UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Police powers finally kettled by High Court
19-06-2013 10:49

For years it has been common practice for protesters held in a kettle (police containment) to be forced to submit to police filming and/or provide their details as a condition of leaving. There have been countless incidents in which protesters who have tried (lawfully) to refuse these demands have been threatened with arrest, or told they could not leave the kettle.
Misleading Half-Truths About Mental Health
14-06-2013 16:43
More misleading half truths from the appalling BBCG8 london carnival against capitalism - report n pics
12-06-2013 00:31

The fraud of the Leveson Inquiry
17-05-2013 17:14
I was just about the perfect witness for Leveson because I had been grossly abused by the press twice, failed utterly by the PCC and had evidence of corrupt practices involving the police and the mainstream press. Yet Leveson not only refused to call me as a witness, refused to allow me to be a core participant and failed to use any of the evidence I had supplied, he was so desperate to write me out of the script that I was omitted from the list of those who had supplied information to the Inquiry when he published his report.Satirical book giveaway
17-05-2013 13:36

Poking fun at the establishment.
Is a most deprived Tower Hamlets COUNCIL, right to carry out Tory attacks?
11-05-2013 15:54
Tower Hamlets is notorious deprived, crisis-ridden, wrong-headed local Borough Council. Right now, its head of legal is involved in a most secretive employment tribunal tussle being very strangely held only yards from the main Council Town Hall. The Central Govt has repeatedly condemned the Council Administration for wasting public money on running a propaganda organ called East End Life, aka 'Tower Hamlets Town Hall's very own pravda'.BBC using fraud & price fixing suspects KPMG to deliver their 'business news'
11-05-2013 12:20

Howard Lyman Continues To Expose Mad Cow Incidence In US And Elsewhere
02-05-2013 21:01

fraud regarding US testing for Mad Cow. Recent
outbreaks in Brazil, Denmark, Netherlands, Japan,
Switzerland and the US to name a few make silence
on this issue criminal.
Alex Wood: UKIP Nazi caught on Facebook
01-05-2013 23:23

Should a site as controlling as Indymedia Scotland bear the indy name at all?
28-04-2013 14:13
A consumer investigative into the experience of registering with the separate Scottish Indymedia site, trying to use it and finding it very controlled. Hence a caution to watch out for the standards that all the geographically separate Indymedia sites will work by, to remain independent medias meriting the name at all.Case shows up squalid cruelty and abuses in greyhound industry
27-04-2013 12:10

media featuring a garden work health project ignore ill-treatment there.
22-04-2013 15:54
Why has Indymedia Scotland not made publicly available, any more than a Sunday paper there has, an exposee of hidden abuse, at a social work backed health project in Edinburgh? Redhall Walled Garden, after that Sunday paper did a positive story on it? These facts are backed up by the record of a complaint process.Public Copy: Request for Action and Support
15-04-2013 23:17

Boston/Iraq bombings.
15-04-2013 22:27

Complain to BBC over misreporting of attendance at Traf.Sq anti-Thatcher party
15-04-2013 08:32
On the BBC News broadcast at 10pm on BBC1 on the evening of Saturday 13th April 2013, the news report about the demonstration in Trafalgar Square against Baroness Thatcher's legacy misreported the number of people who were in attendance at the demonstration, stating that only a few hundred people were present. This was a mistake of such glaring misrepresention that it reeks of an apparant agenda to play down the significance of the level of attendance at the event, which was in actual fact in the region of between 2-3000 people. It suggests a politically biased agenda to downplay the level of feeling against Lady Thatcher and her legacy by the BBC.Write in to the BBC on their online Complaints form. The more the better! Don't let them get away with it!
Complain at:

The Media In Overdrive: Thatcher And The Triumph Of Capitalism
10-04-2013 10:19

On Monday night, the day that Margaret Thatcher died, much of the mainstream media fell over itself to mourn the passing of a 'great' leader. There were of course some references to her being a ‘divisive figure', but only because she did what ‘had to be done', which politicians before her were too weak-willed to do (ie attack workers' rights, the welfare state and beat down wages). Even people like Henry Kissinger, a man often accused as having the blood of innocent millions on his hands, were wheeled onto our screens to tell the British public what a really outstanding leader she was. That the BBC would turn to Kissinger for such a ringing endorsement of Thatcher's policies and personality says a lot about the mindset over at the good old 'Beeb'.
South London benefit gig on Easter Sunday with Captain Hotknives.
27-03-2013 18:19

Bradley Manning nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
26-03-2013 00:04
From 'traitor' to Hero - whistleblower Bradley Manning is nominated for Nobel Peace PrizeRichard William Littlejohn
24-03-2013 12:40
Homophobe, transphobe and general hate mongering, far right sniveling weasel.Lives here.....
4 Greenoak Place, Cockfosters Road, EN4 0JB
a young neo-nazi have been arrested for racist attacks against migrants in Athen
02-03-2013 11:15
A 20 years old male, neo-nazi has been arrested on suspicion of belonging to a racist gang that mounted a string of attacks on Pakistani immigrants in Athens last September.