UK Other Press Newswire Archive
After the Bankruptcy (Jürgen Habermas)
03-12-2008 18:40
The privatization mania has ended. Politics is necessary for the public interest, not the market. The collapse of the Soviet Union produced a fatal triumphalism. A tension always exists between capitalism and democracy because the market and politics are based on opposite principles.Palestine Today 120308
03-12-2008 16:59

Palestine Today 120208
02-12-2008 16:03

Launching of LIS CRITIQUE: new critical journal of library & information science
02-12-2008 08:33
Welcome!!!Last news: November 19, 2008
Library & Information Science Critique has launched its FIRST ISSUE, and you can download it here,

Irish Government deny children access to father Please Act Now!
01-12-2008 21:17

Tiny conviction rate of Israeli soldiers reported in mainstream press
01-12-2008 16:38
Reports from the AP on the findings of the human rights group Yesh Din show up the appalling conviction rate of Israeli soldiers accused of crimes against Palestinians between 2001 and 2007.Palestine Today 120108
01-12-2008 15:16

as seen on BBC1 ITN Channel 4 Arsenal architects in "28 Days Later Lab"!
29-11-2008 18:06
The architects HOK who are desgining the notorious "28 Days Later" lab in Camden are the same architects who designed the Arsenal Stadium!!! If you are an Arsenal fan do you find this shocking? The lab is opposed by local people and business in Camden who want council homes & community facilities on the site. The lab has been criticised by MI5 and will be next to St Pancras International.No Foie Gras in Camden! Foie Gras? No ta!
29-11-2008 00:49
A letter has appeared in Camden New Journal warning that a number of Fench restatraunts have sprung up in the borough and that many of them are selling Foie Gras......Time for action!
This Week in Palestine, Week 48
28-11-2008 18:01

Surveillance Security State- Arrest of Shadow Cabinet MP
28-11-2008 13:15
Reports are coming in from official news sources that Damien Green,a leading member of the Opposition Bench has been arrested in connection with the "leaking" of documents which might be in the public interest.How free UK journalists are when working in UAE?
28-11-2008 12:46
An article published in the Guardian by Frank Kane, Sunday 23 November 2008 titled A bridge over the journalistic gulf in the Emirates triggered my pain, and opened my old wound wide open. I worked in a media establishment in UAE for 8 years, and it is is a well known fact that Journalism in the United Arab Emirates is water proof strictly controlled by the government. Why would a British journalist defend this state agenda and its preaches of human rights? what about his ethics?Palestine Today 112708
27-11-2008 15:21

Palestine Today 112608
26-11-2008 15:32

Common Purpose 'leadership charity' at the BBC
26-11-2008 00:41
Scoop? Hardly, but here's an interesting list of BBC Common Purpose graduates which was sent to me anonymously. It shows, if genuine, that Common Purpose has been targeting the BBC quite specifically, as I'm sure most organisations won't have such a high proportion of Common Purpose graduates. Most of these people will probably be entirely unaware of the criticism the likes of Ex-Royal Naval officer Brian Gerrish have been levelling at the charity. See if you recognise on-air staff from your BBC region.Thousands to March Against MassEviction for a Themepark in South Afgrica
25-11-2008 20:34
Ten thousand Zulu families, perhaps 50 thousand people or more, face eviction for a Dubai funded Zulu Themepark.....Palestine Today 112508
25-11-2008 15:39

Beyond TV 2008 festival a great success
24-11-2008 17:08

Natalie Bracht found and kids seized
24-11-2008 16:37
News reports are appearing which claim that fugative mother Natalie Bracht has been tracked down to Munich in Germany and her five kids seized by the authorities...Palestine Today 112408
24-11-2008 13:14