Complain to BBC over misreporting of attendance at Traf.Sq anti-Thatcher party
Bullshit-Detector | 15.04.2013 08:32 | Other Press
On the BBC News broadcast at 10pm on BBC1 on the evening of Saturday 13th April 2013, the news report about the demonstration in Trafalgar Square against Baroness Thatcher's legacy misreported the number of people who were in attendance at the demonstration, stating that only a few hundred people were present. This was a mistake of such glaring misrepresention that it reeks of an apparant agenda to play down the significance of the level of attendance at the event, which was in actual fact in the region of between 2-3000 people. It suggests a politically biased agenda to downplay the level of feeling against Lady Thatcher and her legacy by the BBC.
Write in to the BBC on their online Complaints form. The more the better! Don't let them get away with it!
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Write in to the BBC on their online Complaints form. The more the better! Don't let them get away with it!
Complain at:

When you activate your online Complaint, here are the key details about the News report on BBC-1 which you need to be aware of and have to state in the online questionnaire in order to proceed with the complaint:
Which service is your complaint about? Answer: Television
Which TV channel is your complaint about? Answer: BBC1
When was it broadcast? Answer: 13/04/2013
What time of day did the issue happen? Answer: 22hrs 00mins
Here is a draft complaint which has already been submitted (within the 1500 character limit):
On the BBC News broadcast at 10pm on BBC1 on the evening of Saturday 13th April 2013, the news report about the demonstration in Trafalgar Square against Baroness Thatcher's legacy misreported the number of people who were in attendance at the demonstration, stating that only a few hundred people were present. This was a mistake of such glaring misrepresention that it reeks of an apparant agenda to play down the significance of the level of attendance at the event, which was in actual fact in the region of between 2-3000 people, as now confirmed by the BBC correspondent Tom Symonds, who was at the protest, as published in the BBC's report online - Ref:
It suggests a politically biased agenda to downplay the level of feeling against Lady Thatcher and her legacy by the BBC. Since substantially fewer people will be made aware of this clarification of actual numbers in attendance at Trafalgar Square on Saturday evening than would have watched the BBC News broadcast on Saturday evening on BBC1, clearly the majority of people who watched the news on Saturday evening will be unaware that misreporting has taken place irrespective of the online clarification. Of course, only a full clarification on a BBC News television broadcast would fully ameliorate the large misperception of the scale and significance of Saturday's gathering which the BBC has either willingly or mistakingly engendered in their original reporting.
Which service is your complaint about? Answer: Television
Which TV channel is your complaint about? Answer: BBC1
When was it broadcast? Answer: 13/04/2013
What time of day did the issue happen? Answer: 22hrs 00mins
Here is a draft complaint which has already been submitted (within the 1500 character limit):
On the BBC News broadcast at 10pm on BBC1 on the evening of Saturday 13th April 2013, the news report about the demonstration in Trafalgar Square against Baroness Thatcher's legacy misreported the number of people who were in attendance at the demonstration, stating that only a few hundred people were present. This was a mistake of such glaring misrepresention that it reeks of an apparant agenda to play down the significance of the level of attendance at the event, which was in actual fact in the region of between 2-3000 people, as now confirmed by the BBC correspondent Tom Symonds, who was at the protest, as published in the BBC's report online - Ref:

It suggests a politically biased agenda to downplay the level of feeling against Lady Thatcher and her legacy by the BBC. Since substantially fewer people will be made aware of this clarification of actual numbers in attendance at Trafalgar Square on Saturday evening than would have watched the BBC News broadcast on Saturday evening on BBC1, clearly the majority of people who watched the news on Saturday evening will be unaware that misreporting has taken place irrespective of the online clarification. Of course, only a full clarification on a BBC News television broadcast would fully ameliorate the large misperception of the scale and significance of Saturday's gathering which the BBC has either willingly or mistakingly engendered in their original reporting.
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