UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Corporate Watch: The Unemployment Business
23-04-2010 16:34

Anti:Manifesto -The issues behind the election promises
23-04-2010 09:34

EDL Mobilising For Bristol Election Debate Demo
21-04-2010 06:21
Tonight the facebook page for a demo against the marginalisation of ... well pretty much everyone, at this Thursday's Bristol Election Debate was deleted by parties unknown (although I'm sure we could have an educated guess..), who in their infinite wisdom decided to leave up a page calling for EDLebensraum mobilisation for the demo. Be aware - the fash will be crawling out of the gutters on thursday.Turbulence Mag: News from Cochabamba Climate Conference
19-04-2010 16:08
We're in Cochabamba, Bolivia, at the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which began today and runs until April 22. We're there to launch the Spanish language edition of Turbulence and to participate in the event.Bristol Televised Election Debate Mass Action - Update
18-04-2010 18:36
It was previously announced that the debate charade would be held at the Mercure Hotel at 4pm. It has now emerged that Mercure is in fact the meet point for the hand-picked audience to be taken to a secret location which we won't know until the day. However planned road closures, police activities and inside information suggest strongly that the actual venue will be the Arnolfini, just round the corner.Whatever happened to the unions?
17-04-2010 14:38

Election Poll
15-04-2010 18:35
With the election frenzy of the media in the past week, just where do you stand?Full text of Iran's letter of complaint to the UN over US threats of nuclear war
15-04-2010 12:33

Educating who about what - University figures revealed
14-04-2010 20:32

Stop prison censorship of radical literature!
14-04-2010 15:14
Leroy Smith has asked us to encourage people outside prison to write individual letters, complaining about the banning of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) in Woodhill.The banning of any radical literature in prison is an attack on ALL those sending alternative publications into prisoners.
Friday Benefit Gig for 56A infoshop!
13-04-2010 14:46
Benefit to raise money for radical social centre& stolen band equipment, at 195 mare St, hackney, londonSteal Something from Work Day - Redefining April 15th
12-04-2010 21:00

Video at

Freedom Press 12 page election special
11-04-2010 12:48

ABC escalates Iran war propaganda: Echoes CIA claim of “defected” scientist
11-04-2010 12:10

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide
10-04-2010 14:41
Most mass media have done an abysmal, unprofessional job.Last Hours publish (anti-)election poster
10-04-2010 10:19
As we head towards what is likely to be one of the most overly hyped general elections in recent history (voter confidence is down don't you know!) we felt the need to express a different opinion. An opinion that we have had enough of this sham democracy (in fact some of us have little faith in democracy altogether), that not only do these politicians not represent us but that any system of government is incapable representing us.We have put together an (anti)election poster. We hope that whilst we have put this out in the lead up to the 2010 general elections it remains relevant until we have rid our lives of this filthy charade.
You can download the poster or order some from us for £1 per 10 posters or £5 solidarity price (the solidarity price will help us put out more of this sort of thing in the future). All orders from our shop will include a copy. Order from

We hope to see these posters up in workplaces, homes, social centres etc in the coming weeks.
See below for poster text and images
Anarchist Bookfair Biel/Bienne Switzerland
08-04-2010 01:17

More info:

Website for South African Social Movements Reseach
07-04-2010 12:10
The Centre for Civil Society Website an excellent resourcefor activists unionists & academics!
The Fourth Estate
06-04-2010 18:55
Freedom of the press is a constitutional right Americans hold dear. For many it is perceived as a liberty every person should have the freedom to express and is a facet and symbol of our culture itself. Often referred to as the fourth branch of government or the fourth estate most people believe journalists rights to go on the record with what they know to be protected by law. Most Americans simply take for granted journalists are sources of independent information and believe they express the first amendment when many of us feel we can't.Hereford Heckler #13 now out
06-04-2010 17:40
The April/May issue of the Hereford Heckler is now out...