japanese Embassy, Berlin
16-01-2008 22:06

Shepherd crew members taken hostage on 15 January by the Japanese
Whaling Fleet.
For updates, see
2007 Was Second Warmest Year on Record ..... Although
16-01-2008 19:03
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has released its report showing last year tied with 1998 as the second warmest year just behind 2005.Coal talk at Sumac - POSTPONED
16-01-2008 17:13
The talk on coal issues, scheduled for weds 16th Jan, is unfortunately postponed, due to illness of the speaker. Apologies.Whalers Make Demands Over Hostages
16-01-2008 02:17
"The Institute of Cetacean Research is acting like a terrorist organization," said Steve Irwin’s 1st Officer Peter Brown. "Here they are taking hostages and making demands. Our policy is that we don’t respond to terrorist demands."Video of Sea Shepherd Activists Taken Hostage
16-01-2008 01:01
The Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru No. 2 has taken two Sea Shepherd volunteer crew members hostage. Benjamin Potts 28, an Australian citizen and Giles Lane, 35, a citizen of Great Britain are being held hostage onboard the whaling vessel. Both men were assaulted and then tied to the railings of the whaler. They were then moved and tied to the radar mast by the whalers.Sea Shepherd considering rescue mission
16-01-2008 00:50
Mr Watson said his crew would consider a rescue mission if the men were not returned to his craft. "It is always a possibility. I mean, we do have a reputation for being aggressive. We are non-violent, we have never injured anybody, but we are certainly not afraid of taking aggressive measures," Mr Watson said.