UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Radio Hosts and Guests Required Freedom Talk Radio
03-01-2014 14:15
Freedom Talk Liberty JusticeMedia disinformation and the framing of the Syrian war
30-12-2013 10:04

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies.
Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.
UG#673 - The Language of The Vast Machine (The Ubiquitous Matrix Of Lies)
27-12-2013 03:57

Help Break the News Blackout on Lies-for-War Report
26-12-2013 23:19
Pulitzer Prize journalist Seymour Hersh made public the attrocities in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and many years earlier broke the horrific story of the massacre of over 500 civilians in My Lai village in Vietnam - both war crimes committed by the US military. He has a proud history of major exposés of this nature.In 'Whose Sarin?' Hersh uncovers a war crime on a far far greater scale from the very peak of US power, but, though it's all over smaller net-based news sites, mainstream news media doesn't want to touch it. Please help break this blackout and send a message to political leaders and news editors that they should exist to serve the public, not the powerful, and if they can't be reformed they need to be dumped.
Prince Charles: "The banality of evil"
25-12-2013 07:07

Tucker-v-The Guardian PRISM hoax
23-12-2013 20:38

Prank the pranksters! Play around with information in the age of immaterial capi
18-12-2013 15:45

Obstacles for contemporary social struggles, how they connect with the “immaterial” dimension of capitalism, and the need to overcome them.
Communication and hacking techniques: experiments to overcome the repression and new tools for social struggles.
Why these tactics can be useful in our fight against contemporary capitalism.
Proposals for basic experiments.
Palestine Today 12 12 2013
12-12-2013 18:38

Palestine Today 11 12 2013
11-12-2013 19:25

Sussex Chief Constable Martin Richards Jumps Ship.
07-12-2013 20:57

Irans nuclear ambitions - Unsafe at any speed
06-12-2013 10:19
Article taken from:
Tasos Theofilou : an anarchist, who is brought on a trial with made up evidence
11-11-2013 00:37
Tasos Theofilou is a greek anarcho-communist. Counter-terrorism police unit accused him of murder, armed robbery and participation in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, with zero evidence. His trial is on Monday 11/11/2013 at 7 am (UK)4 turkish political prisoners in Greece, on hunger strike since 24/9
11-11-2013 00:17
Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla are rebels from Turkey. They all immigrated to Greece, seeking for a political asylum. They are on a hunger strike since 24/9 in order to prevent their extradition. Their lives are in danger.£83k grant will help get homeless off the streets
08-11-2013 19:50
A GOVERNMENT grant will help a homeless charity give one-on-one help to rough sleepers in Oxford to get them off the streets.Nine Clauses of British Republicanism
04-11-2013 19:50
British Republicanism proposes a political system for the UK in which equality is guaranteed. In response to support swelling and growing anger at the anachronistic concept of monarchy, key tenants have been composed.Neocolonial dementia, psy-warfare and media complicity
02-11-2013 12:23

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
NHS Mental Hell
31-10-2013 17:39
I am one of the people featured in Bedlam, a four part documentary series which starts tonight on Channel 4. It’s about the Betham Royal Hospital’s work with the mentally ill. I’m sure it’s a good documentary, & people should watch it, but this article is about important things which it won’t be reporting.Anti-Fascist Football zine
22-10-2013 10:39
Call out for submissons for a new anti-fascist football zineWho is Nancy Platts?
18-10-2013 14:53

Is Simon Kirby MP for Brighton Kemptown a Freemason?
28-09-2013 07:03