UK Other Press Newswire Archive
A Memory Abused: No Rest or Peace for Neda Agha-Soltan
13-12-2009 20:28

Return of terrace politics
13-12-2009 14:52

This Week in Palestine – Week 50, 2009
11-12-2009 19:53

New alternative media & news platform in Southampton
11-12-2009 19:32
The Dolphin’s Blowhole, Southampton’s new alternative media platform for residents, students and activists, has now been launched!Three members of Newcastle Animal Right's summoned to court.
11-12-2009 00:17
Three Members summoned before Newcastle Magistrates on 14th December 2009Palestine Today 121009
10-12-2009 21:01

Normalising the Crime of the Century
10-12-2009 17:11

100 Iranian Intellectuals called for Protest Movement’s Victim Families Invitati
10-12-2009 14:14

The Open Letter signed in last November as a symbolic act to support Iranian protesters.
Palestine Today 120809
08-12-2009 18:09

Climate Justice Chronicle - free newspaper in Copenhagen
07-12-2009 17:28

Give Up Anti-Fascism: An Anarchist Response
07-12-2009 10:10

Can Police or BBC Count?
07-12-2009 00:30

The Silence of the BBC 100 - BBC Trust Chairman Responds to ‘Newspeak’
04-12-2009 12:18
One of our readers recently took us to task for a serious omission in our new book, ‘Newspeak in the 21st Century’ (Pluto Press, 2009). He asked how we could possibly have failed to include the BBC’s Newsnight presenter, Emily Maitlis.The Grey Matter 2, out in Newcastle!
03-12-2009 15:20
The difficult 2nd edition of The Grey Matter, Newcastle's independent free newsletter is out now.Cop15: Notes from below
03-12-2009 12:49
This December (ten years since the alter-globalisation movements took to the streets of Seattle to oppose the world trade organization) activists from across the globe will be descending on Copenhagen to protest the COP15 round of discussion. Has the UK Direct Action movement changed in the interceding years between these cycles of struggle? And what lessons, if any, can it learn from its recent past?We need a New Anticapitalist Party in Britain
02-12-2009 12:54
After more than 12 years in office, Labour has proved itself time and again to be a party that attacks workers’ pay, conditions, jobs and rights. And now we face the worst capitalist economic crisis for decades, with a massacre of jobs sweeping the country.The working class in Britain does not have a party of our own to organise and inspire resistance to the bosses’ crisis on a daily basis – on the streets and in the workplaces as well as at election times.
Riot police on tour: The Times runs sick TSG PR as Tomlinson family attend vigil
02-12-2009 04:41

In the article Chris Allison, the Met's kettler-in-chief, explained that the TSG are just misunderstood and do a lot of great work for charity...
The Times piece was published here:

See traces here:

The Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign website:

Nazi Combat18 claimed responsibility for Russian train bombing
28-11-2009 20:40
There are things You never gonna hear on BBC News;)Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Nick Davies, Bad News: Benn Journalism Lecture 2009
28-11-2009 20:38