UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Who Should Bomb Iran First? The myth of Left-leaning media bias
27-06-2007 17:38
Mainstream media discussions of media balance are limited to a single question: Is the media too critical of powerful interests?Poem for the occasion of Tony Blair's last day as PM (26 June 2007)
25-06-2007 12:14
I love Tony Blair because...he's here today, gone tomorrow.
Comix Activism : A Unique New Form Of Lobbying For Whatever Your Campaign
25-06-2007 00:15
'Read by / Best Before End Aug 07' takes its cue from those mass pre-printed lobbying cards that often show up. I thought, why not do a bunch of them in a booklet introduced by a page/page and a half each in comic book form ?Say NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
24-06-2007 17:03
This urgent request was posted on
I think also of great importance for all of us.
Please sign the petition here:

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Please circulate this. We need as many signatures as possible.
Salman Rushdie, Our Perspective is Bigger!
23-06-2007 14:40
Whilst anger mounts, over the planned honouring of “Satanic Verses” author Salman Rushdie, the British Government has stood by the decision and denounced the international protests by claiming, “We have a tolerance of other people’s point of view and we don’t apologise for that.”Spin and rumours at the G8
23-06-2007 14:10
With proper wars it is a well-known occurrence for one side's propaganda department to try and spread the most horrific stories about the other party. The opposition are depicted as brutal barbarians who ravage children and should be opposed at all cost. In military jargon this is known as 'psyops'. During the protests against the G8 in Heiligendamm there were clear indications of a similar strategy. In this case the infamous ''black block'' played the part of the barbarians. This is a biased summary of the misinformation and its effect."TIP OF THE ICEBERG" where todays dodgydibbler exspycriminals "practised". . . .
23-06-2007 12:36
Coming out this week! The 693 page report of the dodgy deeds of some of the operations carried out under the pretext of coldwar "defence of the realm" excuses using USA taxpayers cash in the 1950s to 1970s was commissioned in 1973 after Watergate was described as "the tip of the iceberg" by some of the old hacks that - for all sorts of reasons, perhaps - opposed its creation. Apologies, it seems, are due to the "tinfoil hat" brigade.Magazine articles, leaflets, and more digitized for eternity!
22-06-2007 19:19

Victory: Reed-Elsevier gives in
21-06-2007 13:29
The Morning Star published a version of this article a couple of weeks ago. It describes the successful campaign against publishing house Reed-Elsevier's involvement in the arms trade.Support the Cuban People. Help Send Them a Bookmobile! and Books!
21-06-2007 11:27
The US embargo on trade with Cuba continues. This summer Pastors for Peace will again challenge the blockade with a friendship caravan. A fully stocked bookmobile will accompany it. Before the revolution there were only 32 libraries in Cuba. In 2002 there were 400 public libraries and 6000 school libraries. Cubans are avid readers and life long learners but Cuban librarians struggle to meet their needs under the blockade. We urge you join us in sending books to Cuba!Political Genius: credit where it’s due
20-06-2007 15:39
Few even know her name but she was responsible for the Roman Empire enduring for another fifteen hundred years as a theological empire. Most people and historical texts mistakenly refer to the Roman Emperor Constantine as the person who transformed the militaristic Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire, however, he was only a manipulated mommy’s boy.Gagged! #17 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
20-06-2007 15:06

56.3% voted nobody & G8 summit Chaos
Produced by South Wales Anarchists
19-06-2007 16:12
As the wall approaches, or rather as we speed recklessly toward it, it serves no purpose to analyse how a nation, trillions of dollars in debt, remains in a position to offer billions to its enemies and try and buy its way out of inevitable collapse. The buy-off strategy is not new, what is new however is that the offers are rejected – no amount of money could buy Kosovo from Serbia, what are a people without a heart or national identity? Condi Rice, with Israel’s whole-hearted support, today openly offered to buy-off Palestinians in the vain hope that western influence could be maintained in the region. For numerous reasons this strategy will also fail."THOR"cover-up WAKKS WIKIPEDIA as USA vote fraud unravels further
19-06-2007 12:16
Remember the computer vote fraud scams, amongst others, that "won" the USA election for those few criminals machinating the lobby groups that machinate some of the "neo-cons" in the administration. . . . latest news shows that the "cover-ups" expose the "cunning plots", plotters, etc. further all the time !Protection of paedophile networks
19-06-2007 12:07
Paedophile networks with high ranking people do exist. A common trait is the complicity of corrupt intelligence agencies to help the guilty maintain their cover. In the article below, we will consecutively address Belgium, Australia and the United States.Infiltration and Inefficiencies in State Regulatory Agencies
18-06-2007 13:26
The person/s (activists, perhaps assassins) the agencies seek in relation to the approaching APEC summit may be known to the activist and broader political community; it is therefore with extreme prejudice that we cite government failures in relation to security and policing matters. The APEC summit may become the greatest security failure in Australian history. Infiltration/undercover operations are a two-edged sword; however, that sword has been broken by anti-corruption zealots in NSW. The State now faces gaping inefficiencies and a lack of urgently required expertise.Leader of Iraq's Scary SCIRI has Died!
17-06-2007 15:16
The leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Scary SCIRI) Abdul Hakim is dead!Peace is Dead, give War a Chance
17-06-2007 06:43
As the Middle East explodes in factional and sectarian conflict the neo-cons gloat, John Bolton and Condi Rice revealed U.S. policy during the South Lebanon conflict, their non-interventionist policy encouraged the slaughter of children and civilians by Israeli forces – peace is clearly of no use to American interests! What does it matter if most of the Middle East tears itself apart, America stands to gain from the mayhem and bloodshed."News" NEWS shock. . . . at last, the BBC remembers "Provocations Are Possible"
16-06-2007 12:32
. . . . see the intriguing, wiser treatment of at least a couple of the recent pieces in the coverage of the latest attempts to whip bits of the middle east into a distraction from continuing arrests, revelations etc about the puppet neo"cons",in the states, with odd names of recent arrests, inquiries etc in the uk getting nearer to the sad facts at the back of a lot of "spooky" front tales. . . .minderbinder warbux "opinion influencers"spin into news despite media stooge"cult" bunch. gotcha. . . .EXXON PROPOSES BURNING HUMANITY FOR FUEL IF CLIMATE CALAMITY HITS
15-06-2007 11:30
This is a repost of a Press Release by the Yes Men. I didn't think they could do this stuff anymore.