UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 03 31 2011
31-03-2011 19:39

Palestine Today 03 30 2011
30-03-2011 17:09

Media disinformation: The protest movement in Syria
29-03-2011 22:54

Spot the difference.
Palestine Today 03 29 2011
29-03-2011 16:05

Palestine Today 03 28 2011
28-03-2011 14:49

The Protest, The Police & The Press
27-03-2011 18:07
The media have once again jumped all over themselves to attack protesters and violence. As ever they miss the point and refuse to understand the reasons behind political violence.
Libya: The objective of "humanitarian bombing" is death and destruction
27-03-2011 11:34

Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage".
Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians.
Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
Brutal Human Rights Violations Bahrain
25-03-2011 14:03

MET officer brags on facebook
24-03-2011 18:22

"Hope it gets cold down there tonight and we keep them penned in for another 6 hours!"
The words of MacDara Conneely, an officer with the Metropolitan Police. The following transcript was taken from a facebook dialogue involving Conneely back in November 2010, during the student protests. Please spread.
Palestine Today 03 24 2011
24-03-2011 16:53

Palestine Today 03 23 2011
23-03-2011 16:56

DIY Research Contest 2011
22-03-2011 18:25
Corporate Watch is on the look out for DIY researchers close on the heels of destructive corporations: Here's your opportunity to submit your work into a brand new DIY research competition and win publication on the Corporate Watch website and/or magazine, and a free book of your choice from Freedom bookshop. There's everything to play for!Palestine Today 03 22 2011
22-03-2011 16:01

Outlawed, taking a picture!
21-03-2011 20:29
Sec. 9.1(a)(2) makes it a crime to “Possess or distribute a record which produces an image or sound occurring at the animal facility” which was taken without permission of the owner.Sec. 14.1.b makes it a crime to “Possess or distribute a record which produces an image or sound occurring at the crop operation which was” taken without permission of the owner. -from Iowa House Bill HF589, passed March 17, 2011
Palestine Today 03 21 2011
21-03-2011 16:45

The wars on Iraq and Libya: Front pages from 2003 and 2011
21-03-2011 14:04

Obama to Qaddafi: Comply with UN resolution or face military action
19-03-2011 21:24

A coalition of as many as 25 U.S., Canadian, and Italian vessels, including the USS Mount Whitney command vessel, led an attack that included U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles and aerial jamming, according to a Pentagon official"
Are radical, collective, independent media projects still possible?
18-03-2011 20:30
The following piece about the present and future of independent media projects was included in the latest issue of the Corporate Watch Magazine, which has just been released, on so-called free newspapers. And since it concerns Indymedia more than any other project, we thought it should be reposted here as well, with the hope that it would contribute to a much-needed debate among IMC UK volunteers and users about the issues raised.This Week in Palestine week 11 2011
18-03-2011 17:21