UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Abbeydale Grange School’s closure agreed by Sheffield Council
01-02-2010 17:59
The following article is being circulated as part of an ongoing campaign by the Socialist Equality Party to oppose the Abbeydale Grange School closure.Public Meeting: Stop Closure of Abbeydale Grange - Defend Public Education
Monday 8 February at 6.30pm
Meeting Room, Sharrow Old Junior School, South View Road, Sheffield S7 1DB
Free Vermont, and long live the UNtied States.
01-02-2010 14:38
"The U.S. government is an immoral enterprise -- engaged in imperial wars, propping up corrupt bankers and supersized corporations, crushing small businessmen, plundering the tax-base for corporate welfare, snooping on the private lives of citizens -- and we want no more part of it. The gods of the empire, are not the gods of Vermont."Climate protestors win historic victory against unlawful police stop and search
31-01-2010 10:23
Climate protestors win historic High Court victory against unlawfulpolice stop and search operation in Kingsnorth, Kent - the largest and
most expensive such operation in UK history involving 26 police forces
For films

Fur Commission USA Releases Hate-Filled Press Release about Recent Self-Immolati
31-01-2010 04:12
Fur Commission USA Releases Hate-Filled Press Release about Recent Self-ImmolationImportance of including truth emergency in the progressive media reform movement
30-01-2010 21:22

This conclusion should be a part of our political discourse given how much of the policy in the past eight years has been based on assumptions about 9/11.
In a free society, this type of inquiry would be a matter of civic principle, not national ridicule, which it what it has largely been when it has not been totally ignored by corporate media.
Footie fans in revolt
27-01-2010 14:31

BBC & Israel undermine archeology
26-01-2010 16:47

That is like saying something found in Nazi Germany was "found in the Teutonic desert". They are repeating racially biased propaganda from the Israeli state archaeology swindle.
Professor Peter Hallward on the US Invasion of Haiti
26-01-2010 12:25

The trial of the Greek Cop who shot a teenager and BBC Lies
22-01-2010 22:46
The trial of the Greek Cop who shot dead a 15-year-old boy in Athens has now started. The BBC has attempted to report on it, but the article is a disgrace, full of lies and inaccuracies. Read the actual facts here, in short, as found on Athens Indymedia (in Greek) and as reported from comrades who are there and are witnessing what is happening.How Alternative Media Provide the Crucial Critique of the Mainstream
20-01-2010 14:28
On January 4, Tim Luckhurst, former BBC journalist and current Professor of Journalism at the University of Kent, wrote an article in the Independent with the dramatic title, ‘Demise of news barons is just a Marxist fantasy.’ Luckhurst argued that leftist critics are gleefully predicting the end of corporate journalism:“There will be no further need for newspapers or broadcasters to host debates and represent public opinion. The internet will let every citizen speak for themselves. The masses will seize the means of media production. We will witness an era of revolutionary change.” (

Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups
15-01-2010 23:52
In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama's appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated "cognitive infiltration" of groups that advocate "conspiracy theories" like the ones surrounding 9/11.For Israel, a Reckoning
15-01-2010 23:43
The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an internationalism linking justice for the planet earth with universal human rights, and criminal justice for those who invade and dispossess with impunity. And the best news comes from Palestine.Major earthquake strikes Haiti; What you can do to help
15-01-2010 14:26
On Tuesday, a major 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, leveling cities and possibly killing hundreds of thousands. We are listing the more reputable aid organizations so that folks can donate.*Doctors Without Borders -

*Partners in Health -

*Grassroots International -

Do not contribute to the Red Cross (organizational corruption) or Yele Haiti, Wyclef Jean's organization which is distributing his call for US military intervention in Haiti.
An Orwellian World for Big Brother
15-01-2010 12:10
Around the world, a near invisible network of RFID wireless tags is being put on almost every type of consumer item. Wireless tags and sensors are being produced in their billions and are capable of being connected to the Internet in an instant. Yet this network is being built with little public knowledge or consent.Medialens: Nuclear Deceit - The Times and Iran
14-01-2010 12:59
On December 14, The Times announced that it had obtained documents about Iran’s nuclear programme that revealed “a four-year plan to test a neutron initiator. This is the component of a nuclear weapon that triggers the explosion”. (Leading article, ‘Explosive Deceit; The exposure of Iran's programme to test an essential component of a nuclear weapon confirms a pattern of duplicity by a bellicose regime,’ The Times, December 14, 2009)Iranian scientist assassinated as US steps up war threats
13-01-2010 16:51

Why is the University of Liverpool silencing blogs critical of Sir Howard Newby?
13-01-2010 13:36
On 5th January 2010 blog platform shut down a number of blogs it hosted after claims by the director of legal services at the University of Liverpool, Kevan Ryan, that posts on them defamed vice-chancellor Sir Howard.At least three blogs were affected - The Bristol Blogger, EcoLogics and Sir Howard Newby Watch. The first two were brought back online after the posts in question (dating as far back as 2007) were hidden from public view. Sir Howard Newby Watch remains offline. The claims that the posts in question were defamatory have not been tested.
Visteon workers fight on
13-01-2010 06:08

Mediablackout: Were Afghan Children Executed by US-led Forces?
11-01-2010 13:56
Ignoring or downplaying Western crimes is a standard feature of the corporate Western media. On rare occasions when a broadcaster or newspaper breaks ranks and reports ‘our’ crimes honestly, it is instructive to observe the response from the rest of the media. Do they follow suit, perhaps digging deeper for details, devoting space to profiles of the victims and interviews with grieving relatives, humanising all concerned? Do they put the crimes in perspective as the inevitable consequence of rapacious Western power? Or do they look away?Royal Mail honours anarchist artist
11-01-2010 13:07