UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Political crisis in Bangladesh
13-12-2006 18:56

Children and Britains housing divide
13-12-2006 10:06
“Against the Odds: An investigation comparing the lives of children on either side of Britain’s housing divide,” published by the British homeless charity Shelter, highlights the terrible problems faced by children forced to live in temporary accommodation.Puppet leadership in Western ‘Democracies’
13-12-2006 04:02
Corporate power and rulership in western societies is complete, governments either conform to corporate dictates or are quickly replaced by compliant political alternatives. The management of information via the monopolised mass media and the complete domination of the economy maintain and sustain corporate supremacy. The masses suffer increased subjection (debt slavery) and vulnerability (limited options) as a result of decreased representation by governments. Corporate rule has reduced the real status of the public to servility and subservience, not dissimilar to the ancient Roman model of kept house-slaves. The belief that Roman slaves were constantly maltreated is based on erroneous images (whipped galley-slaves) that Hollywood and the entertainment industry have popularised. Ancient Roman slaves lived in basic but tolerable conditions, similar (in relative terms) to the servile masses of today.The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up
13-12-2006 00:11
The Anglo-American Empire’s rampage across the Grand Chessboard has stumbled and derailed under the management of George W. Bush. The Iraq Study Group will restore it. That spells increasing danger for the world.Climate Change through the Lens of Youth
11-12-2006 20:13
“The strongest way to deliver an environmental message and to create an impact is certainly through film…”(Nick Bonner, cartoonist, landscape artist, filmmaker and NUFF Global ambassador from Beijing, China)
Daily Telegraph political editor investigated over misleading articles
11-12-2006 14:24
Press ReleasePrepare the glasses… The death of Pinochet
11-12-2006 11:11

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Pinochet, Chile’s former US-backed dictator, dead at 91
11-12-2006 10:28
News of the death of Chile’s former military dictator Augusto Pinochet sparked spontaneous demonstrations in Santiago and other Chilean cities Sunday.Thousands poured into the streets or drove in horn-honking caravans to celebrate the death of the 91-year-old retired army general, who came to power in a 1973 CIA-backed coup against the elected government of Socialist Party President Salvador Allende.
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VIDEO - Defending Democracy (Sack Parliament 2006)
11-12-2006 01:05

Police promise pow-wows
10-12-2006 22:41
Following increasingly outrageous treatment by police, the National Union Of Journalists have been raising their concerns. The following article was published in the Freelance....Neo-Cons in Disarray
10-12-2006 03:56
Washington today is characterised by neo-cons running for cover as reality presses in on their delusional world. It’s every psychopath and criminal for him/herself as uncertainty grips the culpable. Neo-cons and their support networks are abandoning the new American century (delusion) for the hard reality of rapid American decline and the very real prospect of facing war crimes tribunals. The recent utterings of arch-neocon, Richard Perle, attempting to lay blame on the imbecile, Bush, reveals panic at the highest levels; but it’s far too late to evade responsibility, the world is very familiar with the criminal perpetrators of the whole neo-con fiasco.Asylum seekers protest treatment at detention centres
09-12-2006 10:44
Asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers seeking to remain in Britain last week staged a protest in response to their treatment at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow, London.An italian view on London spy-story
08-12-2006 20:07
I was in London when the russian ex-KGB spy was killed into a Sushi pub in Picadilly, London. Once back in Italy I followed the clue and found that the italian intriguing person, Mario Scaramella, seems a not-so-casual victim of this story.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Leeds bus strikes over pensions to go ahead
08-12-2006 13:05
Bus drivers at First Leeds will strike in protest at attempts to devalue their hard earned pensions. One thousand drivers, all members of the Transport and General Workers Union, will walk out on 11th, 23rd and 24th December when no buses are expected to run so hitting the lucrative Christmas shopping and leisure period.Confirmed: ‘Wyatt Earp’ losing War in Iraq
08-12-2006 02:28
Is anyone surprised? When first we heard the simplistic binary logic of “wanted dead or alive” or “you're either with us or with the terrorists” and “mission accomplished” (no connection to the real world whatsoever); WE KNEW IT WOULD BE A DISASTER. Many intelligent articles were written at that time sounding a warning, testifying to the fact – peruse this site and read for yourselves! But let’s not stop with the above lest it HAPPEN AGAIN; the moronic comment of Wolfowitz, that the Iraqi people would welcome invaders with “bouquets of flowers”, signals either total lunacy or the worst criminal liar of all time? Not to be outdone by Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld offers his ‘poetry of insanity’ for idiots and Americans, quatrains of pathology expressed in the ‘known-unknown-knowns’ of criminal deception. Not to be excluded from the unadulterated INSANITY and INCOMPETENCE is the war-whore herself, Condoleezza (status quo) Rice, of Lebanon infamy who believes that peace equates with war!The Shortwave Report 12/8 Listen Globally!
08-12-2006 00:57
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.U.S. senator urges use of NATO defense clause for energy
07-12-2006 23:58
In what could lead to a radical re-examination of NATO's defense doctrine, a leading U.S. senator has called on the alliance to come to the aid of any member whose energy sources are threatened by using the organization's Article 5 mutual defense clause.The Lebanese Velvet Revolution
07-12-2006 23:37
The Lebanese opposition, which organized this mass demonstration are Hezbollah (Party of God), AMAL Movement (Afwaj Al-Mouqawama Al-Lubnaniyya; Lebanese Resistance Detachment), and the Christian Free Patriotic Movement (FPM). They claimed the legitimate right for such protest based on the Lebanese constitution that grants the people the right to change their government.Into the Ring with Counterpunch on 9/11
07-12-2006 23:08
How Alexander Cockburn, Otherwise So Bright, Blanks Out on 9/11 EvidenceThe first thing to say by way of preliminaries—and I’d better get it in quickly before someone suggests that I’ve turned up late or over-weight for a pre-match weighing-in—is that I’m not overjoyed with the pugilistic metaphor of my title.
But some sort of response to the volley of attacks on 9/11 researchers and activists with which the Counterpunch website marked the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 seems called for.