Free Vegan Food Fair in Kings Heath, B`ham
Midlands Vegan Campaigns | 26.10.2007 13:27 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Health | Birmingham
On Saturday 10th November, you can sample a wide range of delicious, healthy, cruelty-free and eco-friendly food, and it`s all FREE!! Whether you`re already seeking to change your diet or just curious to learn why so many people are switching to plant based diets, this is the event for you!!
Sat 10th November ~ Kings Heath ~ 10.30am - 4pm
All Saints Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7RA
(See map & directions here
What you can expect to find at the fair:
# Cookery Demos #
Free Recipes, Health Factsheets & Magazines
# Talks on Vegan Nutrition & Eco-Friendly Diets #
Vegan Tombola
# Variety of Stalls #
Info re Local Vegan Shops, Restaurants & Cafes
# Advice & Support #
# And Masses of Free Vegan Food!! #
We are delighted to announce that the food fair will be opened by Lynne Jones MP. You can watch her cut the ribbon at 10.30am. And there`ll be another special guest at the opening, in the shape of Wendy the Windy Cow! Wendy will tour the country with Animal Aid during November, the UK`s first ever Vegan Month, in order to spread the word that veganism is kinder for your health, the planet and of course animals! After helping Lynne Jones to open the event, Wendy will hand out leaflets in the street to encourage people inside! Later in the afternoon, she`ll invite fair goers to take the Vegan Challenge(go vegan for a day, week or the whole of vegan month). Anyone that takes the challenge will have their photo taken with Wendy and it will be displayed on the Vegan Month website! For more details about Vegan Month, see
All cookery demos and talks will take place in a separate room to the rest of the fair, with seating available for 40 - 50 fair visitors. No booking required, just turn up on the day!
1pm - Cookery Demo - 'Everything you ever wanted to know about Tofu' - Jane Easton, the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation's Food & Cookery Co-ordinator.
1.45pm - Talk/Workshop - 'Being Vegan: Nutritional questions and answers' - Amanda Woodvine, Nutritionist and Senior Health Campaigner for the VVF.
2.30pm - Cookery Demo - 'Going with the Grain' - Jane Easton (see above)
3.15pm - Talk - `Why it`s Green to Go Vegan` - Martin Doyle of Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans
The following campaign groups and organisations will have stalls at the event:
Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) - Probably the world`s biggest vegetarian/vegan campaigning organisation, see
The Vegan Society - The national vegan advocacy group of the UK, who have recently relocated to Birmingham, see
Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans (BVV) - Social and support group, see
Flights Orchard Organics - Organic vegetable box scheme that delivers across the West Midlands, see
Thyme Out - Local health food shop in Kings Heath. (Currently no website)
Birmingham Food Not Bombs - Serves free, vegan food to the hungry, homeless and curious in regular street events, see
Realfood - Grassroots vegan campaigning group, see
Animal Aid - Campaigns peacefully against all animal abuse, and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle, see
We would be delighted to hear from anyone that would like to help make this food fair a success. If you would like to help before the day with publicity such as leafletting round the local area or displaying posters on noticeboards, please contact us. Likewise, if you could help on the day itself with lifting & carrying, setting up tables etc; in the kitchen washing up and serving refreshments; in the hall clearing tables and serving food; or out in the street leafletting passers-by to entice them in, please contact us. Even just an hour or two of your time will help us to help people change their diets for the better!!
For further details and updates please see our website
Sat 10th November ~ Kings Heath ~ 10.30am - 4pm
All Saints Church Hall, Vicarage Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7RA
(See map & directions here

What you can expect to find at the fair:
# Cookery Demos #
Free Recipes, Health Factsheets & Magazines
# Talks on Vegan Nutrition & Eco-Friendly Diets #
Vegan Tombola
# Variety of Stalls #
Info re Local Vegan Shops, Restaurants & Cafes
# Advice & Support #
# And Masses of Free Vegan Food!! #
We are delighted to announce that the food fair will be opened by Lynne Jones MP. You can watch her cut the ribbon at 10.30am. And there`ll be another special guest at the opening, in the shape of Wendy the Windy Cow! Wendy will tour the country with Animal Aid during November, the UK`s first ever Vegan Month, in order to spread the word that veganism is kinder for your health, the planet and of course animals! After helping Lynne Jones to open the event, Wendy will hand out leaflets in the street to encourage people inside! Later in the afternoon, she`ll invite fair goers to take the Vegan Challenge(go vegan for a day, week or the whole of vegan month). Anyone that takes the challenge will have their photo taken with Wendy and it will be displayed on the Vegan Month website! For more details about Vegan Month, see
All cookery demos and talks will take place in a separate room to the rest of the fair, with seating available for 40 - 50 fair visitors. No booking required, just turn up on the day!
1pm - Cookery Demo - 'Everything you ever wanted to know about Tofu' - Jane Easton, the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation's Food & Cookery Co-ordinator.
1.45pm - Talk/Workshop - 'Being Vegan: Nutritional questions and answers' - Amanda Woodvine, Nutritionist and Senior Health Campaigner for the VVF.
2.30pm - Cookery Demo - 'Going with the Grain' - Jane Easton (see above)
3.15pm - Talk - `Why it`s Green to Go Vegan` - Martin Doyle of Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans
The following campaign groups and organisations will have stalls at the event:
Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) - Probably the world`s biggest vegetarian/vegan campaigning organisation, see
The Vegan Society - The national vegan advocacy group of the UK, who have recently relocated to Birmingham, see
Birmingham Vegetarians & Vegans (BVV) - Social and support group, see
Flights Orchard Organics - Organic vegetable box scheme that delivers across the West Midlands, see
Thyme Out - Local health food shop in Kings Heath. (Currently no website)
Birmingham Food Not Bombs - Serves free, vegan food to the hungry, homeless and curious in regular street events, see

Realfood - Grassroots vegan campaigning group, see
Animal Aid - Campaigns peacefully against all animal abuse, and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle, see
We would be delighted to hear from anyone that would like to help make this food fair a success. If you would like to help before the day with publicity such as leafletting round the local area or displaying posters on noticeboards, please contact us. Likewise, if you could help on the day itself with lifting & carrying, setting up tables etc; in the kitchen washing up and serving refreshments; in the hall clearing tables and serving food; or out in the street leafletting passers-by to entice them in, please contact us. Even just an hour or two of your time will help us to help people change their diets for the better!!
For further details and updates please see our website

Midlands Vegan Campaigns