UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Nottingham Gaza protest at BBC
02-02-2009 22:45
On Monday 2nd February, campaigners braved the snow and cold to protest outside the BBC offices on London Road. They were demonstrating against the BBC's refusal to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) appeal for the devastated people of Gaza, but also criticised the BBC's reporting of the recent Israeli assault on Gaza.Who killed Colin Roach?
01-02-2009 19:38

BBC Refusal to air Gaza appeal in contrary with fundamental laws of civilisation
30-01-2009 01:24
With her refusal to air Gaza appeal, the BBC doesn't emphasize her ''impartiality'', but is guilty of violation to the most fundamental laws of civilisationThe Codex Alimentarius
27-01-2009 20:37
The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food code" or "food book") is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety.Sussex University Occupation Interview
27-01-2009 13:21
In solidarity with the people of Gaza, students at Sussex University have now occupied a leacture theater for over a week. Yesterday Last Hours interviewed a student that has been involved with the occupation.BBC occupied in London
26-01-2009 23:54

On a lighter note this appearance by Tony Benn on the beeb is fucking hilarious:

Rovics : Israel & the media
26-01-2009 22:08
Extract from a recent Tehran Times interview with David Rovics.In May David will be touring the UK with Attila the Stockbroker and Fiona Keanan, including Edinburgh, Bannermans, 18/05/09.
BAD NEWS: The story we are not being told
25-01-2009 20:16

The BBC's refusal to air a humanitarian appeal for Gaza
24-01-2009 14:10
The BBC has blocked the broadcast of an appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (an alliance of apolitical humanitarian charities) calling for donations to relieve the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza caused by Israeli air strikes and blockades.Gaza Appeal - BBC Complaints Line
24-01-2009 13:52
BBC receiving a growing number of complaints regarding their decision to refuse to Broadcast Gaza Appeal.Sunday 25 Jan - Protesting the "Extreme" Porn Law in London
24-01-2009 13:41
The Consenting Adult Action Network has organised a protest in London tomorrow against a new law that criminalises possession of "extreme" adult pornography. Sunday 25 January, 2pm-5pm, opposite Parliament.Observer pulls "eco terror" disinformation article
23-01-2009 23:47

Well now it seems that this article,

Turbulence e-Newsletter 7
23-01-2009 16:50
To subscribe to the very low-traffic Turbulence e-Newsletter, follow this link:
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Top Three Gaza Myths Debunked
23-01-2009 16:23

Dialect - Changes in journalism since the 1960s and 1970s
23-01-2009 07:43

BBC refuses to support Gaza aid appeal
22-01-2009 21:34
No support for Gaza - BBC declines to show DEC appeal under agreement dating back to 1963, leading to other outlets following suitUnseen Gaza, tonight on Channel-4
22-01-2009 20:56
Tonight (Thursday 22 January) at 11:05 PM, on Channel 4, a special edition of Dispatches "Unseen Gaza".In this Dispatches special, Jon Snow examines the difficulties that news organisations around the world have faced in reporting the conflict in Gaza. Who is getting the true picture of events as they happen?
BBC bans appeal for Gaza relief effort
22-01-2009 20:05
Not a fan of charity myself but the Times has just broke the news that the Disasters Emergency Committe advert to raise funds for Gaza has just been banned by the BBC as it did not fit their "impartiality" agenda.Semiotext(e)'s translation of Guy Debord's letters
22-01-2009 18:49
the entire book is thus both an Orwellian suppression of these relevant and important historical events, and an implicit validation and approval of the similar suppressions that preceded it and made it possible.Benefit gig for REEL NEWS, Feb 20th London
21-01-2009 20:25

For info about REEL NEWS click here:

Best of all REEL NEWS steadfastly refuses to tow the line or be affiliated to ANY of our inept political parties or groupings so it is truly independent. The benefit gig will help fund the production of a number of films due out in the next few months.