UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Continually updated news on Greek riots
11-12-2008 22:20
The Center For Strategic Anarchy blog is being continually updated with news, images, video, and accounts from solidarity actions around the world. Come get your piping hot Greek riot news:
Palestine Today 121108
11-12-2008 14:57

"Robert Mugabe must go" - Comments by Brown, Sarkozy, Bush and the British press
11-12-2008 13:01

Dialect, Nottingham Masters Student Rizwaan Sabir Describes Terror Arrest Ordeal
10-12-2008 19:16

Palestine Today 121008
10-12-2008 15:40

International Amnesty about Greece
10-12-2008 00:34
Amnesty International Urges Greek Authorities to End Unlawful, Disproportionate Police Force Used Against Peaceful DemonstratorsReporter cracks down with what he sees
09-12-2008 21:01
A reporter from a mainstream channel cracks down while he's on air, when he sees the cops abusing students in front of him.Greece: the mainstream media lies
09-12-2008 20:01

Palestine Today 120908
09-12-2008 16:30

Bad Hare Days in Ireland
09-12-2008 00:23
I'm getting a pretty hot reaction reaction to a book I've written on my anti-bloodsports campaigning in Ireland. One certainly touches a raw nerve when one raises the issue of cruelty to animals dressed up as "sport".Palestine Today 120808
08-12-2008 17:31

Knight Foundation & Newspaper Dynasty's Hidden History-Part 1
08-12-2008 16:52
Hidden history of Knight Foundation and Knight Newspaper Dynasty reveals why Knight Foundation grant money to alternative media groups is considered historically tainted by many anti-corporate grassroots activists.Unite with the resentment wave in Greece
08-12-2008 16:17
I appeal to the autonomous individuals outside Greece to organise demonstrations and to unite with the unprecedented resentment wave in Greece.Greece at the verge of a serious crisis
07-12-2008 18:15
"...when the witnesses who were in the ‘wrong place’ are killed, then the others who hold the privilege to be in the ‘right place’ inevitably turn into instruments of the war… even the remaining conscientious journalists become part of a wider deception..."Dark Secrets of Transparency International
07-12-2008 15:13
It has a reputation as the world's foremost anti-corruption organisation. But TI is helping to cover up fraud and corruption in equipment purchases for Britain's armed forces. Moreover its doing it at a time when equipment failures are being blamed for the deaths of “50 to 60” service personnel. TI dissident Rob McCartney explains.Police chief scandal exposed
07-12-2008 09:05
THE SCANDAL of the police chief inspector who was not prosecuted for shoplifting, despite the CPS admitting there was enough evidence, is the main story in the latest Porkbolter, the radical newsletter from Worthing, West Sussex.This Week in Palestine, Week 49
05-12-2008 19:23

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for November 29 through December 5, 2008.
Palestine Today 120408
04-12-2008 16:17

The Mad World of Work
03-12-2008 20:57