UK Other Press Newswire Archive
arrestable physiology? don't sweat, you may been shot.
09-08-2007 07:43
looks like any scientifically designated 'abnormal' behaviour in public could lead to you being targetted by the physiology policeFull article | 4 additions | 44 comments
NUJ warns Climate Camp over restrictions on media
08-08-2007 15:51
The NUJ has written to the Camp for Climate Action expressing deep concern at the restrictions they intend to impose on the media covering their Climate Camp at Heathrow Airport, and called on them to reconsider as a matter of urgencyUS Official in Iraq: "The British have basically been defeated in the south"
08-08-2007 12:32
OK, I don't normally read the washington post, but stumbled upon this article today. Seems senior US intelligence officials have accepted that the British army has been defeated in Basra. It cannot create social order, security or reconstruction.Using wi-fi has cost me my life:
08-08-2007 09:54

FAISAL KHAWAJA, 28, above, trained in photography and had been assisting a professional advertising photographer -working for clients such as Mercedes, BT and Starbucks -for only a year when he says he began to feel III using mobiles and wireless laptops
Flat Rate Housing Benefit Despair!
06-08-2007 20:01
The worst fears of any nation are being built here, as a secondary thought on Housing policy the `Choice Agenda` will result in nothing other than a social engineered underclass driven from the city and rural retreats of middle England.Brown Skid Mark on Bounce of Premiership
06-08-2007 15:00
New PM Brown gathering pace for a General Election is putting the Spin out Thick and Fast, will this skid mark on his journey stick?The Calamity of Disregard
04-08-2007 23:13
It is now chillingly clear: MI6's pre-Iraq warnings were swept aside by an obsessed White House. (And No. 10 ...Let's not forget that Bliar was more than ready to collaborate in this Act of Aggression.)Remember, we still don't know who was responsible for the attacks of 9/11/2001, as the LIARS in Bush/PNAC haven't been able to support their Conspiracy Theory in six years, and that much compelling evidence points to an inside job.
At any rate, Afghanistan was planned before the attacks that enabled it, and was about gaining Western access to a vital energy corridor, and restarting the heroin industry destroyed by the Taliban.
Iraq Success exposes politicians’ failure
02-08-2007 16:29
Iraq’s wildly celebrated victory in the Asian Cup on Sunday provided a stark contrast to lawmakers who appear hopelessly deadlocked over legislation designed to promote national reconciliation.Africanist Movement establishes program for 2007 Sierra Leone elections
02-08-2007 15:29
The Africanist Movement, an organization based in several territories in West Africa, launches its revolutionary national democratic program that will provide solutions for the desperate problems facing African people and expose the neocolonial petty bourgeoisie contending for power through the electoral process. This general campaign is occurring during the election season in Sierra Leone, where in early August members of parliament and a new president will be elected.Iraq “Violence has destroyed my family”
01-08-2007 19:40
"People in Iraq are living in constant fear of violence, unemployment, hunger and displacement."Only a few lapses by the self-styled champion of causes
01-08-2007 13:05
The latest edition of 'Private Eye' carries an extended version of what last week appeared in the local paper for Bethnal Green and Bow. The Advertiser. A very positive appreciation of Mr. Galloway in his House of Commons speech in which he managed to fob off all charges against him that the Committee on Standards in the Commons had made against him. Is 'Private Eye' perhaps related to the East London Advertiser...? Should we not be told?Patient choices: not if you're poor
01-08-2007 09:22
New research from the University of Bristol shows that wealthier people are likely to travel further than poorer people do for elective care - surgery or treatment in hospital which can wait..MEDIA RELEASE: Australian Film Crew Questioned by Chinese MIlitary in TIbet
01-08-2007 07:33
South Australian independent filmmakers, Lara Damiani and Alex Alexander, have overcome many obstacles since first deciding to make a documentary about Tibet in
November last year. The latest involved questioning by Chinese military police while filming in Tibet.
Stop Homophobia in Poland campaign to march at Brighton Pride
30-07-2007 14:11

Rough guess
30-07-2007 13:41
Adapted version of a feature which is published by Big Issue in the North. New figures show the number of street homeless in Manchester could top 400. The official number of rough sleepers in the city is seven.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Gagged! 18 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
27-07-2007 10:58

audio to follow inthe next few days.
some last minute diary dates:
Saturday 6pm - Social Ecology seminar -at the PAD, An introduction by Social
Ecology London
Sunday noon - after the fry up at the PAD a presentation on this years
climate camp, films, talks etc etc
Monday 8pm - South Wales Anarchists forum - a networking gathering with
reports from all the local groups & campaigns. All welcome. 8pm, Glamorgan
Staff Club, Westgate Street, Cardiff. If what you read in Gagged! interests
you, why not come along!
Tuesday 7pm - at the PAD reading group subject 'Turbulence' see
UK State Pension = two thirds poverty level: Report
27-07-2007 08:53
University of London team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has just published a report in the International Journal of Epidemiology defining the minimum income required by older people to live healthy and decent lives.El Salado [The Salted] Massacre - Harold Mantilla
26-07-2007 12:14
The Bafim5 Troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], never arrived because it was legal, material and geographically impossible to do it. BECAUSE.A) Months prior, by specific order from my Superiors, Bafim5 troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], had been relocated to other Municipalities threatened by subversives and self-defenses groups (such as in the populations of Córdoba and Zambrano, in Bolívar).
B) To the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] (and the entire area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar), the military and territorial competition of the Bafim5 was discontinued, taken out, removed; and the military and territorially competition given, taken charge, commended, to the Bacim31 [Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31].
C) In consequence, the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] and the whole area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar, were under the protection and territorial competition, of the Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31 (Bacim31), and not of the Bafim5.
A blogger's criticism of Robert Fisk
25-07-2007 23:58
Robert Fisk is one of the greatest reporters of all time. He has written some of the most insightful, biting criticisms about U.S./Israeli/British foreign policy and provided readers, in vivid detail, a vision of of the plight of people living in war torn areas of the Middle East. I have nothing but sincere gratitude to him for putting his life on the line to give us these excellent stories. But, having said this, I think he is doing a disservice to his readers by claiming his contempt for the Internet and also by his refusal to look critically into the events of 9/11.Corporate manslaughter law to cover deaths in custody
25-07-2007 17:06
Prisoners who are injured or killed while in custody will be covered by new corporate manslaughter laws, it emerged today. The government has caved in to criticism and agreed to extend the new legislation to prisoners and youth offenders.