Steal Something from Work Day - Redefining April 15th
visionOntv | 12.04.2010 21:00 | Culture | Free Spaces | Other Press | World
Submedia's controversial film on stealing from work. Many of us do it, but can it be justified? This film argues that as the company is exploiting you.......
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Its been 5 years since subMedia released the short Why I love shoplifting from Big Corporations. A few months ago the folks who penned the text from which the film was inspired, asked us to create a video for their newest campaign: Steal Something from Work Day
We graciously accepted and with the help from Iconoclast Media, we rocked out this little promo. Now dont get caught watching this at work!
We graciously accepted and with the help from Iconoclast Media, we rocked out this little promo. Now dont get caught watching this at work!
