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Juarez Mexico: Residents are “extorted” to pay $100.00 a week or else

Von Helman | 13.11.2010 16:33 | Other Press | Social Struggles

Residents in city of Juarez Mexico are now being extorted by Narco gangs to pay taxes to the criminals or suffer the penalty of death

For residents in the violent war torn city of Juarez Mexico if worrying about the ongoing violence around them hasn’t been enough they now find themselves in a much larger predicament. In what once were protected enclaves of small private gated communities that had always protected and sheltered their residents from the outside realities of the violent drug war that has raged on around them they too now have now become targets of extortion by street gangs acting as the foot soldiers for the warring narco organizations.

These numerous private gated communities were specifically designed and constructed with families and security in mind and often have a center focal point that includes a safe playground for the resident children, 24-hour guards and security entrances which only allow residents and resident vehicles that have special permits access to the community, all visitors must be accompanied by a resident.

Unfortunately the safety and tranquility that these small private residential communities once enjoyed have recently and increasingly come under attack by armed gangs that overpower the small security stations and force their way into these communities where once inside they begin giving ultimatums of paying what is commonly referred to as a “Multa” which translates to mean “a fine” “Or payment”

One resident who for security reasons who wishes not to be identified described what happened recently happened to him.

“I was approached and simply told I had to pay $1,000.00 pesos per week (The equivalent of $120.00 US Dollars) or else. All of our neighbors were told the same thing and these criminals are very organized, writing down which homes pay and which homes that do not, they already have our phone numbers and know where our children go to school”

It was real clear to this resident that the “or else” meant he would be killed and when asked what he planned to do he simply said he felt it was getting time to leave the city he grew up in but they would have to do it unannounced and at night time as if you are caught leaving which is considered the same as refusing to pay you are either beaten or killed.

After enduring the last three ever increasing years of violence within Juarez this long time resident indicated that things have escalated to a point to where it’s now clear for residents there that the Narcos are in total control of the entire city and funding their operation with these “multa’s” which carry the death penalty if not paid.

The sadness and desperation in this man’s voice was evident as he had explained how he had worked his way up out of poverty to give his family a nice home and a simple lifestyle and that dream and hard work has now been shattered. His home has lost most of its original value and coupled with the mass exodus of people leaving the city of Juarez he isn’t sure he will be able to sell it to have the money he needs to move.

More than 30,000 Mexicans have been killed since late 2007 in drug-related violence, and 2010 is already bloodiest year on record. Ciudad Juarez alone drug violence has claimed over 4,000 lives in the last two years, giving the city one of the highest murder rates in the world.

SHTF411 Writer: Von Helman

Von Helman


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  1. Additonal note — Von Helman