International education strike network-meeting Berlin of Januar 2010
International education strike group | 27.12.2009 16:26 | Education | Other Press | Social Struggles | World
Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivities
International education strike network-meeting in Berlin – of January 2010
Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivities. the most of those are also occupied. In Germany, the direct neighbouring country of Austria (whrere the protestactivitieshas their fountainhead) are more than 70 universities occupied and 20 more were occupied wich was evacuated by authority of the state. Those are stil active in other ways. Becouse of more and more sharing of studends and now also non-students, the educationstrike is certified herewith and needed. The universities will still be occupied. The duration of occupation is depends on all involved students and the responsible instances like presidium, rectorate and politician.
The international networking is a part of the worldwide workers- and student movements. The first time after 1968 people from different groups and social positions are geting together in one movement. In th whole world we have the same picture if we take a look to the protestactivities, to the reaction of the people and even politician.The workers and the students are in one point of view, that it is not only a sence to fight together. It is also needed. In the europeen sector there will be organised the worldwide movement within the first official international education strike network-meeting. The strikers are hoping for a paralel development at the other continents and are supporting those.
The necassary technological and technical requirements are worked out by the students together with open source provider. This wil be an event with reports of success and defeat and concrete plannig of the worldwide protests in contents and also temporary. The worldwide movement should have a united time-management-system (TMS) and be public.
The first official international education strike network-meeting in the Humbold University Berlin is the first step of a worldwide protest, wich will massive influence the future of education-poltics. The protest-people are confident in their doing. Eva Fried, student of HU Berlin says: „We are th vinner. It is just a qustion of time. Good to know.“ The most of the occupers are in the same point of view and are waiting and working out intensive on an univerity structure to offer a better altenative to the actual educationsystem. Everywhere there are cultureprograms and familary unities are originated. The occupers are just a worldwide family. It is growing everyday more and more together.
In this sence all involved are hoping for an interessting and revealing weekand in January.
Bildungsstreik Berlin Presse AG
Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivities. the most of those are also occupied. In Germany, the direct neighbouring country of Austria (whrere the protestactivitieshas their fountainhead) are more than 70 universities occupied and 20 more were occupied wich was evacuated by authority of the state. Those are stil active in other ways. Becouse of more and more sharing of studends and now also non-students, the educationstrike is certified herewith and needed. The universities will still be occupied. The duration of occupation is depends on all involved students and the responsible instances like presidium, rectorate and politician.
The international networking is a part of the worldwide workers- and student movements. The first time after 1968 people from different groups and social positions are geting together in one movement. In th whole world we have the same picture if we take a look to the protestactivities, to the reaction of the people and even politician.The workers and the students are in one point of view, that it is not only a sence to fight together. It is also needed. In the europeen sector there will be organised the worldwide movement within the first official international education strike network-meeting. The strikers are hoping for a paralel development at the other continents and are supporting those.
The necassary technological and technical requirements are worked out by the students together with open source provider. This wil be an event with reports of success and defeat and concrete plannig of the worldwide protests in contents and also temporary. The worldwide movement should have a united time-management-system (TMS) and be public.
The first official international education strike network-meeting in the Humbold University Berlin is the first step of a worldwide protest, wich will massive influence the future of education-poltics. The protest-people are confident in their doing. Eva Fried, student of HU Berlin says: „We are th vinner. It is just a qustion of time. Good to know.“ The most of the occupers are in the same point of view and are waiting and working out intensive on an univerity structure to offer a better altenative to the actual educationsystem. Everywhere there are cultureprograms and familary unities are originated. The occupers are just a worldwide family. It is growing everyday more and more together.
In this sence all involved are hoping for an interessting and revealing weekand in January.

Bildungsstreik Berlin Presse AG
International education strike group
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