UK Other Press Newswire Archive
BBC a another low in it's biased reporting. Tens of thousands dead in Iraq ????
06-02-2007 10:49
In an article regarding the Republicans blocking a motion to debate the war in Iraq the BBC comes up with this worthy piece of news. "Since the US-led invasion in 2003, more than 3,000 US troops and tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed". This is very much in line with their reporting of the anti war demo's before the terrible war on Iraq. This routine distortion of blatant facts is what the corporate media is all about.Who speaks for Jews in Britain?
06-02-2007 02:55
Anguish turns to outrage when the human rights of a population under occupation are repeatedly violated in the name of the Jewish people.Manchester Pride crowd figures -- organisers exaggerate by at least 500%
04-02-2007 02:38
The Manchester Pride organisers claim that 250,000 people watch the Saturday parade and similar figures have regularly appeared in the media over the years.It seems that no one has ever thought about that figure. If you look at the facts, a crowd of that size is a physical impossibility on such a short route and on such relatively narrow city streets.
Cheney’s Oz Visit
02-02-2007 08:37
Dick (dark side) Cheney is to visit Oz this month to thank Howard for his support, RUBBISH! Howard has recently returned from the U.S. where ample opportunity to “thank him”, presented itself. No, the world’s most hated man and notorious psychopath is visiting Oz to inspect and organise something tangible and corporeal. Why these neo-conservative clowns persist in treating the Australian people as servile morons is beyond me, or is it? Perhaps our fearful leader, John Howard, has given the ‘wrong’ impression to the world. Is it possible Howard the despicable coward does not reflect the true Australian character, are we really a bunch of colonialist slaves and lackeys? For now the shoe fits perfectly; the ‘boss man cometh’ to re-organise his slaves AND to set his property interests in order!This weeks SchNEWS, Issue 573
01-02-2007 18:34
This weeks SchNEWS, Issue 573, Friday 26th January, 2007
Members of Blair’s inner circle arrested in “cash for honours” inquiry
01-02-2007 13:51
The arrest for the second time of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s chief fundraiser Lord Levy once again brings the “cash-for-honours” investigation to the door of Number 10.Tower Hamlets New Labour vote...Evidence of 'significant fraud'
01-02-2007 12:10
Tower Hamlets New Labour vote...Evidence of 'significant fraud'One Less Bigot: Magistrate is backed in gay adoption row
26-01-2007 18:59

Targeted: Homeland Security and the Business of Immigration
26-01-2007 09:51

A Handful of Lunatics
21-01-2007 14:15
As the world races to nuclear confrontation in the Middle East the mass media is as quiet as a mouse. What is the latest news from the Persian Gulf? Confirmation of the reported build-up of Iranian troops on the Iraqi border required. Kurdish, Turkish and U.S. troop movements are strangely omitted from popular newswires. Follow-up coverage is a thing of the past, what is the latest from the Chinese leadership? THE PUBLIC DEMAND TO BE INFORMED AS IT IS THE PUBLIC THAT WILL DO THE DYING!Convenient Coincidences
19-01-2007 05:07
Analysts are trained to give special attention to what appears to be coincidence. A good example of this today would be the current hysteria in the UK over the racial vilification of an Indian actress on some inane TV show and ‘coincidentally’, in Australia, the mysterious ‘surfacing’ of an extremist DVD allegedly produced by an Australian Wahhabist Muslim. The mass media of both these nations is saturated by these attention-stealing ‘stories’. The attention of the respective populations has been conveniently diverted away from coalition forces quietly preparing for a nuclear attack on Iran. It could also be argued that the racist card is being utilised to soften western populations to the use of nuclear weapons – after all, unwashed Arabs and Persians are expendable, aren’t they?The Locus Of Responsibility: Media Alert's Exchanges with the BBC and C4
18-01-2007 05:55
Consider this recent exchange with Paul Adams, BBC News 24's Chief Diplomatic Correspondent:Dear Paul,
Your online piece today is curious [1]. You write:
"Tony Blair insists Britain must continue to show its willingness to launch military interventions for humanitarian purposes after he leaves office."
Why do you take at face value Tony Blair's argument that military interventions are "for humanitarian purposes"? Why did you not write, instead:
" launch military interventions for what he calls 'humanitarian purposes'..."?
Oz Minister’s Identity Crisis
18-01-2007 04:41
The ‘Australian’ Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, familiar to the local population as an American apologist, stooge and lackey, appears to have lost every vestige of a national identity as he strained today to defend the illegal detention by the criminal Bush regime of the Australian citizen, David Hicks. Mr. Downer’s muddled and professionally unqualified statements regarding the mental health of David Hicks, after five years detention in Guantanamo Bay concentration camp, only serve to highlight his personal dereliction of duty and his traitorous attitude to a foreign power.Bill Moyers: "Big Media is Ravenous
17-01-2007 06:31

Bush Challenges Opposition -- A Response!
14-01-2007 06:18
In his daily radio address, George W Bush challenged those who oppose his insane route to oblivion, to ‘put up or shut up’. “To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible," he said, “offer an alternative”. In view of the fact that U.S. Democrats are unable to effectively deal with the situation, we formally and directly accept this challenge and remind Bush that we are aware that this response will be read by him and his neo-cons; indeed, we have been aware for some time that Bush is a regular reader of this site as indeed is Rice and others. There is no avoiding this response!American Congress: Failed Institution
13-01-2007 03:44
Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:GAGGED! #15 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
10-01-2007 16:17
GAGGED! #15 Jan/Feb 07 anti-copyrightSouth Wales Anarchist Newsletter • • PO Box 70, Newport NP20 5XX
Much prettier here (with pics etc) on pdf -

Israel has plans for nuclear attack on Iran
08-01-2007 09:43
A report in yesterday’s London-based Sunday Times revealed that the Israeli military has been training to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and other nuclear facilities. Based on several Israeli military sources, the article said two air force squadrons were involved, with the preparations being overseen by air force commander Major General Eliezer Shkedi.Verification
08-01-2007 01:30
The (unused) rushed delivery of 30 ‘bunker busters’ (tactical nuclear weapons) to Israel by the USA during the South Lebanon conflict seemed unwarranted at the time but today the murky machinations of the ultra-right forces of Zionism and the Washington neo-cons, become clear. The PNAC agenda (specifically Middle East domination) also adds credence to what would seem to be a delay in plans; due principally to Israel’s unsuccessful foray against Iranian backed Hezbollah, in South Lebanon.