Anarchist Bookfair Biel/Bienne Switzerland
OrgaGroup | 08.04.2010 01:17 | Culture | Education | Other Press | World
For the second time in Switzerland an anarchist bookfair will take place. This time, it will be in the bilingual city of Biel-Bienne, wich has a long anarchist tradition, an old town that is worth visiting and a beautiful countryside, between the lake and jurassian hills. Equally, this year, many french, german and swiss editions will be there to present you the anti-autoritarian contemporary litterature. The intellectual thirst can be quenched with many different conferences and workshops. Multiple cultural events will be sure to provide a good general atmosphere.
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The bookfair will take place 15th and 16th of May 2010 at the "Farelsaal". There will be over 30 patecipants (publishing houses, journals, anarchist groups, booktables...) And there's many space for other events: exhibitions, discussions, cinema, art, reading, presentations, workshops,... And finally there is a concert saturday night at "Gaskessel" with: / / / miscellaneous DJs
Why an anarchist bookfair in Biel?
Whereas more and more anarchist bookfairs are being held all over the world, things have remained conspiciously calm in German-speaking countries. In February 2009 the first such event took place in Winterthur in Switzerland. The success of this book convention almost compels a continuation, but there is one thing missing in Winterthur, that would make another place more suitable: The event should not only attract German-speaking visitors and offerers, but also those from French- and Italian-speaking regions. Being the largest bilingual city in Switzerland, Biel/Bienne offers a fertile ground. This is just one good reason: situated at the foot of where the legendary Fédération Jurassien was seated, the anarchist tradition lives on in Biel today: despite the 55'000 inhabitants, there are squats, an autonomous youth centre with an over 40 year old history, the „Chat Noir“ being one of the very few anarchist infokiosks, a self-governing popular kitchen with daily hot meals, an autonomous print office... What’s more the city has been a popular meeting point for anarchists from all over the country due to ist advantageous geographical location. In a nutshell: An ideal place for an anarchist book convention!
a propos, ALiVe, Anares, Buchhandlung Schwarzmarkt, CIRA (Lausanne), CIRA Marseille, Edition AV, Editions du Monde libertaire, Edizioni La Baronata, éditions SENONEVERO, FAU Bern, Graswurzelrevolution, Infoladen Schwarz Auf Weiss, IWW - Industrial Workers of the World, Karakök Autonome, Killroy media, Konverter, Le Courrier, Les éditions Entremonde, Les éditions Libertalia, Libertäre Aktion Winterthur, Libertärer Büchertisch Berlin/Grauenhagen, Librairie EspaceNoir, Little Records, Longo maï, Nachtschatten Verlag, Orange Press, Paranoia City, SowieSo Bücher, Zeitpunkt
[for detailed Description see〈=en]
Friday 14th of May
* 19:00 | LaBiu | Food
* 21:00 | LaBiu | Literattentat / Attentat littéraire
* ca. 23:00 | LaBiu | HipHop Concert
Saturday 15th of May
Bookfair & Infodesk @ Farelsaal
Konverter: Ausstellung und diverse Lesungen (den ganzen Tag | Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
* 10:00 | Farelsaal | Brunch
* 12:00 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Le mouvement anarchiste et l'importance des bibliothèques | Marianne Enckell
* 13:45 | Farelsaal | Lesung
"Die wilden Schafe" | Werner Portmann
* 13:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Workshop
Statuentheater | Günter Wagner
* 16:00 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Albert Camus et l'anarchisme | Lou Marin
* 16:00 | Villa Fantasie I | Lesung
"Herrschaftskritik: Aktionen Analysen Alternativen" | Hauke
* 17:45 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Fédération Jurasienne | Michel Némitz
* 17:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Vortrag
Hausbesetzung – Wie geht das? Über theoretische und praktische Aspekte des Freiraumkampfes
* 22:00h | Gaskessel/Coupole | Concert with Berlinska Dròha (Folk-Punk, Berlin|de), Fred Alpi & Special Guest (Rock Libertaire, Paris|fr), Traktorkestar (Balkan-Folk, Bern|ch), DJ KingKong, Britney Houston, and more...
Sunday 16th of May
Bookfair & Infodesk @ Farelsaal
Konverter: Ausstellung und diverse Lesungen (den ganzen Tag | Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
* 10:00 | Farelsaal | Referat
Anarchosyndikalismus | Rudi Mühland
* 10:00 | Villa Fantasie I
Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten: Emotional, politisch, impressionistisch
* 11:45 | Farelsaal | Lesung
mit Michael Halfbrodt
* 11:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Vortrag & Workshop
Selbstorganisierung am Arbeitsplatz | FAU Bern
* 14:00 | Farelsaal | Referat
Über das "Theater der Unterdrückten (alternativ: Einführung in das "unsichtbare Theater") | Günter Wagner
* 14:00 | Villa Fantasie I | Referat
IWW. Konzept einer unabhängigen globalen Gewerkschaft seit 100 Jahren | Robert Raschle
* 15:45 | Farelsaal | Referat
"Die Anarchie ist das Leben der Menschen" - Gustav Landauers kommunitärer Anarchismus | Siegbert Wolf
* 15:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Lesung (+ Musik)
"Planet und PRIMATEN" | Damian Bugmann (+ Philippe Delacombaz)
* 21:00h | LaBiu | Kino zum Abschluss der Buchmesse / Cinema
„Dalle Alpi Apuane“ Widerständige Geschichten aus den Apuanischen Alpen
Dokumentarfilm, 52 Minuten, D/I, deutsche Untertitel, 2008. Von Christina Ramsauer die auch da sein wird.

