UK Ecology Newswire Archive
The Fargate Speaker- Autumn Edition online
02-11-2007 12:08

Mainstream Environmental Movement Closes Ranks : Private E-mails
02-11-2007 12:00
Below is a copy of an e-mail and a follow up, sent to the heads of the largest environmental organisations in the USA and (in the follow up) their equivalents in the UK. These e-mails have been met with stony silence - the environmental organisations have closed ranks. I am bringing this into the public realm in order to let the public decide who is right...Solar Panels installed at the Sumac
31-10-2007 20:33

Oil has peaked, prices to soar - Sadad al-Huseini
30-10-2007 23:52
Sadad al-Huseini says that global production has reached its maximum sustainable plateau and that output will start to fall within 15 years, by which time the world’s oil resources will be “very severely depleted”.Build on green belt, says 'independent' Natural England head
29-10-2007 23:12
Natural England chief says green belt land 'should be converted into 'something that adds value'.film of shell wildlife photographer exhibition action yesterday
28-10-2007 22:54

Cycle For Fun With Sneinton Bikers
28-10-2007 18:50

This month that'll be 3rd and 17th November. * More safe cycle routes through Sneinton * Make cycling in Sneinton fun + safe for all * Less cars - more bikes! * Lights & Hi-Viz recommended
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shell wildlife photographer of the year hit by singing protest
27-10-2007 23:01

George Monbiot Talk in Euston, London
26-10-2007 17:18
Campaign against Climate Change"How can we win the race against climate catastrophe ?"
A Public Meeting on Thursday November 8th, at 7.00pm
at the Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London.
Free Vegan Food Fair in Kings Heath, B`ham
26-10-2007 13:27

National Weather Service Wrong in Not Warning the Public about Global Warming
25-10-2007 15:11
Author: Michael T. NeumanAtomic Weapons Establishment planning new warhead facility – Please object!
24-10-2007 18:52
Please write a letter / e-mail to oppose current and future generations of British nuclear weapons (sample letter provided) – DEADLINE FOR PLANNING OBJECTIONS: 9 NOVEMBERDemonstration - Tesco Turtle Slaughter, Liverpool
24-10-2007 11:23

Stick a Fork in Global Warming
23-10-2007 16:51
Research conducted from the mid 90s to 2005by a team from the University of East Anglia
shows that the North Atlantic Ocean is only
absorbing half of the CO2 that it used to.(1)
Another research project from the same University
published in May, 2007 found that the southern
oceans are no longer absorbing CO2 from the
atmosphere. But to make things worse, they
are starting to release it back into the air.(2)
Preston Council Forced Into Barrage Retreat By Ribble Bloggers
23-10-2007 10:56
The Save The Ribble Blog has been pointing out the environmental and social idiocy of Preston City Councils plans to barrage the River Ribble and build thousands of houses in it's floodplain.Now it seems our concerted campaigning and blogging is beginning to pay off as this developer-driven project is taken 'back to the drawing board'.
The Vícam Declaration: “we will defend mother earth with our lives”
22-10-2007 22:30
Reports from the Encuentro of the Indigenous People of América are still coming in. I was hoping to share with you an English version of the Encuentro's "Vícam Declaration," but I've not yet found it available in print...and the task of translating from the audio recording seemed too daunting. So here in its place is a solid piece by Hermann Bellinghausen:Oil Production Peaked in 2006
22-10-2007 22:03
A report from the Energy Watch Group,

Fossil fuels should stay underground
22-10-2007 16:42
Citizens concerned about climate change need to wake up to the fact that we can't afford to rely on scientifically dubious carbon offsetting or sequestration, or on bending over backwards to limit our own emissions in the naive hope that the rest of the world will follow suit. The only safe place for the world's remaining stocks of fossil fuels is to stay where they belong - underground.Community Gardeners Object To Council Eviction
22-10-2007 16:41
At our meeting on Sunday, Common Ground Community Garden Collective agreed that we wanted to make the following points to the public and the media about the eviction of the community garden:Common Ground Community Garden Evicted! For Now....
22-10-2007 16:35
Press Release:Common Ground Squatted Community Garden Evicted - For Now...
Below is an account of the eviction of Common Ground Community Garden. Please e-mail further enquiries to the following e-mail address: katesgrovegraden(AT)