UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Solar powered cinema in running for national award
05-01-2012 10:40

Winter blues - How energy companies are making a killing
30-12-2011 11:32

An attack on Wikipedia liberalism ...
27-12-2011 15:52
This article reproduces a job request spotted on - I hope ukindymedia will accept it as relevant to the UK as although originating in America, the request was published on a London-based website and is therefore seeking to attract UK based writers. The request is reproduced verbatim. Read on!Peace activist threatened with ridiculous 10 year ASBO!
26-12-2011 16:15
Just read this unbvelievable story concerning Chris Cole, a peace activist from Oxford who was approached by plain clothed police during his attendance at court for a hearing concerned with action he took outside Downing Street during the 10 year anniversary week of the beginning of the Afghanistan ‘war’....Palestine Today 12 26 2011
26-12-2011 15:11

Muslims Quite Like Christmas SHOCK HORROR!!!
24-12-2011 13:42
Portsmouth Nazi Watch publish an article by the Muslim Council of Britain that reveals Muslims quite like Christmas actually..Tommy Robinson takes a beating
23-12-2011 16:43

English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson was attacked in Luton. Photos have emerged of his face after the beating, showing his face covered in cuts, lumps and bruises. However, there is some doubt over who the perpetrators of the attack were.
The Gates of Vienna blog carries a report that blames “Pakistani youths;
He was out driving, when he saw a car similar to his wife’s, driven by a blond white girl. The other car flashed its lights so Tommy pulled over.
A group of Pakistani youths wearing knuckle dusters poured out. Tommy was knocked out pretty quickly, and they gave him a good kicking.
He looks pretty beaten up, but no bones were broken, and no eyes or teeth are missing. He had a brain scan this morning. We don’t know the results yet.
He has spoken to The Sun, who asked whether he had called the police. Tommy said there was no point, as a racial attack on a white guy was of no interest to them.
Tommy has apparently since then reported that the gang were shouting “Allah Akhbar” and “Merry Christmas Tommy.” The blog states that they “want Tommy to go to the police,” because if they don’t act upon this, it is “yet more evidence that there is a two-tier system of justice in England.”
This story has been reported faithfully by the EDL’s new political bed-warmers, the British Freedom Party. They add that “our thoughts are with Tommy and his family during this tough time, a time which should be happy but has been devastated by thuggish invaders who would like to see Christmas eradicated from Britain.”
However, rival fascist faction the North West Infidels think differently;
Anti-fascism on the terraces
23-12-2011 01:09

Piers Morgan committed perjury in his evidence to the Leveson Inquiry
22-12-2011 08:47
Piers Morgan claimed that he had no knowledge of the Mirror receiving information illicitly when he gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry on 20 December. This was a lie because he admitted to receiving such information in a letter to the PCC when editor of the MirrorBritish propaganda aims at triggering Syrian genocide
21-12-2011 21:08
Palestine Today 12 19 2011
19-12-2011 16:01

Bradley Manning, Wikileaks, and Judicial Farce
18-12-2011 20:38

Why are the police protecting Phillip Green? - A thought from jail....
18-12-2011 14:02

For chanting “pay your tax”, two snarling beefcake thugs hired by Topshop bent my arms behind my back, shoved me in front of two coppers, who then frog marched me out to the back of the store, and onto the police station, where I remained for seven hours.
Police station cells are barren concrete holes where the only signs of life come from the immortal carvings etched into the wooden bench by some previous guests of the State.
Yesterday’s police cell promoted two things things: 1)Walking in a circle 2)Thinking………
Why on earth are the police protecting the likes of Topshop, Vodafone, Boots, and Barclays bank!! The bosses of these companies take an active interest in reducing their contributions to public funds.
Cairo: Deaths and injuries after SCAF attack on #OccupyCabinet
16-12-2011 19:02

Activists believe that up to 5 people have died in Cairo today following clashes between troops and protesters. Hundreds are reported to be injured after pro-SCAF thugs hurled rocks onto the protestors from the roofs of neighbouring buildings. According to Joseph Mayton:
The violence began around two in the morning after an Ultra – a hardcore football fan – was allegedly abducted by security near the nearly three-week old sit-in in front of the Egyptian cabinet building.
The man was reportedly beaten up and tortured by his captors.
Palestine Today 12 15 2011
15-12-2011 14:08

EDL Thugs Plan Attack on Occupy Portsmouth
15-12-2011 14:02
Other far-right Groups Muster for Violent Confrontation!Portsmouth Nazi Watch have become increasingly alarmed by the level of serious threats Portsmouth EDL are making, both publicly and privately, towards local people supporting the peaceful, International 'Occupy' movement.
Palestine Today 12 14 2011
14-12-2011 14:11

Palestine Today 12 13 2011
13-12-2011 17:14

Phone Blockade of Constant and Co
12-12-2011 19:23
A phone, and fax blockade of the offices of notorious Balliff company Constant & Co. aimed at disrupting their activities in facilitating homelessness and state sponsered racism.NUMBERS TO RING:
01234 340091 (Bedford)
01908 374374 (Bletchley)
If you want to also be inventive the fax numbers are:
01234 301299
01908 374374
Palestine Today 12 12 2011
12-12-2011 16:04