UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 09 08 2011
08-09-2011 14:54

NATO’s glorious race war in Libya
08-09-2011 12:56

Major changes at Freedom newspaper
08-09-2011 09:16

Palestine Today 09 07 2011
07-09-2011 16:26

Media manipulation of 9/11 Truth
06-09-2011 11:59

Sunday marks the 10th 9/11 anniversary. As on previous anniversaries, the media cover everything except what Americans most need to know - the truth.
9/11 anniversary: French, Italian, German media to leave US and UK in the dust
04-09-2011 15:50

Well, if you live in Europe, that is.
This coming Sunday, September 4, three major European channels will air in-depth stories on the Remember Building 7 campaign. M6, among France’s largest channels, will show a 90-minute documentary about various 9/11 family and first responder groups, a significant portion of which will cover Remember Building 7 (click here to see the trailer). In the same vein, RAI 3, Italy’s BBC, will show a feature length documentary that devotes significant time to Remember Building 7. And RTL, one of Germany’s largest channels, will show a Spiegel TV special about Remember Building 7 and the 9/11 truth movement.
Ruling means questions remain over police treatment of disabled protesters
01-09-2011 21:32
On IPCC's appeal verdict over widely viewed abuse of disabled activist Jody McIntyre during tuition fees protestPalestine Today 09 01 2011
01-09-2011 15:42

Hate Mail on Dale Farm
01-09-2011 10:12

Palestine Today 08 312011
31-08-2011 15:11

A Spaniard’s Testimony from Libya
26-08-2011 15:03
IJID Note: As this interview took place just before the launching of the NATO military attack against Libya at the end of March, it can be taken as a third party’s testimony reflecting the feelings of most of Libyan people just before the western aggression.Leonor’s note: First of all, I want to note that my testimony is my personal opinion and I don't have any economic or political interests. My only wish is to talk about the country and about the people who live in it because I think there's a lot of ignorance about it. In fact, all the mass media information is being focused on a particular man (Gaddafi) in a very biased way.
Palestine Today 08 24 2011
24-08-2011 15:26

The Libya media hoax: Fabricated scenes of jubilation & euphoria on Green Squa
23-08-2011 20:18

Palestine Today 08 22 2011
22-08-2011 17:21

Policy Exchange thinktank tries to make welfare system even harsher
22-08-2011 16:40
Writing in the right wing Daily Telegraph, Neil O'Brien of Policy Exchange sets out his plan to make the lives of the unemployed and disabled worse. Cameron is licking his upper class lips.Film presentation about anti-fur activism in Norway, this Wednesday in Sheffield
21-08-2011 22:58
An activist from the Norwegian animal rights group Nettverk For Dyrs Frihet (Network For Animals' Freedom) will be presenting short films about the group's undercover investigations into the country's fox and mink farms. We'll be starting at 7pm in the Rutland Arms at 86 Brown Street (near to the Showroom Cinema and the railway station). Newcomers are especially welcome!US navy seals destroyed to cover up Washington’s Bin Laden execution hoax?
20-08-2011 08:47

New evidence in UK phone hacking scandal implicates the Murdochs
20-08-2011 06:39
Explosive new evidence has surfaced in the News of the World phone hacking and police corruption scandal, exposing as fraudulent the single “rogue” reporter line of defence pursued by News International, the UK arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation media empire.Palestine Today 08 17 2011
17-08-2011 17:08