UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 122308
23-12-2008 16:18

Dialect - Cider With Rosie, The Last Days Of Our Village
23-12-2008 13:43

El Caganer. Catalonia's Fecal Christmas Festivities
23-12-2008 12:12
Some of the world's most curious Christmas traditions can be found in Catalonia, where the idea of holiday cheer seems to involve some of life's more basic bodily functions.Palestine Today 122208
22-12-2008 15:39

SOCPA 2005 - Bollocks As Usual...
21-12-2008 10:25
I have been refused authorisation of my "Family 4 Life" SOCPA 2005 Notification (September 11, 2008) of my human rights regarding HRA 1998 and have lodged (Dec.16/2008) N244 - an urgent appeal for an immediate oral hearing application to the Royal High Courts of Justice as a judicial review CO-12068/2008 to order the Commissioner to authorise... what an absolute crock of shit!Coroner: Pauline took her own life
19-12-2008 21:02

Steve Gough sentenced to a year in jail for breach of the peace, not dressed.
19-12-2008 13:54
Clothes+Brands=Good CapitalismClothes+Fashion=Trendy
Black Clothes+Black Face Mask+Body=Black Block
If no (Clothes)+Body=Naked
Naked+Private=In The Bathroom
and Naked+Public=Offensive
where does (dead animal skin)+Body fit in?
Palestine today 121808
18-12-2008 16:33

Palestine Today 121708
17-12-2008 16:15

Unity Care & Sandwell Social Services
17-12-2008 13:34
It is one thing for Sandwell Social Services to raise a letter and post it on the internet, but a whole other ball game to have the Courage of your Convictions to stop Rackmanism and Profitering happening in your area where it is your responsibility.ARK (Absolute Return for Kids), EIM Group and Subprime Mortgages
16-12-2008 20:24
Arpad Busson, chairman of 'charity' ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) is also chairman of EIM Group; involved in the Subprime Mortgage disaster which stripped so many people of their homes. He now sponsors Academy Schools in London to help the 'disadvantaged'.Palestine Today 121608
16-12-2008 16:03

Hands UP for a Nuclear Dump?
16-12-2008 15:35

ICTR Defence Lawyer indicts Canada re: Rwanda/DRC
16-12-2008 14:46
The lead Defence lawyer at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has revealed Canada's role in Rwanda/DRC. He has also some explosive allegations concerning two participants regarded by Canadians as "heroes": Romeo Dallaire, now a senator and Louise Arbour who now works for a George Soros think tank. The dramatic revelations come in a letter to Canada's Dominion paper online.Mechanics of Media Lies, Tom Griffin from Spinwatch plus why the rich must pay
16-12-2008 01:27

Palestine Today 121508
15-12-2008 17:31

This Week in Palestine, Week 50
15-12-2008 11:10

American renounces citizenship, becomes stateless person
12-12-2008 09:32
BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 10 December 2008 – Citing US war, human rights abuses, rapacious state capitalism and hypocrisy, Bratislava resident Michael Gogulski announced today that he has renounced his United States citizenship and become a stateless person as a means of “political divorce” interview about Journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal
12-12-2008 03:27