Fur Commission USA Releases Hate-Filled Press Release about Recent Self-Immolati
Portland AR | 31.01.2010 04:12 | Animal Liberation | Other Press | World
Below is the official press release of the Fur Commission USA regarding the recent self immolation of Daniel Shaull. This hate filled rant not only calls Daniel a "terrorist" but accuses the Portland AR community of "violent intolerance" and refers to them as "violent vegans" who carry out "vandalism and theft, bombs and arson, death threats, assault, murder and even political assassination." The article then has the nerve to insinuate that the animal rights community "encouraged" Daniel to carry out this act.
This press release --for lack of a better word-- should be absolutely condemned by the public at large, regardless on where you stand regarding this act (or the AR movement in general), for not only its disgusting fear mongering, political opportunism and blatant disregard for factual accuracy, but its utter lack of compassion towards Daniel
and the community in which he affected. Shame on the Fur Commission USA!
Terrorist Sets Himself Ablaze in Attempt to Torch Shop and Those Inside
(Revised Jan. 29, 2010)
On January 27, the day of President Obama's "State of the Union" address, a man set himself on fire in Portland, Oregon, a town with an unemployment rate of almost 12%.
While screaming about animals dying and the world ending, the flaming man pushed on the unlocked door of a cold-weather clothing shop that only carries natural fibers. Only that one must "pull to enter" prevented this terrorist from setting the shop ablaze and injuring or killing all those inside.
When he couldn't get the door open, he ignored a police officer's direction to "stop, drop and roll" and ran down the street. A bystander threw his coat over him to extinguish the flames, while a Portland police officer mistakenly used pepper spray, instead of a fire extinguisher, on the man.
But the terrorist - who is most likely vegan - suffered serious burns as his synthetic (petrochemical-based) clothing and shoes melted to his skin. He was treated at a local hospital where he died that evening of his injuries. He was identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull.
Many have criticized both Portland's leadership and animal rights groups for not promoting tolerance within the small groups of vegans who violently reject the lifestyle of the majority, omnivores who utilize plants and animals, both wild and domesticated, for food and fiber.
Along with clothing stores, targets of animal rights extremists and violent vegans include medical researchers, farmers, restaurants and more. Their roster of criminal acts includes vandalism and theft, bombs and arson, death threats, assault, murder and even political assassination. Now it seems "attempted arson and murder by self-immolation" will be added to the list.(1)
As vegan groups began praising Shaull as a martyr, the FBI is investigating if others encouraged this obviously mentally disturbed individual to engage in the horrific act that resulted in his painful death. In the meantime, only prayers can be offered for Daniel Shaull's soul and for the grieving family he leaves behind.
This press release --for lack of a better word-- should be absolutely condemned by the public at large, regardless on where you stand regarding this act (or the AR movement in general), for not only its disgusting fear mongering, political opportunism and blatant disregard for factual accuracy, but its utter lack of compassion towards Daniel
and the community in which he affected. Shame on the Fur Commission USA!
Terrorist Sets Himself Ablaze in Attempt to Torch Shop and Those Inside
(Revised Jan. 29, 2010)
On January 27, the day of President Obama's "State of the Union" address, a man set himself on fire in Portland, Oregon, a town with an unemployment rate of almost 12%.
While screaming about animals dying and the world ending, the flaming man pushed on the unlocked door of a cold-weather clothing shop that only carries natural fibers. Only that one must "pull to enter" prevented this terrorist from setting the shop ablaze and injuring or killing all those inside.
When he couldn't get the door open, he ignored a police officer's direction to "stop, drop and roll" and ran down the street. A bystander threw his coat over him to extinguish the flames, while a Portland police officer mistakenly used pepper spray, instead of a fire extinguisher, on the man.
But the terrorist - who is most likely vegan - suffered serious burns as his synthetic (petrochemical-based) clothing and shoes melted to his skin. He was treated at a local hospital where he died that evening of his injuries. He was identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull.
Many have criticized both Portland's leadership and animal rights groups for not promoting tolerance within the small groups of vegans who violently reject the lifestyle of the majority, omnivores who utilize plants and animals, both wild and domesticated, for food and fiber.
Along with clothing stores, targets of animal rights extremists and violent vegans include medical researchers, farmers, restaurants and more. Their roster of criminal acts includes vandalism and theft, bombs and arson, death threats, assault, murder and even political assassination. Now it seems "attempted arson and murder by self-immolation" will be added to the list.(1)
As vegan groups began praising Shaull as a martyr, the FBI is investigating if others encouraged this obviously mentally disturbed individual to engage in the horrific act that resulted in his painful death. In the meantime, only prayers can be offered for Daniel Shaull's soul and for the grieving family he leaves behind.

Portland AR