UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Managed news: Inside the US/NATO military industrial media empire
05-07-2010 08:30

The US, in cooperation with NATO, is building global occupation forces for the control of international resources in support of Trilaterialist—US, Europe, Japan— corporate profits.
Radical Wales launched!
05-07-2010 08:05

Dubious intelligence on Iran's nuclear program used to justify sanctions and war
04-07-2010 12:09

Heinonen was instrumental in making a collection of intelligence documents showing a purported Iranian nuclear weapons research programme the central focus of the IAEA's work on Iran. The result was to shift opinion among Western publics to the view that Iran had been pursuing a covert nuclear weapons programme.
This Week In Palestine -week 26 2010
02-07-2010 17:49

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Metro targeted by anti-racist spoof
02-07-2010 11:02
London commuters were this morning surprised to find that their usual Metro paper was a bit thinner, yet more interesting and engaging, than usual.Tens of thousands of copies of a spoof newspaper that looked very similar to the free daily were distributed at 20 busy tube stations around the capital during rush hour. Thousands more were distributed in other cities around the country.
Romford cops disregard for law exposed in mainstream media
02-07-2010 10:58
The reasons these Romford cops use against the teen freelance photographer, Jules Mattsson, to stop him from photographing a parade of police cadets keeps shifting from "photography of children", to "obstruction", to "terrorism" and even a bit of "antisocial behaviour" for good measure.Medialens: McChrystal - Death Squad Poster Boy
02-07-2010 09:42
The sacking of the head of NATO’s military command in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, caused a surge in coverage of the man described by political analyst James Petras as “Cheney’s chief assassin”.!Take action against ACTA!
02-07-2010 08:36
Help stop the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) from steamrolling our rights and freedoms. Please contact your Member of Parliament (MEP) today and ask them to sign a Declaration that takes a stand against efforts to curb Internet freedom in ACTA. ACTA threatens to make it an imprisonable offence to own MP3s and videos and even to 'incite' infringement.Palestien Today 07 01 2010
01-07-2010 15:56

Petraeus signals escalation of US military violence in Afghanistan
30-06-2010 18:56
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, General David Petraeus, Obama’s new commander in Afghanistan, said he would reconsider the rules of engagement as part of an intensification of the US assault on the Afghan people. He also made clear that American troops would remain in the country well beyond the July 2011 date set by the administration to begin a withdrawal.Palestine Today 06 30 2010
30-06-2010 15:34

Guardian Journalist Assaulted by Canadian Police
28-06-2010 20:39
"Grabbed my arms, they yanked back. My notepad went flying. I was hit in the stomach by one officer as I was held by two others. As I was going over, I was then hit in the back and went down. After I went down and as I went down, I smacked my leg. I had officers jump on top of me. I was being hit in the back. My face was being pushed to the concrete. All the time I’m saying, "I’m not resisting arrest. I’m a journalist. Why are you beating me?" My leg was lifted up, and my ankle was twisted, from while I was on the ground not resisting. And at that point, after I started saying these things, the police then started saying, "Stop resisting arrest," as if to try and provide cover for themselves."Palestien Today 06 28 2010
28-06-2010 14:25

Art and the world’s peoples
28-06-2010 11:19


Spending cuts in Britain worst since World War II
28-06-2010 07:38
After detailed examination of the UK coalition budget measures, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said the country faces the “longest, deepest, sustained period of cuts to public services spending at least since World War II”. It is the first time that a British government has proposed six consecutive years of spending cuts.Newhaven Conservative Club burns down, Sussex
27-06-2010 17:54

Italy calling to the faraway towns!
26-06-2010 16:45

Italy calling to the underworld!
This Week in Palestine – Week 25 2010
25-06-2010 15:23

Palestine Today 06 24 2010
24-06-2010 16:43

animal abusers brag on facebook sites
24-06-2010 12:29
facebook users should not be subject to abuse because they love animals or be subject to abuse because they are dyslexis .its a family site .