UK Other Press Newswire Archive
A success: the tour America banned
28-11-2011 11:09

It was the tour the authorities tried to stop. Dan Glass, the Plane Stupid activist who had superglued himself to Gordon Brown in protest against a third runway at Heathrow, never got a visa to visit America. His fellow speaker, John Stewart, who had chaired the coalition against the third runway, was sent packing back to London when he landed at JFK Airport.
Media lies used to provide a pretext for another "humanitarian war"
27-11-2011 13:16

The reliance of the mainstream media on information emanating from anonymous groups provides a biased understanding of the Syrian protests, which in turn supports the broader objective of destabilizing the Syrian regime. When information from unknown sources pertaining to the death toll is published either by a mainstream media or a recognized human rights group, it is invariably picked up and considered as "factual evidence" by other news sources or think tanks, without further verification. Moreover, in the process the information is subject to further distortion.
SchNEWS: Nov 30: We're All In It Together
25-11-2011 22:22

Well, it’s been a long time coming... Wednesday 30th November will see the first mass strike in the UK for four decades. 17 unions, including the biggest ones Unite, UCU, Unison, various teaching unions and PCS, have balloted to strike on pension reform which will see an estimated 3 million off work and, hopefully, cause massive disruption. Demonstrations and pickets are planned across the country – see complete list. Amongst the strikers are some unlikely suspects: 18,000 Border Agency workers are expected to strike leaving the government having to employ sinister private security firm Serco to take over for a day. Even the National Union of Probation Officers voted to join the strike four-to-one.
IT's On The Net!
25-11-2011 16:45

Palestine Today 11 24 2011
24-11-2011 15:00

New Radical Newsletter launched in Cardiff
24-11-2011 14:43

Palestine Today 11 21 2011
21-11-2011 15:16

New Human-rights group for Sussex
20-11-2011 15:31
This Week in Palestine week 46 2011
18-11-2011 17:03

Palestine Today 11 17 2011
17-11-2011 14:22

Palestine Today 11 16 2011
16-11-2011 14:34

Swansea Telly wins Digital Hero award for Wales
16-11-2011 13:57
D Murphy wins £5,000 grant for new internet TV channel about community and activist life in Swansea.Swansea resident will be honoured at House of Lords ceremonymark kennedy's thatcher tears
16-11-2011 13:10



Palestine Today 11 15 2011
15-11-2011 16:55

Greece, 11.Sep.2011 Photoreporter under (state) attack, photos
14-11-2011 19:02

Police violence against against demonstrators and the general public has increased dramatically that it's hardly worth reporting.
The stun/flash grenade was launched directly at him, and follow similar attacks on other individuals.
Fortunately Behrakis was unharmed, although his clothes were burnt. Others have not been do fortunate, suffering burns, deafness and other injuries.
Photographs by Ken Cedeno
Britain’s sports stars at the service of war propaganda
11-11-2011 23:17

Scottish Crown Office - Unfit for purpose?
10-11-2011 23:13
Here is a summaryof the way that the Scottish "justice" system has treated Robert Green from the outset
A Dictionary of Terms for the Shafted: political policing
10-11-2011 20:19

New terms to help us describe the increasing intimidation of protesters in the UK.
SWP Internal Bulletin - How the party thinks about recruitment...
10-11-2011 15:35
Leaked from an internal members-only SWP 92 page post-conference bulletin published in January.Hope Not Hate & Searchlight: civil war?
08-11-2011 21:37
In the last few weeks there have mean major cracks developing between Searchlight magazine & their cash-cow dummy front organisation 'Hope Not Hate'. Clearly, arguments about money are not exclusive to the BNP...