UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 100208
02-10-2008 16:58

Palestine Today 100108
01-10-2008 15:46

BBC News website political bias?
01-10-2008 09:11
Is 'Have Your Say' on the BBC news website, a) subtly (¬ so subtly) 'moderated' to set and promote a right wing aganda? Is it being hijacked by right wing organisations from the tory party outwards - with multiple posting and recommendation being easily acomplished.Seeing as this is funded by ordinary people, don't they have a right to fair use of their resources?
ie; Not being used to create politically biased whispering campaigns?
Palestine Today 093008
30-09-2008 16:47

Palestine Today 092908
29-09-2008 16:13

Congrats Bush & Brown: you've restarted the Cold War
29-09-2008 12:27
With the USA signing deals left, right and centre with the UK, Czech Republic and Poland to site elements of its "Nuclear Missile Defence Shield" - or Son of Star Wars programme - in those respective countries; with the British parliament voting last year to replace its submarine-based Trident nuclear weapons system; and with recent US and NATO support for Georgia and the Ukraine, it should come as little surprise that Russia has announced plans to upgrade its own nuclear weapons systems, putting even more strain on the now beleaguered Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Hence, Bush, Cheney, Brown, Blair et al have managed to restart the Cold War. Well done, gentlemen.This Week in Palestine week 39 2008
26-09-2008 19:57

Palestine Today 092508
25-09-2008 16:22

Palestine Today 092408
24-09-2008 16:26

Fight Speciesism! #5 - Out Now
24-09-2008 16:25

Autonomous peoples art against Tesco
24-09-2008 12:43

Bath no in no way condones you not getting down to the building and arting the fuck out of it! Fuck Tesco!
Palestine Today 092308
23-09-2008 16:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday September 23, 2008.
Palestine Today 092208
22-09-2008 17:00

Mystery of Police Informant Posters
22-09-2008 14:13
Police Informant posters went up all over Camden In July. The professionally done posters had the picture of a well known local character. The man's head was pictured on the body of a rat and the posters stated that "this man is paid police grass". They were posted up two at time all over Camden and close to Pentonville prison. This was published in the Islington and Camden Gazettes.This Week in Palestine Week 38 2008
19-09-2008 17:20

Palestine Today 091808
18-09-2008 17:09

Whoops Pork-barrel-Apocalypse! Press almost miss USA nuclear-power-by-stealth !
18-09-2008 12:18
The new "energy security" measure going through congress this week is seen as a "big oil" scam, but also includes the almost open cheque for new NUCLEAR power stations that was defeated when attached to the USA nuke industrys tame congressperson last attempt, quite recently. . . .(News breaking- Colombia Free Press)
It IS the stupid economy, stupid - remember !!!!
17-09-2008 17:18
New "bailouts", new sudden mergers . . . .curtains ARE dropping on the "wizards" of the "City" - DESPITE THE WORDPLAY*. The actual public are sussing it, without the need for "-isms". That IS a moment.( * e.g. for "correction" see under "total f****** disaster, AGAIN" , etc.)
McCains slamming of wall street, in phrases most leftists mightnt have used 10 years ago, the fact that BOTH PARTIES have pledged to clean up Washington, the SNPs naming of the speculators as "spivs" . . . . these are signs of where the ELECTORATES are - despite the frequently bought or blindspotted media echo-chamber - of ALL alleged political position, often these "marginal" "independent" media too.
The fact that people have had the "spare" cash from a few of those gravy-train instruments (these days, "loopholes", etc ) kept a lot of people from seeing that in the past - but after this - it aint mere "politics" - these scams are seen as either criminal stupidity, criminal negligence, or plain criminal.