UK Other Press Newswire Archive
DIY Cultures 2014, Sunday 25th May, 12pm-7pm, Rich Mix
24-05-2014 06:14
2nd Edition of DIY Cultures -A day-long festival of zines, artist books, comics, artists-run spaces, talks, films, animation, poetry, video art, exhibition, workshops - the spirit of independence, autonomy & alternatives.
Katy Bourne SPCC “SCANDALOUS” Screams the Argus.
14-05-2014 19:35

BBC says sorry over lax Data Protection for sources - another own goal!
01-04-2014 16:29
The BBC itself has admitted during today (Tuesday 01 April 2014) to being sorry over the disclosure in the last 48 hours that the BBC'sd own lax management had allowed sources' data to be disclsoed to the supposed subject of last night's Panaroma episide abouut London's Tower Hamlets Borough Council.OKEEFFE SOLICITORS GOOD OR BAD
26-03-2014 14:22

Hereford Heckler #23 now out...
28-02-2014 14:07
Issue 23 of the Hereford Heckler has hit the streets!Aristocratic Britain exposed as real welfare parasites (whilst the poor starve)
25-02-2014 08:59
A freedom of information request by GMB union has revealed that Castle-dwelling aristocrats and some particualrly wealthy Tory MPs are raking in the lion’s share of the £23billion of taxpayers’ cash that goes towards subsidising the rent for 1.65 million private properties in Britain via their feudal property empires.Story is Front-Page in today's Morning Star newspaper (BTW, The Morning Star headline is incorrect. The article itself explains that the rich are getting the lions' share of the £23 Billion housing benefiit budget - not all of it.)
All New look for UK PROTEST & DEMOS
17-02-2014 14:09

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Organ smuggling: Turkish hospitals traffic injured Syrian citizens’ organs
11-02-2014 17:54

Terrorism with a “Human Face”: “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians"
10-02-2014 10:49
The attacks by opposition forces largely integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists can no longer be denied.What is now occurring is a re-branding of the various terrorist formations covertly support by Western intelligence.
The latest slur of media disinformation consists in providing a “human face” to Al Qaeda.
While the media acknowledges that the Al Nusrah front is integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated rebels, the Islamist rebels affiliated with the New Islamic Front –which has received Washington’s ascent– are now portrayed as “freedom fighters” involved strictly in para-military operations.
US to step up war on Syria after Geneva
02-02-2014 14:28

The latest "sensational" story is that the Syrian state army has been "wiping civilian residential areas off the map" in the cities of Damascus, Aleppo and Hama.
This must be seen as not just another sporadic Western propaganda stunt. It appears to signal a concerted effort to intensify the US-led agenda of regime change in Syria - an agenda that is criminal to the core. It dovetails with the "failure" of Geneva talks and reports of increased weapons supply from the US to the Al Qaeda proxies waging a war of terror inside Syria, as well as renewed threats of military aggression by Washington's top diplomat, John Kerry.
Human Rights Watch - a proven propaganda tool for the US government - presented satellite images that purport to show large residential areas having been "razed to rubble" by deliberate Syrian army demolition. In an all-too familiar pattern of dissemination, the story was duly given prominence by Western media, including France 24 and the [state-run] BBC.
Syria: Who are the real war criminals?
25-01-2014 11:51

This slur of disinformation focusing on alleged atrocities committed by the Syrian government has coincided in a timely fashion with the Geneva 2 Peace Talks.
"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot
23-01-2014 13:59

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.
Geneva II – Washington’s Plan B for regime change in Syria
21-01-2014 18:35

The fatal problem with the Geneva II negotiations on Syria, due to open next week in Switzerland, is that the process is furtively being treated by the US and its allies as a lever for regime change. It is their Plan B for regime change, where Plan A is the failed covert military tactic. That does not bode well for a successful, that is sustainable, settlement to a crisis that is nearly three years old with well over 100,000 deaths and nine million people – more than a third of the total population – displaced from their homes. It amounts to an illegal interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, and as such is doomed to fail.
When Internet giants give the little people the run around
21-01-2014 17:42
The London ECONOMIST has a fairly representative account on four of the internet giants.See in the linked page cited below
Sharonian evil lives
14-01-2014 09:35

The Syrian sarin question – Human Rights Watch refuses to answer
13-01-2014 16:14

On the 28th of December 2013 the New York Times to a certain degree withdrew its previous claims although it blamed the US government and not itself for the lies produced then back in September 2013. However Human Rights Watch still didn’t react to these developments and so continues to stick to its old now discredited lies.
Informal Anarchists criminal damage at Vinci Construction in Bristol
12-01-2014 18:30
A University of Bristol email about criminal damage caused to Vinci constructionBehind NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - the Guardian's board members
11-01-2014 12:52

Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.
End scandal of legal hare coursing in Ireland
10-01-2014 23:20

The Republic of Ireland has become one of the last remaining countries in the world to allow hare coursing. The cruel blood sport has already been banned in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and remains illegal in most civilised nations.
War: "Academic" propaganda ... is a crime
10-01-2014 10:33

A particularly wretched self-serving Oxford "academic" called Professor Sir Hew Strachan, has been wheeled out by the British Establishment to front the link between World War One, and current British military..."thinking", which is...propaganda.
In the year 2014, the deliberate and cynical use, by academics, of ...propaganda, that leads to murder, must be legally challenged.