UK Other Press Newswire Archive
G20 in the news
18-03-2009 03:19
Summit police fear attacks on hotels used by the G20 leadersLondon police gears up for massive deployment for G20 summit
British police are gearing up for one of the biggest street security deployment for the G20 summit, which will be attended by top leaders from 22 countries, after protesters threatened to bring chaos to London. An estimated 5,000 police force will be deployed for the April 2 G20 summit, with tens of thousands of protesters preparing to descend on the capital and the Excel centre.
BBC journalists vote to strike over compulsory redundancies
18-03-2009 01:16
News just out - of the poll result.GMB Accuses Brighton Bus Company of putting staff safety at risk
17-03-2009 18:36
The GMB Trade Union is calling on Brighton Bus Company to install protective screens on all buses following a series of assaults on Bus Drivers.Leak: Murdoch's activist-proof fortress
13-03-2009 20:20

Hersh: 'Executive assassination ring' reported directly to Cheney
13-03-2009 19:14
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell on Tuesday when he told an audience at the University of Minnesota that the military was running an "executive assassination ring" throughout the Bush years which reported directly to former Vice President Dick Cheney.Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
"Britain is now harbouring a menacing enemy within"
13-03-2009 17:41

Canadian Activists and Lawyers United for Justice: Canadians must prosecute
13-03-2009 12:29

and mass murder. For he is a war criminal who
lied that Saddam wouldn't let our inspectors in.
And, with Cheney, closed 911 FBI investigations
before we were finished nabbing the actual
suspects for mass murder
NEWSPEAK - A New Media Lens Book And An Urgent Appeal For Support
11-03-2009 19:59
We are delighted to announce that a new Media Lens book, ‘NEWSPEAK in the 21st Century,’ will be published by Pluto Press in the autumn.John Pilger says of our book:
"Not since Orwell and Chomsky has perceived reality been so skilfully revealed in the cause of truth."
Safe From Who? Issue #5 The Fargate Speaker
11-03-2009 19:02

In this Issue: The Economic Crisis for Dummies, Bus Fare Hikes, Identi-kit stores, Starbucks, Fargate poses the question..., Sport
Evening Mail’s ‘Stirrer’ on Gaza: Inhumanity and Double-Standards
11-03-2009 13:09
The recent articles of the Birmingham Evening Mail’s commentator “The Stirrer”, aka Adrian Goldberg, are quite peculiar in their timing. It seems that something has stirred “The Stirrer” into writing seemingly unsolicited pseudo-propaganda pieces for the Israeli government.Right to protest under attack from state and racists over Luton anti-war protest
11-03-2009 12:30
Media hysteria is reaching extreme heights over an anti-war protest at a soldiers' parade in Luton. It is being widely suggested that raising slogans such as that soldiers are murderers or violate human rights is somehow illegitimate and beyond the bounds of freedom. This is a concerted attack on basic liberties, trying to turn hostility to war crimes into a speech- or thought-crime and to legitimate locking people up simply for expressing the "wrong" beliefs.Activists facing murder charges over suicidal hunter's stunt
10-03-2009 12:26
A fox-hunt supporter has been killed by suicidally running at an anti-hunt gyrocopter - and two activists could face murder charges as a result!Full article | 1 addition | 19 comments
Born stupid: Joss Garman declares war on the old
09-03-2009 11:02
"This is not youthful rebellion. We see the catastrophe ahead. Climate change has provoked a war between the generations. Younger members of the government need to choose their side." - Joss Garman, The Observer, Sunday, 8 March 2009
police protecting crime editor of sun from facing justiin discriminating coverup
09-03-2009 10:46
police are refusing to charge crime editor of the sun mike sullivan and are protecting him from facing justice even though he admitted under oath his convictions of violence and affray t before judge and jury in a trail in whichhe made an attempt to frame victom with the allegations , the victom however used their evidence and cctv to secure enough proof to bring conviction to accuser, but police are refusing to charge saying justice was done,The Times chunters on about animal rights activists again.
08-03-2009 13:32

Apparently animal rights activists are hypocrites for not campaigning against Halal and Kosher slaughter because we are all too scared of upsetting Muslims and Jews!!!
Police maintaining special database of thousands of political activists
06-03-2009 23:13
Guardian journalists claim to have uncovered evidence that the police are maintaining a database of thousands of political activists, most of whom have not been convicted of any crime.Dialect - Ten Years In Jail For Photographing A Policeman?
06-03-2009 13:25

Ruminations on President Obama's Tenure Thus Far and “Acceptable Punditry”
04-03-2009 18:33

Great Spring Sowing
04-03-2009 17:17
You are invited on the 22nd March to sow some seeds, meet others, listen (or dance!) to local musicians and celebrate the start of spring in Nottingham.Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Summer of rage? It's a figment of febrile imaginations
03-03-2009 12:52
Kevin Smith, a participant in last years Camp for Climate action responded to the Guardians police propaganda piece on the so-called 'Summer of Rage'. Other papers have been churning out the same spin. Kevin says that senior police officers are trying to frighten people off protesting about climate change but the climate camp have been fighting back. The media team initiated a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission about the article, "Anarchists plan Cityriots for G20 leaders' arrival in London" by Robert Mendick and Niger Rosser, which appeared in the Evening Standard and Daily Mail on 20th February. The complaint has already resulted in the headline and content of the article being changed on the papers websites. Last year complaints such as these solicited retractions and apologies from several papers.