UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Rossett/wrexham eviction date 19th september 2012
12-09-2012 15:59
with the ever increasing laws being changed at a whip,it appears the law can do what it wants and thrown honest people to prison and breaking familys upCracks in the Pavement- Call out for Articles
10-09-2012 11:36
Cracks in the Pavement Issue 2 - A call out for submissions of articles and illustrations.*Deadline: November 9th 2012*
email:articlesubmissions *at*
Cracks in the Pavement is an anarchist journal with a mission to encourage critical reflection, undogmatic provocation and the uncovering of what is going on within our movement.
Right now we're on the hunt for articles for the next issue due out in all the wrong places in January 2013.
The Westcountry Mutineer #1 Out Now!
05-09-2012 10:52
The Westcountry Mutineer is a new monthly black n white radical newssheet for the Southwest, 8 pages of bile and hearsay, all wrapped up in a veneer of class struggle anarchism - for your free copy, e-mail us at mutineerpress[at]riseup.netSimon Kirby MP Exposed
27-08-2012 20:02
David Joe Neilson Independent anti-corruption Candidate Crime Commissioner for Sussex Police. Who has said that he would be releasing details of and cases of corruption within Sussex during his campain. He has make formal compliant to John Lyon CB - Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards over his MP Simon KirbyUK media lines up behind campaign to extradite Assange and silence WikiLeaks
23-08-2012 19:47
The British media has played a venal role throughout the ongoing efforts to witch-hunt and silence WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. But it has plumbed new depths following the decision by Ecuador to grant his request for political asylum.Unemployment a look into the Future with Humour and Awareness
22-08-2012 14:17
The Diary snapshot written in humour cannot but be praised enough for its imaginative narrative that connected with the websites members in a way that got them roaring with laughter but at the same time its impenetrable insight had many crying at just how real the prospects of it happening might occur.Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
12-08-2012 17:10
David Joe Neilson Independent Candidate for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.New West Country Anarchist newspaper
12-08-2012 08:51
September 2012 will see a brand-spanking new 8-sided monthly radical newspaper for the South-West hit the streets – but to be a success, it needs YOU!Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
05-08-2012 12:15
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner independent candidates not getting media coverageGodLikeProductions Government Internet Extortion?
30-07-2012 02:32

David Joe Neilson Independent Candidate for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner
29-07-2012 15:53
I am standing on a anti corruption platform. The chances of an honest Police & Crime Commissioner being elected are getting slimmer. Why have the Activists in Sussex not put someone forwardSussex Is Corrupt Says David Neilson, Police & Crime Commissioner Candidate
27-07-2012 14:29

New Report Documents ‘Total Policing’ Clampdown On Freedom To Protest
25-07-2012 21:38

A detailed new report launched today by the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) highlights how promises made by the police to ‘adapt to protest’ after 2009′s G20 demonstrations in London have been forgotten in a remarkably short space of time and a far more intolerant ‘total policing’ style response to protesters has developed in the UK.
The Most Dangerous Armed Gang IN The Country
22-07-2012 12:38

A mini-rant from a few FITwatchers - not necessarily representative of the views of the organisation as whole.
SchNEWs: Bristol Fashion
19-07-2012 23:22

EDL outnumbered in the Wild South West
How low can the EDL's fortunes plummet? “We won't be coming back to Bristol any time soon” said Michael Bayliss, the up 'til now unheard of South West regional organiser for the EDL. That comment followed a dismal turn-out of around 300 to what had been billed by the League as a national demo.
Sylvia Major Slip of the Tongue
18-07-2012 15:47
This video is supplied by an anonymous source.Even after this lengthy passage of time, it seems totally inexplicable as to why this particular woman would attend the High Court in London (700 miles from her home) having been named as an perpetrator of these vile allegations. It must be noted Major and Dragon claimed to have been suffering from trauma as a result of the allegations at Robert Green's trial. It seems too coincidental that only two weeks later she had made a remarkable recovery and went to London a day earlier for other business and just happened to walk to the High Court to attend the hearing, to which she was not a party.
How to set up a Workers Co-op - launch event and interview
11-07-2012 13:54

Tory Story
29-06-2012 08:11

In Brighton, our fair city, Conservative opposition to long-running anti-arms trade campaign Smash EDO is something of a given. They support the dealing of weapons to human-rights abusing regimes and we oppose them. Recent tactics from their side have included tabling motions condemning Smash EDO's (non-existent) plans to target Jubilee celebrations or Olympic Torch ceremonies. Nothing outside the usual hurly-burly of local politics.
But something nastier has bubbled up from inside the Tory cauldron. Back on April 30th Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&H Tories (and co-incidentally manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove) posted a claim that Smash EDO had put anti-semitic graffiti on the inside of a squatted building (since evicted). The date of the 'revelation' was well chosen – the evening before a major demonstration outside EDO MBM's factory.
Greg Palast book launch event Tuesday 26 June 7pm, ULU, Malet Street
25-06-2012 11:02
Tomorrow night Greg Palast launches his latest book Vultures' Picnic in the UK.End sponsorship of animal cruelty posing as "sport"
23-06-2012 11:50

One of them is County Louth-based betting company, Boylesports, which also has an office in the Isle Of Man.