UK Other Press Newswire Archive
New pamphlet: Emilio Canzi: an anarchist partisan in Italy & Spain (Paolo Finzi)
20-10-2007 14:39
Just published by the Kate Sharpley Library, a collection of articles devoted to Emilio Canzi, Italian anarchist, who was a key figure in the partisan struggle against fascism in the Piacenza region.“RED HERRING” - Al Gore, The Climate Sceptics And The BBC
18-10-2007 18:42
On October 10, the BBC’s Ten O’Clock News led with the story that a High Court Judge had found nine “errors” in Al Gore’s climate film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which the UK government has been sending to schools around the country. As a result, by way of “balance”, the government will now be required to include “guidance notes” with the film. (BBC news online, ‘Gore climate film's “nine errors”,’ October 11, 2007;
Gagged! #20 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
18-10-2007 16:05

See the pdf here:

Standing up for the right to know
17-10-2007 11:56
A protest in the North West against greedy media bosses who don't care about journalism.Libdems stitched by media. . . . does it matter. Odd, but "yes,a bit."
16-10-2007 16:12
Inside scam.What it means - for liberals, ex-wishy-washy types, democrats-that-MEAN-it,
but also you/us uk indymedia types.
"Told you so"s requested, with info.
cheers. . . . a lot.
Burmese Pressure Breaks UN Mould. . . . keep breaking the news blockades!
16-10-2007 15:11
Recent statements from the western media that the burmese situation is blocked by china have shown themselves as the"cold-war nostalgia" war spin they were intended as. . . .Full article | 2 additions | 9 comments
Anarchist Bookfair after party at rampART
14-10-2007 23:29

Suggested donation £5
proceeds to NoBorders and rampART
Long Live Thomas Sankara!
13-10-2007 20:11

commemorates assassination of Thomas Sankara. will also interview Sankara's brother Paul, Sunday 10/14, 11am-1pm U.S. Eastern time.
Press Release - Sirius Document Submission to the WHO and FAO,UN
13-10-2007 15:12

Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them? - part II
10-10-2007 22:57
Watch senior MPs squirm when it is suggested to them that lying by politicians be made illegal.Al-Qaeda: Sort of Like the Energizer Bunny
10-10-2007 17:12
None of this works, not very well, because people are sick and tired of hearing about “al-Qaeda,” the putative terrorist organization akin to the boy who cried wolf, forever barking but never biting because the wolf has no teeth, heck it is not a stretch to say the wolf does not exist, except in the fervid but all too prosaic imagination of think-tank neocons and the like.Bizarre Exchange Between Oliver Kamm And Pro-Mao Author Joseph Ball
09-10-2007 21:39
New Labour supporter, banker and author Oliver Kamm has recently been involved in a bizarre internet exchange with pro-Mao writer, Joseph Ball. The point of contention was Ball's article that seeks to demonstrate that Mao was not responsible for the deaths of millions in the Great Leap Forward, as is so often alleged.Major factual innacuracies in BBC Report of Anti-Nuke action
09-10-2007 04:04
The BBC, probably acting on deliberately inaccurate information provided by the Ministry of Defence, recently claimed that an Anti-Nuclear activist had to be pulled from the water around Coulport, the Royal Navy base where warheads for Trident nuclear missiles are stored. According to the activist converned, the story was quite different.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Burma: Pressure Shows Results : (Keep It Up: Sat :Tate 11am to T Sq)
05-10-2007 11:15
last night the burmese "junta" agree to open talks with the democratically elected burmese peoples representation, after a meeting with the UN rep . . . .The media spin of "doom doom" in the west, with the odd "deprioritisation" of this sort of mould-breaking news - with its echoes of the end of apartheid in south africa, or the irish peace processes "key moments" - is suspicious, but . . . . breaking news???? MUCH TO DO, keep up pressure, but FIGHT THE HYPE too!
Mining Heritage of Durham builds Nov 3rd Bookfair
02-10-2007 14:34
The first ever Working Class Bookfair is building momentum, as it gets closer to Saturday November 3rd. The latest development involves the Market Tavern public house, in Durhams' Market Place, which was the founding place of the important Durham Miners Association in the 19th century.Channel 4 Dispatches on Immigration Oct 1st 2007
01-10-2007 20:32
Jon Snow's presentation of Dispatches expressed the real difficulty that we now have with a media that relies on 'research' that is partial and concentrates on the symptoms of problems rather than their real underlying cause. Plea for documentaries not shockumentaries...Last Hours #16 - radical culture magazine
01-10-2007 09:22

Cambrian Snooze Out Now!
29-09-2007 10:59
West Wales' very own alternative newspaper, the Cambrian Snooze, is out now.Burma : The Old Covert Ops Criminal Types Tax Haven Of Choice
28-09-2007 14:40
1 : daily demos, 12 - 1 lunchtime . . . . BURMESE EMBASSY 19a charles st,2 : this sunday, 11.30 trafalgar square to the Burmese Embassy
3 : pass these facts to media types, those with actual influence. . . . each other!
4 : where you are, all the time, if you could : researching the publicity organs or western corporations trying to influence media opinions, or playing "tail wag dog" games with some of the "junta". There is talk of recent actions of some soldiers seeming those of "automatons", or use of drugs to machinate them in these current times . . . . its possible some of this has more subtle effects, but
We are ALL burmese, in this little 2007 world .Cyberslavery. . . . then you?
27-09-2007 12:38
In london, the address of the burmese embassy is necessary to discover it . . . . this lunchtime the present day "representation" had hidden their flag.Shame, or cowardice . . . . people are choosing against the cyberslavery put upon them in test case new deliberate designs of "repression-cities", as much a test for the world as was the nazi slave labour deathcamps - or peenemunde. Could global institutions have had pride in their actions if the retort to, say, the attempts at a breakout in Sobibor have limits of stopping the passports or overseas credit of the Auschwitz troops? A town a week is destroyed as we "wait."