UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Occupy Wall Street: A Reply to Skeptics
05-10-2011 16:12

On September 27th Lauren Ellis published an essay in Mother Jones Magazine entitled “Is #OccupyWallStreet Working?”
The essay argues that Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is not working because the movement has no clear message and is not demographically representative of those who are affected most by the current economic problems. While Ellis does raise important points about movement-messaging and political representation, she in no way tries to understand the internal logic and outward expression of OWS.
Ellis’ conclusions center around four main points: that OWS’s “kitchen sink approach” is a form of ineffective messaging; that the media’s focus on the police brutality distracts from OWS’s main message (or lack thereof); that the hacktavist collective Anonymous inhibits the OWS movement; and that the OWS participants are the “usual suspects” of “dreamers.” In what follows, I provide counter-arguments to each of Ellis’ points as an attempt to flesh-out some of the philosophies, practices, and communicative strategies of Occupy Wall Street. I want to note that I am not seeking to attack Lauren Ellis in any way. Instead, I am trying to demonstrate why her arguments—representative of many like-minded skeptics—are insufficiently substantiated.
700 Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge as Occupy Wall Street Enters Third Week
04-10-2011 08:16

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Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right
02-10-2011 06:14

#OccupyWallStreet protests are now well into their second week, and they are increasingly capturing the public spotlight. This is because, whatever limitations their occupation has, the protesters have done many things right.
Freedom Press Launch Night TONIGHT!
01-10-2011 10:17

Housmans bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
Kings Cross
London N1 9DX
Ten Years After 9/11: An Interview with Kevin Ryan and Don Paul
01-10-2011 04:01
"Journal of 9/11 Studies" Co-Editor Kevin Ryan and "To Prevent the Next `9/11'" Author Don Paul respond to a few of the assertions made in a 29 August 2011 article that was posted on the BBC News site in a recent email interviwThe Dangerous Cult of the Guardian: A Thought Police for the Internet Age
28-09-2011 17:58
There could be no better proof of the revolution – care of the internet – occurring in the accessibility of information and informed commentary than the reaction of our mainstream, corporate media.325#9 – Free PDF magazine of Social War & Anarchy
28-09-2011 13:21

Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants
27-09-2011 16:28

'Thought Crime' infiltrates Britain.
27-09-2011 12:20
During 2005 in Britain, a group of influential writers published a book entitled ‘Free Expression is No Offence’. It was published by PEN, an organisation which declared it;; ‘champions freedom of expression everywhere and the right of writers, artists and indeed anyone to say whatever they feel without fear of persecution or penalty‘. The editors and contributors to this volume, were energised to put pen to paper in order to defend the hard won enlightenment right to free speech. The catalyst for their essays was a government proposal to restrict criticism of religious forms of belief. The government were at the planning stage of creating an offence of ‘Incitement to religious hatred‘. More recently, in August 2011, two young men were convicted and jailed for suggesting on face book that a riot should take place. A riot did not take place and the two youngsters in question did not turn up at the proposed venue. No crime had actually been committed except a newly contrived crime of thinking and writing words someone didn‘t like.Palestine Today 09 22 2011
22-09-2011 16:43

Palestine Today 09 21 2011
21-09-2011 15:36

re: Dispatches - The Fight For Dale Farm
21-09-2011 08:47
I've lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard the words “there's one law for you fucking gypo's and another law for the rest of us”. Indeed, when you are raised a Gypsy you often come face to face with many disgruntled locals who are not exactly happy that you have just set up home on their most precious playing field. I find it somewhat ironic that these are often the same people who produced a brood of overweight, xbox addicted children who have never used (and will never miss) a playing field in their lives, but I digress. The unauthorised use of these playing fields, village greens, car parks etc. by Gypsies and Travellers fuels a hostile response from locals who feel Gypsies and Travellers are given 'special treatment' by the government and indeed this was voiced several times by angry resident's throughout last night's Dispatches.Occupation of Wall Street
20-09-2011 08:35

NCAFC activists drop banner for day 1 of Lib Dem conference
17-09-2011 09:16

The banner, which read “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg, Love NCAFC“, reminds delegates of the pledge taken by every Liberal Democrat candidate before the last election to vote against a rise in tuition fees and press for a fairer alternative.
Offsetting Human Lives - towards an 'ethical' Arms Trade?
16-09-2011 10:31

The launch of, Life Neutral Solutions a new company at DSEi 2011, raised some controversy.
Advertised on a billboard near the Excel Centre which hosted the Defence & Security Equipment International, billed as the world's largest Arms Fair, the company wrote on its website:
You’ve heard of the importance of being carbon neutral? Well, being Life Neutral is the same - but with people. For every* life lost as a result of the use of products from our member organisations, we make sure that a new life flourishes. Join today and your next child could be a Life Neutral™ child.
Palestine Today 09 15 2011
15-09-2011 16:29

Palestine Today 09 14 2011
14-09-2011 15:11

A taste of Apartheid
14-09-2011 09:27

hotel's Cookbook Cafe and 'discover one of Israel's finest Hidden Gems': its
settler-colonial conquest of Palestine, overseasoned with cultural appropriation. At
the Taste of Israel week, diners could sample Arab cuisine and goods produced on
stolen Palestinian land. Most of the tables remained empty and the £20 a head buffet
untouched for the first day of this poorly attended event; blinds were hastily
lowered by staff to obscure placards held up against the Cafe windows by boycott
activists, reading "Food and wine of apartheid Israel" and "The bitter taste of
Israeli occupation".
Palestine Today 09 13 2011
13-09-2011 15:58

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy
11-09-2011 14:16