UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Read This!
11-12-2011 21:45
Read this you are lucky to, Haven Distribution helps those whom aren't so fortunate.Those behind bars AR/Eco Activists included.Palestine Today 12 08 2011
08-12-2011 14:04

Once again, war is prime time and journalism's role is taboo
08-12-2011 13:57
The following article by John Pilger starts with a reference to 22nd May 2007 Guardian front page, which was the subject of the following UK Indymedia feature at the time:Imperial Disinformation: The Guardian's Iran/Iraq Coverage

Black Flame author Lucien van der Walk talk – Freedom bookshop Dec 10th
08-12-2011 09:59

Palestine Today 12 07 2011
07-12-2011 15:00

‘Occupy’ protesters reclaiming foreclosed homes in 20 cities
07-12-2011 00:22

The 99 percent movement, which has been evicted from many of their encampments across the country, is finding common cause with thousands of homeowners who are also being evicted from their homes.
Even though the movement has often been criticized for a lack of defined goals, Tuesday’s “Occupy Our Homes” action in at least 20 cities makes it clear that they are standing up to banks to reverse foreclosures.
“We’re in the neighborhood in New York City that had the highest number of foreclosure filings in 2010 to send a message that the economy is failing the 99 percent,” Vocal New York organizer Sean Barry told Raw Story from a Brooklyn neighborhood as about 200 protesters chanted in the background.
Palestine Today 12 06 2011
06-12-2011 15:38

Portsmouth Nazi Exposed!
06-12-2011 00:53
Is this the Biggest Wanker in Portsmouth?!Palestine Today 12 05 2011
05-12-2011 14:06

Is the West hunting for a pretext for a war on Iran?
02-12-2011 19:35

The Times calls for Press TV closure
01-12-2011 20:07

Palestine Today 12 1 2011
01-12-2011 14:25

Palestine Today 11 30 2011
30-11-2011 14:17

New Anti-EDL Poster Exposes Groups Nazi Face...
30-11-2011 13:23
New Anti-EDL Poster Exposes Groups Nazi FacePortsmouth Nazi Watch launches new poster campaign...
ex-NoW man Paul McMullan: "Privacy is for paedos"
29-11-2011 22:58
Former News of the World journalist Paul McMullan defends phone hacking, saying "Privacy is for paedos", and "Privacy is the space bad people need to do bad things in". He also confirmed what is fairly obvious to anyone watching - that the top editors at the Sun and the News of the World knew all about the phone hacking and even encouraged it.Racist "Tram Woman" Arrested & Named!
29-11-2011 15:15
OUTRAGE ENSUED after a vile tirade of expletives and racial abuse hurled at members of the public on a Wimbledon to Croydon Tram. The "tram woman" has now been arrested and named.Palestine Today 11 29 2011
29-11-2011 14:26

Ministry blocks anti-tar sands law, so we block ministry's front door
28-11-2011 14:40

Mining for tar sands is wrecking the Canadian boreal forest, destroying the homelands of indigenous people, and accelerating dangerous climate change.
So why then is the Department for Transport trying to sabotage legislation that would block tar sands oil from European petrol pumps? Looks like they’ve been lobbied hard by the Canadian government and big oil. Now it’s your turn to lobby.
Please write to Nick Clegg*: he needs to tell the ministry to stop standing in the way of green legislation. It's time Clegg acted on the green credentials he keeps talking about.

Palestine Today 11 28 2011
28-11-2011 14:33

Concerns about Taser use in police force under scrutiny over recent death
28-11-2011 12:17

A Bureau investigation into Taser use by the police has found that Cumbria Constabulary has used repeat-tasering, where an individual is subjected to repeated or prolonged electric shocks, 12 times since November 2010. This is more instances than recorded by the Metropolitan Police, despite Cumbria Constabulary having a much smaller population to police.
Cumbria has been under investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission since August, when bodybuilder Dale Burns, 27, died after being electrocuted at least three times at his home in Barrow. At least one individual has been repeat-tasered by Cumbria Constabulary since the incident.