UK Other Press Newswire Archive
BBC News is crap
27-09-2013 14:16
The BBC is completely failing in its responsibility to educate and inform the public, particularly when it comes to the vital issue of human induced climate change. Here is a concrete example.Rapist of Women & Men - Police seeking possible other victims
24-09-2013 09:44
Rapist of Men & Women- This is Fluffy Ian- from No Runway 2 Campaign in the late 1990's. Also I think he was @ Allercombe, Trollheim & Fairmile. Plus other protest sites. Pls network. See also

In memoriam Pavlos Fyssas
21-09-2013 21:56

A Response to Bristol Post and the Police's Anarchist Witch Hunt
18-09-2013 08:55

Reblogged from Bristol Anarchist Federation:
When members of the “Angry Foxes Cell” burnt down the almost complete Police Firearms Training Centre in Portishead near Bristol, it took a lot of people by surprise, ourselves included. This week the Bristol Post published an article on a report by Avon & Somerset Police with the Stalinesque title “Our Five Year Ambition”. The Posts front page ran the Headline “Targeting the Enemy Within.” This was followed up by a comment from the editor singling out anarchists and drumming up public support for their increased oppression.
Palestine Today 17092013
17-09-2013 18:14

Israeli soldiers invaded various areas in the occupied West Bank, killed one Palestinian and broke into dozens of homes, and searched them, and kidnapped nine Palestinians, the details are coming up, stay tuned.
Thousands Of Yahoo Groups Hacked Week Of Sept 8 by Yahoo
14-09-2013 20:20

Daniel Loeb, a Wall St. billionaire
involved in private equity, a former
vice president of Citigroup,
whose wealth is estimated by Forbes
to be 1.5 billion, in a hostile takeover
wrested Yahoo with the help of 3 of his
Wall St. cronies from Jerry Yang in 2011 and 2012. But this week
he has accelerated the slashing of Yahoo Groups
Bill Gates gave 3 months notice before he totally eliminated Microsoft Groups, as he
broke his contract and word.
SchNEWS: Tower Power
08-09-2013 20:28

The Met Police made up to 200 arrests yesterday (07/09/13) in order to allow the EDL to march across Tower Bridge and into the outskirts of Tower Hamlets.
Inculcating stupidity: Syria and Edward Snowden
30-08-2013 18:34
Only the most foolish, thoughtless and inexperienced could possibly believe the latest propaganda warfare lie about chemical weapons in Syria, hardly different from the blatant lies justifying the war against Iraq. The main reason to consult Western news media now is to find out what the enemies of humanity have to say about their latest crimes. For readers in English, the most prestigious, quasi-plausible media tend to be NATO psychological warfare outlets like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the BBC, Independent Television News, the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, the Independent, the Irish Times and the main corporate owned news agencies.
For people outside North America and Europe, the internal spat within the West's ruling élites offers little of interest. Very clearly, almost the entire Western corporate and alternative media network operates on the basis of psychological warfare criteria ultimately at the service of the imperialist tendencies of their countries' societies and the aggressive élites that control them. Like that of their corporate counterparts, the role of the West's supposedly alternative or progressive media, and the similarly funded non-governmental sector, is to provide a moral alibi for their countries' imperialist crimes against humanity.
Barclays bank firebombed in Bristol - statement and reflection by a FAI group
30-08-2013 16:55
"we claim responsibility for deploying a simple firebomb against the Barclays bank just off Bath Road in Brislington, Bristol, in the early hours on August 28. Candles burned down inside tyres (giving us time to withdraw) to ignite fuel-soaked rags, which set off three 5-litre containers filled with half petrol and half kerosene with crushed polystyrene (the incendiary) and around 1680 grams of camping gas canisters (the explosive). The bank branch was chosen for its lack of adjacent buildings, and to avoid the extremely low chance of passers-by in the area we positioned the device against the back of the building against a window, instead of multiple devices on opposite sides as is commonly recommended."Dark Nights #36 – ‘Freedom to the Wolves of the North’ – August 2013 (ACN)
14-08-2013 12:41
August 2013 issue of Dark Nights dedicated to a long hot dangerous summer. International news and reports from the informal network of counter-information and translation. Front page covers the repression in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, against comrades from the Nadir squat after the attacks of the Phoenix Project by cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Front page sidepanel is the contribution of Actforfreedomnow!/BoubourAs to the gathering concerning the informal network of counter-info and translation which took place at Nadir itself previous to the repression.London based political punks!
04-08-2013 21:38
Non-party social/political events wanted for London-based DIY punk events listings!Operation Elveden to review my Piers Morgan, Jeff Edwards and Jeff Curtis compla
01-08-2013 16:44
Operation Elveden of the Metropolitan Police have attempted to refuse cast iron evidence of criminality. They have been persuaded to reconsider their refusal to act after I wrote to the DPPSouth Africa’s Dirty Cops: Licensed to Kill
22-07-2013 12:30

