UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Never Mind the Facts, let’s have a war...
08-01-2010 09:54

The not-too subliminal implications are that Iran is: a) a hostile state; b) doing something illegal in test-firing a long-range missile; and c) gearing up to deliver on its alleged threat to wipe out the state of Israel.
This is a propaganda system at work: the choice of words and framework of logic designed to condition people into accepting certain options. In this case, the pre-determined option is a unilateral military strike on Iran either by the US or Israel.
Movement #3 - No Borders newsletter
07-01-2010 16:42

Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010
05-01-2010 20:35

In Oceania, truth and lies are indivisible. According to Obama, the American attack on Afghanistan in 2001 was authorised by the United Nations Security Council. There was no UN authority. He said the “the world” supported the invasion in the wake of 9/11 when, in truth, all but three of 37 countries surveyed by Gallup expressed overwhelming opposition.
Guardian Newspaper Fronts ‘Black Propaganda’ Against Iran
04-01-2010 10:18

Granted, this PR effort on behalf of the British Secret Intelligence Services, using Guardian Newspapers as a front, is a cut-above U.S. IntelCenter’s amateurish video releases of ‘Al-CIA-Duh’ agents.
French media caught red-handed: Honduras coup protest photo presented as Iranian
02-01-2010 09:55

New Porkbolter is out!
31-12-2009 16:02
THE latest issue of Worthing's anarchic newsletter The Porkbolter has hit the streets of the West Sussex seaside town.'Making Cents: Life Below the Bottom Rung' (2009)
30-12-2009 11:26

FLASHBACK: Israel's blonde bombshells and real bombs in Gaza
27-12-2009 21:37

The cynicism embedded in the name, selected for what Ari Shavit, one of Israel's most celebrated commentators, called "an intelligent, impressive operation," is symptomatic to the cold, meticulous and calculated cruelty with which this attack was "designed," "executed" and "marketed" to the world.
Talks at Cowley Club Bookshop
27-12-2009 18:31
To kick off 2010 in style, we have a series of author talks lined up at the Cowley....International education strike network-meeting Berlin of Januar 2010
27-12-2009 16:26
Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivitiesWhistleblower Ex-Lecturer Convicted of Harassment Against British Knight
24-12-2009 14:36

Movement #2 - No Borders newsletter
21-12-2009 13:25

Anticapitalist Revolutionary rock band Rage Against the Machine make Xmas No 1
20-12-2009 20:04

EXXON FOX NEWS runs aground - Denialist-gate.
16-12-2009 06:48
"Everything everwhere is covered in oil" say locals.'Denialist-gate' shows how the fossil-fuel friendly Fox News spins to mislead and deceive public.
Youth Walk on United Nations Human Rights Day
15-12-2009 22:54

The Times: Secret document exposes Iran's nuclear trigger
15-12-2009 01:01

“Leaked memo shows regime intent on building atomic bomb”
“It looks like the smoking gun. This is smoking uranium.”
“Israel must decide within months on military strike.”
With the December 14th issue of ‘The Times’, the British media’s four-year-long propaganda campaign against Iran enters its final stage.
In fact, the tone and scope of this latest coverage is almost identical to those we were bombarded with in the months preceding the invasion of Iraq.
"Monstrous" Cancer Research building with jacuzzi, swimming pool and gyn sold.
14-12-2009 13:30
There is outrage in Camden as a £30 million building described locally as "monstrous" and hosting a jacuzzi, gym and swimming pool and currently used by Cancer Research UK has been sold. Camden council have given planning permission for the ambassadorial building to be converted into a home that campaigners say "will never be used". Is this how CRUK spend money?