Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy
Cem Ertür | 11.09.2011 14:16 | Anti-militarism | History | Other Press | South Coast | World
Unlike George Bush, who kept a low profile since leaving presidency in 2009, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (1997-2007), the other war criminal-in-chief, is still at the forefront of war propaganda efforts.
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
10 September 2011
1) Ten years on, Blair says Iran is the real enemy (9 September 2011)
from the archives:
2) UK Foreign Minister Miliband: Discussion about the Iraq war has clouded the debate about promoting democracy around the world (12 February 2008)
excerpts from: Ten years on, Blair says Iran is the real enemy
Regime change in Tehran would be welcome - Decade on, 'Iran is real enemy'
by Philip Webster and Richard Beeston, The Times, 9 September 2011
Tony Blair backs regime change in Iran and Syria and warns the West of a long and hard struggle to defeat terrorism and the flawed ideology that supports it.
The former [British] Prime Minister, in an interview with The Times to mark the tenth anniversary of 9/11, [...] suggests that the West must be ready to use force against Iran if it pursues its nuclear ambitions.
“Regime change in Tehran would immediately make me significantly more optimistic about the whole of the region [...] If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons capability it would destabilise the region very, very badly. They continue to support groups that are engaged with terrorism and the forces of reaction. In Iraq one of the main problems has been the continued intervention of Iran and likewise in Afghanistan.”
from the archives:
“I believe discussion about the Iraq war has clouded the debate about promoting democracy around the world. I understand the doubts about Iraq and Afghanistan, and the deep concerns at the mistakes made. But my plea is that we do not let divisions over those conflicts obscure our national interest, never mind our moral impulse, in supporting movements for democracy […]
In the 1990’s […] the left seemed conflicted between the desirability of the goal and its qualms about the use of military means. In fact, the goal of spreading democracy should be a great progressive project; the means need to combine soft and hard power.”
[UK Foreign Minister David Miliband, “The Democratic Imperative” speech, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University, 12 February 2008] (*)
(*) Aung San Suu Kyi Lecture: ‘The Democratic Imperative’
David Miliband’s Official website, 12 February 2008
related documents:
Rt Hon. Tony Blair transcript
(transcript of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's oral evidence before the Iraq Inquiry on 21 January 2011)
Iraq Inquiry website, 21 January 2011
Rt Hon. Tony Blair transcript
(transcript of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's oral evidence before the Iraq Inquiry on 29 January 2010)
Iraq Inquiry website, 29 January 2010
Iraq - Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception and Intimidation
(UK Government's intelligence report on Iraq, 30 January 2003)
Federation of American Scientists website
Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction: The assessment of the British Government
(UK Government's intelligence report on Iraq, 24 September 2002)
Official Documents Archive website
news archive:
Blair: Prepare for war in Iran
by Tom Newton Dunn, The Sun, 23 January 2011
At Iraq Inquiry, Tony Blair targets Iran
by Anoush Maleki, Press TV, 30 January 2010§ionid=3510303
I’d do it again.. to Iran - Blair’s day of judgement (*)
(*) title of the print edition
by Jason Beattie, Daily Mirror, 29 January 2010
related articles:
Iran: "Regime change" or all out war?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 14 June 2011
Law suit against 4 US presidents & 4 UK prime ministers for war crimes, crimes against humanity & genocide in Iraq
Statement on Closure of Legal Case for Iraq in Spain
by The BRussels Tribunal, Global Research, 7 February 2010
Churchill’s crimes & Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq War
by Gideon Polya, MWC News, 6 February 2011
Tony Blair’s warfare state
by David Edgerton, New Left Review, issue 230, July-August 1998
propaganda alerts:
MI6 documents: Libyan extremist was link to al-Qaeda in Iran
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 6 September 2011
British government: We wasted millions chasing wrong terrorist threats
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 6 June 2011
UK planning to evacuate expats from the Persian Gulf region in the event of war with Iran
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 29 December 2010
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair: Iran is the real enemy
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
10 September 2011
1) Ten years on, Blair says Iran is the real enemy (9 September 2011)
from the archives:
2) UK Foreign Minister Miliband: Discussion about the Iraq war has clouded the debate about promoting democracy around the world (12 February 2008)
excerpts from: Ten years on, Blair says Iran is the real enemy
Regime change in Tehran would be welcome - Decade on, 'Iran is real enemy'
by Philip Webster and Richard Beeston, The Times, 9 September 2011
Tony Blair backs regime change in Iran and Syria and warns the West of a long and hard struggle to defeat terrorism and the flawed ideology that supports it.
The former [British] Prime Minister, in an interview with The Times to mark the tenth anniversary of 9/11, [...] suggests that the West must be ready to use force against Iran if it pursues its nuclear ambitions.
“Regime change in Tehran would immediately make me significantly more optimistic about the whole of the region [...] If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons capability it would destabilise the region very, very badly. They continue to support groups that are engaged with terrorism and the forces of reaction. In Iraq one of the main problems has been the continued intervention of Iran and likewise in Afghanistan.”
from the archives:
“I believe discussion about the Iraq war has clouded the debate about promoting democracy around the world. I understand the doubts about Iraq and Afghanistan, and the deep concerns at the mistakes made. But my plea is that we do not let divisions over those conflicts obscure our national interest, never mind our moral impulse, in supporting movements for democracy […]
In the 1990’s […] the left seemed conflicted between the desirability of the goal and its qualms about the use of military means. In fact, the goal of spreading democracy should be a great progressive project; the means need to combine soft and hard power.”
[UK Foreign Minister David Miliband, “The Democratic Imperative” speech, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University, 12 February 2008] (*)
(*) Aung San Suu Kyi Lecture: ‘The Democratic Imperative’
David Miliband’s Official website, 12 February 2008

related documents:
Rt Hon. Tony Blair transcript
(transcript of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's oral evidence before the Iraq Inquiry on 21 January 2011)
Iraq Inquiry website, 21 January 2011

Rt Hon. Tony Blair transcript
(transcript of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair's oral evidence before the Iraq Inquiry on 29 January 2010)
Iraq Inquiry website, 29 January 2010

Iraq - Its Infrastructure of Concealment, Deception and Intimidation
(UK Government's intelligence report on Iraq, 30 January 2003)
Federation of American Scientists website

Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction: The assessment of the British Government
(UK Government's intelligence report on Iraq, 24 September 2002)
Official Documents Archive website

news archive:
Blair: Prepare for war in Iran
by Tom Newton Dunn, The Sun, 23 January 2011

At Iraq Inquiry, Tony Blair targets Iran
by Anoush Maleki, Press TV, 30 January 2010

I’d do it again.. to Iran - Blair’s day of judgement (*)
(*) title of the print edition
by Jason Beattie, Daily Mirror, 29 January 2010

related articles:
Iran: "Regime change" or all out war?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 14 June 2011

Law suit against 4 US presidents & 4 UK prime ministers for war crimes, crimes against humanity & genocide in Iraq
Statement on Closure of Legal Case for Iraq in Spain
by The BRussels Tribunal, Global Research, 7 February 2010

Churchill’s crimes & Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq War
by Gideon Polya, MWC News, 6 February 2011

Tony Blair’s warfare state
by David Edgerton, New Left Review, issue 230, July-August 1998

propaganda alerts:
MI6 documents: Libyan extremist was link to al-Qaeda in Iran
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 6 September 2011

British government: We wasted millions chasing wrong terrorist threats
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 6 June 2011

UK planning to evacuate expats from the Persian Gulf region in the event of war with Iran
by Cem Ertür, 911blogger, 29 December 2010

Cem Ertür
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