Why an anarchist bookfair in Biel?
Whereas more and more anarchist bookfairs are being held all over the world, things have remained conspiciously calm in German-speaking countries. In February 2009 the first such event took place in Winterthur in Switzerland. The success of this book convention almost compels a continuation, but there is one thing missing in Winterthur, that would make another place more suitable: The event should not only attract German-speaking visitors and offerers, but also those from French- and Italian-speaking regions. Being the largest bilingual city in Switzerland, Biel/Bienne offers a fertile ground. This is just one good reason: situated at the foot of where the legendary Fédération Jurassien was seated, the anarchist tradition lives on in Biel today: despite the 55'000 inhabitants, there are squats, an autonomous youth centre with an over 40 year old history, the „Chat Noir“ being one of the very few anarchist infokiosks, a self-governing popular kitchen with daily hot meals, an autonomous print office... What’s more the city has been a popular meeting point for anarchists from all over the country due to ist advantageous geographical location. In a nutshell: An ideal place for an anarchist book convention!
a propos, ALiVe, Anares, Buchhandlung Schwarzmarkt, CIRA (Lausanne), CIRA Marseille, Edition AV, Editions du Monde libertaire, Edizioni La Baronata, éditions SENONEVERO, FAU Bern, Graswurzelrevolution, Infoladen Schwarz Auf Weiss, IWW - Industrial Workers of the World, Karakök Autonome, Killroy media, Konverter, Le Courrier, Les éditions Entremonde, Les éditions Libertalia, Libertäre Aktion Winterthur, Libertärer Büchertisch Berlin/Grauenhagen, Librairie EspaceNoir, Little Records, Longo maï, Nachtschatten Verlag, Orange Press, Paranoia City, SowieSo Bücher, Zeitpunkt
[for detailed Description see

Friday 14th of May
* 19:00 | LaBiu | Food
* 21:00 | LaBiu | Literattentat / Attentat littéraire
* ca. 23:00 | LaBiu | HipHop Concert
Saturday 15th of May
Bookfair & Infodesk @ Farelsaal
Konverter: Ausstellung und diverse Lesungen (den ganzen Tag | Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
* 10:00 | Farelsaal | Brunch
* 12:00 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Le mouvement anarchiste et l'importance des bibliothèques | Marianne Enckell
* 13:45 | Farelsaal | Lesung
"Die wilden Schafe" | Werner Portmann
* 13:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Workshop
Statuentheater | Günter Wagner
* 16:00 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Albert Camus et l'anarchisme | Lou Marin
* 16:00 | Villa Fantasie I | Lesung
"Herrschaftskritik: Aktionen Analysen Alternativen" | Hauke
* 17:45 | Farelsaal | Présentation
Fédération Jurasienne | Michel Némitz
* 17:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Vortrag
Hausbesetzung – Wie geht das? Über theoretische und praktische Aspekte des Freiraumkampfes
* 22:00h | Gaskessel/Coupole | Concert with Berlinska Dròha (Folk-Punk, Berlin|de), Fred Alpi & Special Guest (Rock Libertaire, Paris|fr), Traktorkestar (Balkan-Folk, Bern|ch), DJ KingKong, Britney Houston, and more...
Sunday 16th of May
Bookfair & Infodesk @ Farelsaal
Konverter: Ausstellung und diverse Lesungen (den ganzen Tag | Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
* 10:00 | Farelsaal | Referat
Anarchosyndikalismus | Rudi Mühland
* 10:00 | Villa Fantasie I
Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten: Emotional, politisch, impressionistisch
* 11:45 | Farelsaal | Lesung
mit Michael Halfbrodt
* 11:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Vortrag & Workshop
Selbstorganisierung am Arbeitsplatz | FAU Bern
* 14:00 | Farelsaal | Referat
Über das "Theater der Unterdrückten (alternativ: Einführung in das "unsichtbare Theater") | Günter Wagner
* 14:00 | Villa Fantasie I | Referat
IWW. Konzept einer unabhängigen globalen Gewerkschaft seit 100 Jahren | Robert Raschle
* 15:45 | Farelsaal | Referat
"Die Anarchie ist das Leben der Menschen" - Gustav Landauers kommunitärer Anarchismus | Siegbert Wolf
* 15:45 | Villa Fantasie I | Lesung (+ Musik)
"Planet und PRIMATEN" | Damian Bugmann (+ Philippe Delacombaz)
* 21:00h | LaBiu | Kino zum Abschluss der Buchmesse / Cinema
„Dalle Alpi Apuane“ Widerständige Geschichten aus den Apuanischen Alpen
Dokumentarfilm, 52 Minuten, D/I, deutsche Untertitel, 2008. Von Christina Ramsauer die auch da sein wird.