UK Other Press Newswire Archive
G8 location announced by Cameron
20-11-2012 15:49
Cameron's announcement that next year's G8 summit meeting will take place in County Fermanagh.Farewell to Indymedia London and Shift Magazine
19-11-2012 20:10
This special edition of Dissident Island features two radical media collectives: London Indymedia and Shift Magazine.Featured Speakers/Commentators: tony, maqui, yossarian, rikki, lauren, ben, dissident island, jahpawa, dissident island crew
This Week in Palestine week 46 2012
16-11-2012 17:46

The Bevy Pub Official Share Launch and Benefit Gig
14-11-2012 17:05

Sussex University The Badger Newspaper Lies To Readers
07-11-2012 15:51

'Sworn Enemies'? A Response To George Monbiot from Media Lens
07-11-2012 11:04
Hi George
It's good to know that your email is intended in a 'friendly and constructive spirit'. We hope you will post a link to this response on your home page and via Twitter.
You write that Media Lens is a 'project whose purpose is to engage and persuade progressive journalists by critiquing their work and encouraging people to write to them'.
We do, of course, encourage readers to send polite emails to journalists. But our primary purpose is to raise public awareness by highlighting examples of corporate media bias. What people do with that awareness is really up to them. Our hope is that it feeds into activism, campaigning and the creation of non-corporate media like MediaBite, News Unspun and BS News.
Above all, we're trying to stimulate debate and participation. Engaging with journalists is certainly part of that, but we have few illusions about influencing media employees who often have little room for manoeuvre and who are deeply dependent on the corporate system. We do hope for marginal improvements as a direct result of our work - they do happen and do matter - but it's not a primary concern.
ex social worker exposes corruption
05-11-2012 11:00
We have a ex cps social worker on our daily radio show at 7pm london time.please join the chat room and ask your questions
03-11-2012 22:07
Mr. David Rogers Candidate for Sussex Police Crime Commissioner we want Katrina taylors killersSheffield Unions back European strike
30-10-2012 13:32
Sheffield trades union council has voted in favour of holding a demonstration in support of millions of striking workers and students across Europe, on November the 14th. Local pcs branches will call for walk outs and students are expected to join the demonstration outside Sheffield town hall 4pm Wednesday the 14th of November.Rape Victim Fury at Julian Assange Prosecutor, Marianne Ny
29-10-2012 21:29
"I am a woman. I was raped. But I never lied about my experience..." Why the case against Julian Assange is nothing other than an attempt to silence.Taylor's Theme
24-10-2012 09:10

Danny Kroonen from Dordrecht, Holland, also composed music to accompany Roy Grace, the fictional character from Peter James's famous novel crime series.
BBC Cesspit – Its not just about Savile
14-10-2012 22:35
This campaign has consistently stated that the BBC’s interest in Hollie’s abuse and Anne had been managed, manipulated and spiked. In the light of the Jimmy Savile revelations of sexual abuse over a 40-year period and the cover-up by the BBC, we would like to point out a few similarities in the cover-up.Urgent Animal Cruelty Appeal...Ban “Dig-Outs”
14-10-2012 11:23

Ireland’s animal welfare laws are being updated...and we need people from around the world to tell our government to outlaw, as a matter of urgency, a number of extremely cruel practises that make life a living hell on earth for animals in Ireland. You can do this simply signing the online petition below.
British Foreign Influence: Learning From Cyprus
29-09-2012 17:23
Information about the invasion and subsequent occupation of Northern Cyprus and the UK involvement in it.Direct Action in Belarus
25-09-2012 22:20
Anarchists in Belarus are getting ready to rumble with the regime again.Exclusive: Roger Cook, how Murdoch's News Of The World killed The Cook Report
23-09-2012 23:45

Tax-dodging Barclay brothers suing the UK for £1bn
22-09-2012 20:12

EDL arrest over Manchester police killings
21-09-2012 14:22

The BBC promotes Sodastream
21-09-2012 10:03

This morning on the Today Programme, the CEO of Sodastream was interviewed and was able to extoll the benefits of SodaStream as an environmentally friendly product! The interviewer even mentioned the fact that the company is Israeli, a fact that the CEO (who sounded American to me) happily confirmed. And that was that - no mention that the company's main manufacturing plant is in the illegal settlement of Mishor Edomim in the West Bank. No mention that the company is subject to a boycott because of it's location on stolen Palestinian land. Then there's also the fact that the BBC is supported by the licence fee, and really shouldn't be doing a 5 minute infomercial for a private company that is quoted on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
China in closed door negotiations to purchase Mexican crude oil without using US
21-09-2012 02:00