UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Under Siege: Islam, War and the Media
11-11-2008 21:58
Despite the aura of hope that Obama's presidency has brought, the fact remains that the "war on terror" is as entrenched as ever. It continues to claim lives, curtail civil liberties and fuel Islamophobia - all with the complicity of much of the British media.Palestine Today 111108
11-11-2008 16:02

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Teusday November 11 2008
Sucessful Eviction Resistance & Bristol's Nuclear Trains
11-11-2008 01:08

Palestine Today 111008
10-11-2008 14:39

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Monday November 10 2008
Wordiary Pub Quiz Launch in Newcastle
09-11-2008 21:58

8 pm till late
The Star and Shadow Cinema, behind the Tanners, Byker
Launch of the 2009 Wordiary. Entry of £4 comes with a copy of the radical diy north east diary.
Obama advisers discuss preparations for war on Iran
07-11-2008 23:09

This Week in Palestine, Week 45
07-11-2008 16:04

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for November 1st through 7, 2008
Free London Listings - help us to help you
07-11-2008 14:50
Free London Listings is now approaching the end of it's second month online and is growing fast having attracted 50,000 unique visitors since we launched in September.Palestine Today 110608
06-11-2008 15:46

Palestine Today 110408
05-11-2008 15:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Wednesday November 05.2008
Legal Aid department being downsized by over a third
05-11-2008 14:14
I wonder what the future implications of this will be for activists and equality of access to 'justice' (a basic human right enshrined in law). No doubt staff shortages will be blamed for delays in processing Legal Aid applications, and perhaps the means and merits tests will become tougher."The GMB national officer Rehana Azam said: "This is very disappointing news for the Legal Services Commission staff and for people seeking legal aid." "
Palestine Today 110408
04-11-2008 15:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday November 4,2008
Palestine Today 110308
04-11-2008 10:33

Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
photographing coppers could get you 10 years in jail soon if were not careful
04-11-2008 08:29
photographing coppers could get you 10 years in jail soon if were not careful, this is taken from marc vallees blog, this is outrageous, not we cannot even show them up for un proper, conduct.Bullingdon Club Secrets & Life After Addiction
03-11-2008 21:51
This Week: Life After Addiction - St. Vincents' Housing Learning & Guidance. Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Tuesdays 9:00 PM.
Chevron-Texaco purges its website of Burma references as it stands trial
01-11-2008 12:11
Charges of Rape and Murder Prompt Disappearance of Entire Country from Corporate WebsiteSAN FRANCISCO — Chevron [trading as Texaco in the UK] has quietly removed from its website any reference to its operations in Burma [Myanmar], a country where the oil giant has been implicated in allegations of rape and murder connected to a lucrative pipeline project that generates up to $1 billion annually for the country's brutal military regime, the Amazon Defense Coalition said today.
Brighton Bus Company ties to Gag GMB Members who speak out over dispute
01-11-2008 10:54
Brighton Bus Company has today stooped to a new low by threatening staff with the sack if they contact their local paper the Argus.This Week in Palestine, Week 44
31-10-2008 19:11

Anti-capitalist Halloween event spooks Wharfers
31-10-2008 12:53
Wharf employees will be on the look-out for anti-capitalist wizards and demons this Halloween.Palestine Today 103008
30-10-2008 16:17