UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Obama: All the evidence indicates that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons
03-04-2010 18:24

Centre MK: Cruel Petting Zoo
01-04-2010 16:53
The Grand Arcade Easter Farm cancelled. Now its Centre MK!Victory: Grand Arcade Cancels Cruel 'Easter Farm'
01-04-2010 00:32
The Grand Arcade agrees to drop cruel animal show after email/phone campaign!Climategate Scientists Cleared
31-03-2010 21:34
Climategate' Investigation Clears UK Scientists Of Most Serious Claims
"The House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee said that they'd seen no evidence to support charges that the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit or its director, Phil Jones, had tampered with data or perverted the peer review to exaggerate the threat of global warming – two of the most serious criticisms levied against the climatologist and his colleagues."
Grand Arcade To Host Cruel Live Animal Show!
29-03-2010 13:11
The consumerist, chain-store temple that is the Grand Arcade is now using animal cruelty to drum up trade!Miliband is lying about Iran's nuclear program
28-03-2010 19:33

NATO Chief: Weapons of Mass Destruction threat is real and growing
28-03-2010 14:37

Seven years later, the head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) points the finger at the next target by declaring that the threat of proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction “has remained largely abstract” until now, but it is “real and growing”.
BSO-NA opposes Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline accord, termed it as “Grand Religio-Co
28-03-2010 04:22
PRESS RELEASEPornography of Suffering
26-03-2010 17:46

News from Greece-Fascist soldiers singing racist chants
26-03-2010 15:30
Fascist soldiers from the Special Forces together with police officers are singing racist chants during the day of National Parade 25 of March.When Facts and Propaganda Collide - The BBC and Israel
23-03-2010 15:19
When a Thai kibbutz worker was killed in Israel by a rocket launched from Gaza last week, BBC News online gave the incident headline coverage flagged up on its home page. (BBC news online, ‘Rocket fire from Gaza kills man in southern Israel’, 23:42 GMT, Thursday, 18 March 2010)
By contrast, the killing of two Palestinian teenagers, Mohammad Qadus and Osaid Qadus, by Israeli soldiers on Saturday was buried at the end of a short news report on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's Middle East visit. Even worse, the BBC’s footnote simply echoed Israeli propaganda that “no live bullets were fired, only tear gas and rubber bullets”, despite ample evidence to the contrary. (BBC news online, ‘UN chief says Gaza suffering under Israeli blockade’, 11:26 GMT, Sunday, 21 March 2010)
Baltic region anarchist newspaper Bez Granits - 3rd issue is out
21-03-2010 22:37
In early March 2010, 3rd issue of the international anarchist newspaper Bez Granits had been published. While the size and publishing schedule remained stable, the paper expanded its geographical coverage.The battle of Bolton and the media
20-03-2010 21:42
Anti-fascist protesters emerged victorious on Saturday after holding Bolton’s central Victoria Square against the racists from the English Defence League.
But mainstream national media reports are presenting it as a contest between two violent groups – and blaming the anti-fascists for the violence.
Anti-fascists faced brutality from police with dogs and on horseback. There were over 60 arrests – 55 Unite Against Fascism and 9 EDL, according to Sky news – including UAF leader Weyman Bennett “on suspicion of conspiracy to commit violent disorder”. The police commander made disgraceful allegations about the protesters.
Brookside DVD Campaign
20-03-2010 13:03

Israeli army chief visits Turkey to hold talks on Iran’s nuclear program
19-03-2010 14:24

Amply documented, Israel and Turkey are partners in the planned US aerial attacks on Iran, which have been in an advanced state of readiness since mid-2005.
From Trickle to Torrent
18-03-2010 16:56

The War on Education
18-03-2010 13:10

Néjàd vu, all over again: The media, 'pretext', context & 9/11
17-03-2010 16:02

According to the immediate and rabid response of virtually every Western news network around, this was simply the latest insane claim of the same raving madman who has previously threatened to wipe a foreign state off the map and denied the Holocaust.
An anarchist book fair for Sheffield
14-03-2010 13:06

University Bosses admit Zionist links
13-03-2010 12:24
Universities UK admit links to Board of Deputies