UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Cleaning House : the dodgy functionaries in whitehall . . . .etc
26-09-2007 16:07
. . . . the people that leave MOD procurement to join US-based arms corporations seem to have got very little publicity in comparison to the MPs or political appointees that put a foot wrong to the tune of getting a couple of extra trips out of expenses . . . . the "rotten burrough" of westminster that threw poor people out of theit homes to install influential friends was checked out, but this creeping petty criminal coup of " you scratch my back i scratch yours" is asking for much sharper enquiries - despite the large amount of sacrificial patsies it has got waiting, "pseudo-group" omertas, or old pre-"cyberbullying" scams it twists.Upsidedown begging bowls! Spititual traditions reject the "Muggers" Tithe: Burma
26-09-2007 15:05
recent NEWS . . . . monks take casualties to shield people, to protect future free thought, to keep the integrity of parents, mothers mothers, fathers fathers, to break the "western" media shrug-blockade.Demos at embassy - easy access - loads of tubes, buses etc,(google Burma Embassy location)
Pressure good - of serious sorts - see comment with "time for movement against war to evolve"-
"voice of democracy burma" also has background.
"boom, boom" - people ARE dying - but - ACT.
Open door - push. Despite the "media-opinion-influencers" doomgloom-crusade that is something we should all expect, then see past, this IS a moment for burma, etc. In burma the armed forces high-ups must have a mix of opinions about all this - they did ALLOW that democratic election in recent times - despite reneging upon its results - so if they are encouraged to listen - forced to listen - to people saying they should come to some accomodation with the democratic forces - but allowed a way out of the current-dictatorship situation too, a responsible, bounce-back global popular bit of effort, with imagination, acceleration, etc, then GLOBAL peoplepower should work.
Without ruling out actual armed intervention, with the actual or tacit support of china - perhaps with the involvement of china too - of a multi-national force - several different SHARP economic measures are possible that dont harm the poulation, or are so fast in effect, that , say, with fooddrops etc the iraq disaster of almost deliberately stupid economic measures could teach us how to do it a different way. But all the actual gravytrain corporate types in the west - or "offshore tax havens" as most are these days - shouldnt get away with the usual distractions this time - or the twisting of the news against china for some old "coldwar replay" either.
I Expect the media spin to show a "threpressionwastotalitsallover" - but, in actual fact - its "boomboom - they've blown the bloody doors off!"
That media blockade is extinct.
If you are in the media, or a spiritual tradition, different religion, different culture or different people - these shots might get used as a "media-influencers attempt at a full stop" or you might see it as a sort of trumpet intro for the new "drum'n'bass" of a quickening, STRENGTHENING pulse - with a grin that reflect strength back to you - that reminds you of what it is to act WITH the good spirits, the good intentions of community- of all people - if we are to have a free future - or a future at all.
South African leader tours U.S.; says conditions worse than apartheid
25-09-2007 23:36

Dispatches: Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them?
25-09-2007 14:58
Last night's Dispatches (repeated Thursday 3.45am) exposed the extent of MPs' perks, the lack of transparency into expenses and top-level collusion to quash attempts to improve standards.Reporting In Palestine Film/discussion on Tues Sept 25th
23-09-2007 10:38
Film/discussion on Tuesday 25th September at 7.30pm at Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates. Central Oxford. All are welcome to this free event.Another Neocon Fantasy: Iran Has Teamed Up with the Taliban
22-09-2007 10:12
Now we are expected to believe the Iranians want to sabotage this relationship by providing IEDs to the Taliban, not only staunch enemies of Karzai but Iran as well.Does not compute. But then so much about the flaccid and utterly absurd neocon propaganda campaign against Iran does not compute, that is unless you buy into the up-is-down, black-is-white worldview of the Bushzarrians.
suicider worlds end, or . . . . we remember EACH of us. "CYBERBULLYING". "stop".
21-09-2007 12:50
latest news, suicide from tower overlooking hyde park, london, 10.30 a.m, eye witness thoughts about stopping this happening, with reference to latest news about the world waking up to the effect of "cyber-bullying" - a worlwide factor, but also a metaphor for all of us, the way tech is getting used against peoples happiness - by a few inadequate bullies, cheats or frauds sacrificing others to cover-up their lack of thought - for others - the worlds - or for their own imminent future -Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Strike one for the Pirates
19-09-2007 11:48
Anti file-sharing organisation, MediaDefender, is outed through leaked emails.I don't belieeeeeve it!
18-09-2007 17:03
Lightweight, opportunist George Galloway is to appear on ITV at 10pm this evening.News Digest from 4WardEver
17-09-2007 17:29

Keep Informed - Keep up the Struggle!
NUJ photographer challenges police
17-09-2007 10:57
Solicitors Hickman & Rose have served papers on Sir Ian Blair the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for "Battery" (assault) and breaches of the Human Rights Act, relating to freedom of expression and assembly, on behalf of the photojournalist and NUJ member Marc Vallée.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Amero.
16-09-2007 12:42
America , Canada and Mexico are to join together to form an E.U.typeNorth American Union with a new currency called THE AMERO.
The Dollar exists no more.
Jon Snow: "Iran, Iran, Iran"
14-09-2007 11:30
The eyes of the world are pointed at Ahmadinejad; it is Iran in the dock, not the country that has invaded the two countries to the left and right of Iran. All of Jon Snow's questions were straight from White House press releases.Fox analyst: Germany's actions leave us 'no choice' but to bomb Iran
13-09-2007 21:39
"A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime," Fox reported on Tuesday.Lt. Gen. (ret.) Thomas McInerney told Fox, "Since Germany has backed out of helping economically, we do not have any other choice. ... They've forced us into the military option."
Channel 4 Propaganda Machine Now Churning for Iran War
13-09-2007 11:41
Last night, Jon Snow of C4 News grilled the Iranian President on his state's 'quest for nuclear weapons' and his alleged 'holocaust denial'. The interview was so aggressive and one sided, that it recalled the grilling of Tariq Aziz on BBC in the build up to the Iraq invasion in 2003.Khalid Awan is facing a modified, Bogus, Conspiracious, Fabricated, Preplaned case .
11-09-2007 03:38
Khalid Awan is facing a modified, Bogus, Conspiracious, Fabricated, Preplaned case in USA since 9/11, he is still in the Back of MDC Jail's Wall. Because he is Canadian Muslim.News from the streets - SMS news during DSEi
10-09-2007 13:51
To get news from the streets during the various protests against DSEitext the message: follow streets
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'Lies' by Transparency International 'protect UK corruption'
09-09-2007 13:42
The anti-corruption organisation Transparency International is refusing to withdraw or amend a report on anti-corruption mechanisms in the UK, despite the fact it contains false information and has serious omissions. The British government paid for the report, and anti-fraud activist Rob McCartney points out that all the false statements and omissions he's spotted distort the picture in favour of the government.Fargate Speaker - KICK TESCO OUT OF CROOKES!!
09-09-2007 09:50

Keep the Nibbler on Radio Oxford
08-09-2007 12:13
Radio Oxford loses the plot as it axes the legendary Nibbler.