UK Other Press Newswire Archive
President Gul: NATO missile plan is in line with our expectations
25-11-2010 14:05

Actually, the signing of NATO’s new Strategic Concept by Turkey and all the other members of NATO at the November 2010 Lisbon Summit was the clearest indication of Turkey’s total capitulation to NATO and Israeli war plans against Iran.
Don't be social be solid
25-11-2010 01:01
Ok, the protests are over and the urge is to get online to check out the photos/videos, then upload your own and chat with your friends about the days events. However, please consider the following first...Palestine Today 11 24 2010
24-11-2010 16:53

Cantona calls everybody to take her/his money off banks on 7 December
23-11-2010 18:04
take your money of the banks on 7 december.spread the wordPalestine Today 11 23 2010
23-11-2010 17:21

Brighton Hunt Sabs Benefits
20-11-2010 18:16
Sunday 21st November hunt sab benefit roast and work shop day with talks on topics that are good to know on the whole subject of sabbing.24th Nov. Punk, folk and ska hunt sab benfit.
At the Cowley Club, Brighton.
UK Royal Wedding and Australian genocide-ignoring
20-11-2010 11:44

The real TSA agenda and the hidden costs
19-11-2010 20:54
Exploring one theory on the TSA agendaThe US passenger plane cargo bomb loophole
19-11-2010 20:40
The weak link in passenger air travel and air cargo on such flightsThis Week in Palestine Week 46 2010
19-11-2010 18:49

Palestine Today 11 18 2010
18-11-2010 16:42

Palestine Today 11 17 2010
17-11-2010 16:22

16-11-2010 22:20
The conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch is trying to take over British media with his bid for full ownership of BSkyB. We only have 3 days to tell the regulator why this deal is bad news!See AVAAZ.ORG
Palestine Today 11 16 2010
16-11-2010 16:17

Palestine Today 11 15 2010
15-11-2010 18:20

Death of Dr. David Kelly: Disinformation, censorship and coverup by the UK media
15-11-2010 11:34

Juarez Mexico: Residents are “extorted” to pay $100.00 a week or else
13-11-2010 16:33

Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Reflections on the invasion of Millbank Tower
11-11-2010 22:08
During yesterday’s protest against cuts to education crowds stormed Tory headquarters. Windows where smashed and offices destroyed. As a result we can witness the capitalist system bend and buckle in its attempts to dismiss these acts of anger as illegitimate.Amongst the 1,000s that played some role in the invasion of Millbank Tower, were workers and students from all areas of society. We condemn both the media claim that a small group of anarchist antagonists where responsible (juxtaposed by their own images showing thousands rallying around the building) as well as the notion that the students involved are part of a privileged class. The idea that working class youth are some how exempt from the desire for education is both naive and patronising.
Palestine Today 1111 2010
11-11-2010 16:42

Palestine Today 11 10 2010
10-11-2010 17:36