UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Freedom Press Launch of Kropotkin's Mutual Aid
03-03-2009 01:50
Freedom Press are holding a launch party to mark the publication of their new edition of Peter Kropotkin's classic Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution.Climate Crimes Delayed
02-03-2009 14:11
The newspapers are today reporting that the government decision on the whether a new coal fired power station can be built at Kingsnorth has been put off until autumn at the earliest. This follows the (yet to be confirmed) rumors that the Stansted airport expansion is being abandoned for at least two years. With the COP15 climate summit taking place in Copenhagen at the end of the year, 2009 is shaping up to be a very interesting year for struggles against climate change.Bash a Billionaire, Tuesday 7pm, Park Lane
01-03-2009 11:30
"On Tuesday night, 100 billionaires will gather at London's sumptuous Dorchester hotel, to watch Mr Ted Turner in conversation with Ms Carol Vorderman. Ms Joss Stone will sing, and some model or other will be in attendance."Summer of Love '09
28-02-2009 22:44
You are invited to a peaceful revolution - bring flowers!Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Act Now - Reclaim journalism re:Sri Lanka
27-02-2009 03:59
Vithyatharan, the latest casualty of the killing of journalism seems saved momentarily as the international attention is focussed on his violent abduction. The government and police seem to have produced him inside the system in a nondescript Colombo police station but for how long?As the UK parliament is being forced to act due to the mounting pressures of UK Tamils and other activists its inertia due to recent 'War on Terror and Truth' needs a push from us all. Act Now.
¡Dibujadme un cordero!. Carta de Principito a lasVisitadoras de Vargas Llosa
26-02-2009 11:44
Señoras; estoy seguro que aceptarán participar en el montaje de la escenificación de las actualidades de Francia y de España de esta última semana de febrero que representaríamos, cojumtamente, en el rancho de los Hastings en Santiago del Lestero. He extraído el material del texto que nos permitirá escribir el libreto, de las aperturas de portada de los medios más representativos de las opiniones de Francia y de España, del 25 de enero de 2009. He encontrado en la lectura de estos textos unas escenas que corresponden a mi perfil y también he encontrado textos que solamente ustedes pudieran tratar con potencial performanza. He adoptado el modelo “adulto”, políticamente correcto con la esperanza de que en la escenografía cada uno de nosotros juegue el papel que le correspondePolice spending through the roof but little protection against crime
26-02-2009 07:56
Police today were getting a proper slagging off in the media this morning after the think tank 'Reform' published a damning report on policing in this country. The report, A New Force, found the current 43 forces operate as inefficient and expensive fiefdoms run by chief constables who are only accountable to weak police authorities. Meanwhile the UK taxpayer cough up more for policing than any other leading country yet the police fail to protect them from either serious or local crime. Sadly no media report I saw makes the connection between the inefficiency of the police on tackling crime and their increasing focus on politic policing.Mass Surveillance
25-02-2009 17:09
In July 2001 the European Parliament compiled a report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI). The report concluded that a global system for intercepting communications exists and that what is important, is that its purpose is to intercept private and commercial communications, and not military communications.Watching Them Watching Us
24-02-2009 11:18

UN's Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) clarifies misleading media reports on Iran
22-02-2009 21:55

In response to questions by Dr. Kaveh Afrasiabi, the IAEA spokesperson, Melissa Fleming, has issued a statement clarifying the IAEA's position regarding the misleading articles in the US and European press concerning Iran's production of low-enriched uranium.
Academic politics and overcoming zioism
22-02-2009 02:26
Professor Joel Kovel—an outspoken critic of Israel and author of the book Overcoming Zionism—has been dismissed from his position as the Alger Hiss Chair in Social Studies at Bard College in New York state.Climate Change is too important to be left to the polititians
21-02-2009 18:41
As the same tired responses and apparently ludicrous solutions keep on being advocated for climate change, I keep thinking, 'I'm just an amateur, what do I know? It may look wrong to me, but surely there's something those in power know that I don't'. I mean, they wouldn't carry on with these schemes and saying these untrue things otherwise, right? If I've got such a point in fields like medicine and architecture, whenever I dig deep I tend to find that yes, there is indeed some serious thing I was unaware of that disabuses me of my opinion.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Nuked By Friend And Foe
21-02-2009 16:18
An unsentimental appraisal of our energy choices doesn’t boost your popularity. One of my favourite environmental writers, my friend Merrick Godhaven, is taking shots at me and Mark Lynas -
A new primary curriculum
21-02-2009 14:16
The Independent Primary review published its review of the curriculum in English primary schools today. It confirms what much previous research in primary schools – including from the schools inspectorate Ofsted – has shown: that a strong focus on testing ‘the basics’ of reading, writing and maths has led to a narrowing of the curriculum as experienced by primary pupils in many schools, particularly in the last couple of years of primary school. While classroom time spent on English and Maths steadily increased from 1996 to 2004, time spent on other subjects like history, geography, art and personal, social and health education dropped by as much as 20 per cent. And styles of learning in year 6 have become more like learning in the first few years of secondary school – quite the reverse of what should be happening given that we know these have always been an important factor in switching some young people off their learning once they have made the transition from primary to secondary school.The biggest online portal in Azerbaijan- was shut down today
20-02-2009 22:49
Today, Azerbaijan saw yet again, how far the government can go in its quest for achieving full power over freedom of speech in this country."The site was closed for reconstruction work and will resume its work in a week" stated Anar Mammedxanov, a parliament member in his official statement on the closer of one of hte biggest news portals in Azerbaijan in Russuan and English languages- (
20-02-2009 22:44
Update from St Andrews OccupationIs it G20 or G22?
20-02-2009 20:17
This is a real puzzle. Gordon Brown has just sent out his invite list for the G20, which, once Britain is included, runs to 22 countries. I think it is because Spain and the Netherlands have been invited this time. Even so, you have to wonder why it is still called the G20. So far the UK bumpf has promoted it as the “London Summit”, which may be a cover for the arithmetic issues. It would be easy enough to rename it the G22 — after all we there have been G22 and even G33 meetings in the past. But G22 does sound a bit like a fighter plane. And if you put G22 into google, it comes up with this rather scary looking gun. Probably best to leave things as they are. Long live the 22 members of the G20.BBC Covers Peak Oil: A Farm for the Future
20-02-2009 18:14

Fri 20 Feb 2009, 20:00 on BBC Two, repeated Sun 22 Feb, 17:00 on BBC Two (and also available on iPlayer).
Turbulence magazine starts to Twitter
20-02-2009 14:51
As of today, Turbulence will be using the Twitter micro-blogging tool to announce new publications, translations, the republication of articles, our involvement in various events, and other bits and pieces.Who's Telling the Truth About Iran's Nuclear Program?
19-02-2009 11:06
Since February 2003, Iran's nuclear program has undergone what the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) itself admits to be the most intrusive inspection in its entire history. After thousands of hours of inspections by some of the most experienced IAEA experts, the Agency has verified time and again that (1) there is no evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iran, and (2) all the declared nuclear materials have been accounted for; there has been no diversion of such materials to non-peaceful purposes.