UK Ecology Newswire Archive
Multinational protest in Brussels against doubled nuclear spending
25-03-2007 09:10
The European Union will spend 2,751 million euros on nuclear activities in its research funding from this year until 2013 although at least two member countries, Germany and Sweden, have pledged to drop nuclear power production and another, Austria, has banned it.The nuclear spending in the 7th research programme is double the 1,352 million euros in the previous research budget.
Protesters from Germany, The Netherlands and Russia heard at a demonstration in Brussels, the seat of the EU, that the billions would be better spent on climate protection, energy saving programmes and renewable energies.
Antarctica Melting Faster than Expected
23-03-2007 20:40
A leading Australian marine scientist John Churchin an interview by Michael Byrnes of Rueters told
of his research revealing that "Observations are in
the very upper edge of the projections,"(1)
"I feel that we're getting uncomfortably close to
threshold," said Church. "....the Antarctic Peninsula
is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, and
glaciers are in massive retreat."
A United Nations report by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in February
projected sea level gains of 18-59 centimeters
(7-23 inches) this century from temperature rises
Video of resistance to National Grid pipeline
23-03-2007 18:02

Art Not Oil 2007 gallery stands at 31 items, but we'd like more please...
23-03-2007 15:14

And below the Art Not Oil info, please find a link for Rising Tide North America's current tour with the wildly creative and very inspiring Beehive Collective.
Bo from Art Not Oil/London Rising Tide
International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8.
23-03-2007 11:39
The 8th of June International Day of Action Against has been called by the International Rising Tide Network. This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or local area.I bike MCR bicycle festival and exhibition
23-03-2007 09:50

22/03/07 - Norwegian Embassy/Statoil protest - human rights in Rossport
23-03-2007 01:15

Take Action Against Illegal Tree Felling in Liverpool!
22-03-2007 20:05

Global Warming On The Ropes
22-03-2007 14:00
Hysteria of climate cult begins to look increasingly inane[according to the loons at prisonplanet that is! Please let this repost stand to show people the mindset of that commercial site]
National Grid feeling the pressure as time runs out on giant pipeline project
22-03-2007 13:31

It's Hotting Up
22-03-2007 01:02
A quick update from one of the Spring Into Action attendees.Gagged! 16 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
21-03-2007 23:35
GAGGED! #16 mar/apr 07South Wales Anarchist Newsletter • • PO Box 70, Newport NP20 5XX
Looks best on pdf, download & print!

Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Channel 4 reported on Radley lakes injunctions
21-03-2007 03:07

Geneva Motor Show: Are people who stand up against climate change to be consider
20-03-2007 12:23
Paris, 19 March 2007: For the occasion of the closure day of the Geneva Motor Show, some 10 activists from different organizations were planning to do a small demo at the inside of the Geneva motor show, deploying a banner to point out the hypocrite discourse of the car manufacturers.World Development Movement meeting on Climate Change
20-03-2007 11:29

Out-Flanked: A New War on Terra Arrives with Bush-Lula Ethanol Deal
19-03-2007 22:30
Another Bush Family Energy Empire Now Forming in the Heart Of South AmericaBy Garrett St. James
Special to The Narco News Bulletin
March 19, 2007
LAAG- online pettion against Lydd Apt expansion.
19-03-2007 16:31
Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG). launched an on-line petition against the expansion plans of Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh Kent- Suday 18 March 07.BRECON Pipeline Protest - Eviction Starts NOW
18-03-2007 23:33
Help needed immediately.Camp Titnore needs your help!
18-03-2007 17:36
Camp Titnore near Worthing in Sussex could do with some committed campaigners to come and lend a hand. Coming up to a year in residence (May 28) the camp could do with some new blood. Be part of group aiming to stop Tescos and other scum-bags trash one of the last remaining ancient woodlands on the Sussex coastal plain.Demonstration and Carnival against the Pipeline- Saturday 24th March, Trebanos,
17-03-2007 22:38