UK Other Press Newswire Archive
March 26th Action Map
18-03-2011 00:55

Palestine Today 03 17 2011
17-03-2011 16:21

Palestine Today 03 16 2011
16-03-2011 16:37

Marked for Murder at the University Health Network (Toronto)
16-03-2011 13:48

The Democracy Council's plans for Iran and the "Taash Network"
16-03-2011 10:39

In my humble opinion, these sorts of information warfare campaigns directed against Iran are silly and mostly just self-serving. If they have any persuasive effect, it is in the US rather than in Iran, and even there it is largely negative because it creates a sort of dogma about the Green Movement that may be favored by certain exiles and their wishful thinking, but has no real relationship to Iranians inside Iran. See, the people of Iran don't lack for information. They have had years of this sort of media campaigns directed towards them. They're not fooled.
CIA planned the overthrow of Gaddafi
16-03-2011 00:25
In trying to conform to Indymedia's strict guidelines to avoid removal of this post, mostly by reason of the source of the material, nevertheless, its worth the read. The sources are translated in Russian and English.Palestine Today 03 15 2011
15-03-2011 16:40

Video of Tax Haven talk shows There *IS* an alternative to cuts
14-03-2011 11:07
A Stroud District Councillor (1) has just put together 6 short videos of a presentation given by John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network (2) in Stroud recently. 'The Rise and Rise of Britain's Tax Haven Empire' was an event held in Stroud’s Subscription Rooms attended by over 100 people, organised by Stroud Communiversity (3). During the presentation, John Christensen made clear that the Government’s plans to cut services were unnecessary and argued that the focus should instead by on tax collection.This Week in Palestine week 10 2011
11-03-2011 17:16

Palestine Today 03 10 2011
10-03-2011 15:24

Palestine Today 03 09 2011
09-03-2011 15:49

Palestine Today 03 08 2011
08-03-2011 15:51

British Army ready for Libya mission at 24 hours’ notice
07-03-2011 18:27

A military intervention is now contemplated by US NATO forces under a "humanitarian mandate". US and NATO military advisers and special forces are already on the ground.
The operation was planned to coincide with the protest movement in neighbouring Arab countries. Public opinion was led to believe that the protest movement had spread spontaneously from Tunisia and Egypt to Libya.
The real objective of "Operation Libya" is not to establish democracy but to take possession of Libya's oil reserves, destabilize the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and eventually privatize the country's oil industry, namely transfer the control and ownership of Libya's oil wealth into foreign hands.
Palestine Today 03 07 2011
07-03-2011 16:02

This Week in Palestine week 9 2011
04-03-2011 17:37

20th anniversary - How George Bush, Sr. sold the 1991 war on Iraq
04-03-2011 17:01

"Hill & Knowlton, then the world's largest public relations firm, masterminded the Kuwaiti campaign to sell the 1991 Gulf War to the American public. By the time their lies were exposed TV newscasters were waxing ecstatic over the rockets' red glare, computerized 'smart-bombs' bursting in air, and 250,000 people were dead."
Being treated as a criminal as first sight !!
03-03-2011 21:54
I was held at the UK Border in Heathrow airport. I was interviewed as to my intention to visit Liverpool. I was to be present at the birth of my second child with my partner and mother of our 1st daughter. They did not believe me. I was denied entry. The Officer that interviewed me thought that Liverpool was a shithole of a city and didn't like it. Perhaps that was the reason I was denied entry. I do have an appeal pending of an unmarried partner application as well.Palestine Today 03 03 2011
03-03-2011 14:41

Tyranny And Rebellion – The Breaking Of The Corporate Media Monopoly
03-03-2011 09:51
Historian Howard Zinn (1922-2010), would be remembered above all for his humanity and warmth, were it not for the crystal clarity of his insight. In 'A Power That Governments Can’t Suppress,' he wrote:
‘There is a tendency to think that what we see in the present moment will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, by extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, by unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies, by the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible.’ (Zinn, A Power That Governments Can’t Suppress, City Lights, 2007, p.267)
David Cameron: We will use military force to free Libya
02-03-2011 21:17