Last week Inigo Gilmore’s documentary, South Africa’s Dirty Cops, was screened on British television. It deals with the torture and murder that have become common at the hands of the South African police and includes an examination of the two most high profile cases of political violence on the part of our police in recent years – the murder of Andries Tatane in Ficksburg in April 2011 and the Marikana Massacre in August last year.
The scale of the Marikana Massacre, in which thirty four people were killed, made it a unique event in post-apartheid South Africa. But the Tatane murder was just one of the many murders of protestors by the police in recent years. There is no properly researched body count but a quick internet search throws up media reports of nearly forty people having being killed by the police during protests since the killing started on a university campus in Durban in 2000. The Tatane murder became so well known for the simple reason that it was captured on video and screened on national television.
From Trayvon Martin to Andries Tatane: Cognitive Dissonance and the Black Male Body
18-07-2013 07:50

"The awful truth is that in a white supremacist society the black body remains a location of violence. The reality is that the black body has an identity that is still confined to and judged upon the colour of the skin. It is this skin, this exterior of the body, which becomes the fundamental focus in a racialised identity. As Fanon denoted, the white man sees only the black skin. It becomes the foundation for all relations. The black man is reduced to his outer coating and body. There is no depth – only surface. He is flattened out and stripped of psychology, emotion and intelligence. Thus the black man does not really exist as a fully-fledged human in this imaginary – he is an object. But more so he is an object that presents a danger to whiteness. He becomes nothing more than a signifier in service to white fear."_________________________________________________
This article by Gillian Schutte was originally published on SACSIS under a Creative Commons License
Schutte is an award winning independent filmmaker, writer and social justice activist. She is a founding member of Media for Justice and co-producer at Handheld Films.
Ethical fashion debated or not at Ethical Fashion Source Summit Friday 12th of J
11-07-2013 18:16
What's missing from this government-subsidised list of what "ethical fashion" means?- Fair Trade (or ethical trading), the second one would be
- Organic, manmade, bio-degradable fabrics, and the third is
- Recycling and upcycling.
Snowden, Surveillance And The Secret State
28-06-2013 09:48
The latest from Media Lens (reposted)Original article here:

Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Charity snubs EDL for using cancer stricken girl in far right campaign
28-06-2013 00:41

One of the UK’s leading children’s cancer charities are refunding money donated by EDL supporters after leader Tommy Robinson used the plight of a two year-old girl as a political cover for far-right activities.
As reported by Scrapbook this week, Robinson and his fellow leader Kevin Carroll planned to march past the East London Mosque towards the scene of Lee Rigby’s murder in Woolwich – under the pretext that they were raising money for a child suffering from Neuroblastoma.
Is Ben Fellows Lying?
25-06-2013 09:42

[In Brazil] We are writing History!
22-06-2013 02:49

After spending the last few days in São Paulo, I return to Florianópolis with all my thoughts taken up by the subject that has monopolized conversations in the city: the demonstrations of the Free Pass Movement. I do not know exactly whether it was by choice or due to the necessities of life (perhaps a mix of the two) that I left São Paulo to live in the capital of Santa Catarina, but the truth is that despite more than 5½ years that have gone by, I have never broken the political and emotional ties that tie me to São Paulo, ties which are now stronger than ever because of the political situation the city is going through.
I hope the colder and more impersonal among you will forgive me, but I was never able to hide my emotions. The truth is that today I can no longer think without using my heart. Even the quotation up there must have sounded a bit "tacky". But I bet there are many more besides me who also feel the same emotion.
The Facts About Boycott Workfare and the Unions
21-06-2013 11:25

We feel we should publicly state the facts as they are at present regarding relations between Boycott Workfare and a number of trade unions. This follows the recent appearance of some misleading reports which suggest that the GMB, PCS, and Unite trade unions are affiliated to the campaign or working with us.